1,951 replies, Replies 771 to 780

i want to get off the horse.

Yorick wrote:

Slash wrote:
Wouldn't it just be easier to send a friends request to Lano?
What's the contest about?

leading the help

....Uhh, okay. Sorta thought Rockster was in the lead, considering how we're all here...?

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i want to get off the horse.

Wouldn't it just be easier to send a friends request to Lano?
What's the contest about?

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So I watched all the terminator movies after terminator 2 and...

BigWilly! wrote:
Sarah Connor is just plain badass and not having her in the sequels after T2 was plain dumbass.

Linda Hamilton, who plays Sarah Conner, just so happened to be married to James Cameron....and later divorced there-from.
Unless you're in the ****porn industry, it's hard to get into a film when the director is becoming your ex....
Seems they kissed and made up after all these years.

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So I watched all the terminator movies after terminator 2 and...

Well, it's good to see they've brought back Linda Hamilton.
Like Arnold, she got old.

Also, the only reason you didn't see her in many of the Terminator movies is because different actors roll with different directors (there are a few exceptions).

It seems James Cameron is back in the Director's Chair - of course, he directed the first Terminator movie (and on case you weren't aware he also wrote and directed "Aliens").

"The Latino Chick"

Most of the actors that played in "Aliens" also could be found in the Terminator movies.

But, James Cameron did not direct all of the Terminator movies - hence - this is why we did not see Linda Hamelton after the second T-movie (not to mention that Hollywood didn't really care for her).

But, she has endured and seeing her in a T-movie is totally classic and pays homage to the retro days of the 80's.

I'm excited!

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Who here plays video games?

I'm all about retro-games.

Duke Nuk'em Total Meltdown.
Duke Nuk'em Time To Kill.
Vigilante 8 (the first one only)
Twisted Metal
Croc 1 & 2
Need For Speed
Grand Turismo

(I'll add more as I remember)

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suP PEoplE!

Yeah...the good 'ol days of the bass gun. Rock you like a hurricane.


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So I'm scared I hurt a snake...

The snake is fine.
You did well.
Another day awaits.

Snakes are strong and heal well. I don't think you hurt it with the "prongy" hand tool.

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The funeral singer.


They need a "Pee-My-Pants-Laughing," emoji!

Very funny!

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Getting to know HelpQA family..

Inception date; late 60's.
40 years in Alaska. Sold everything, and living out of my truck in Texas since late October.

Health stabbed by COPD.
Heart stabbed by woman who claimed to love me.
Stabbed by another who claimed was my friend.
Stabbed again by a "brother."
Stabbed some more by long term "friends" apparently just for the hell of it.

Building my own house by hand.
Will be dead about the time I move in.

Boots on.

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Iโ€™m having a sleepless night.

You might have the ability to do this all by yourself(which means you do all the work because it's so easy, right???)

But, he might be in a position as a developer to actually sell the app in a quantifiable way (you would know better than I).

As Yorick said in the end;

good business is letting others do their fair share of the work.

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