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So I watched all the terminator movies after terminator 2 and...


I suppose to boil it down - Emilia IS prettier than Linda even if you compare them evenly according to age. Emilia even made a great Sarah Conner....but only to a point.
I wasn't as convinced about her badassery as I was when it came to Linda. Also, Linda has a better narrative than Emilia - she has a Smokey voice like Lauren Bacall or Bette Davis.
And finally....I'm tired of great American movies whose characters have been pimped out to UK actors and actresses.... What? As if we don't have enough of our own actors to fill the role? I'm also tired of seeing the character of American heros becoming "world friendly" in a politically correct environment.

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A man wakes up and looks at his clock.

Aria wrote:
I read the title of this post very differently. Somehow, my mind removed the letter "L" from "clock".

Yeah. That changes things for this poor guy. He goes from dreaming it was seven then back to four when he wakes up - what a messed up c(oc!k

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Pull yourself together, Lano! Are you dragon or are you man? Haha! (Just kidding).

Hang in there.

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It's the nights that mostly got me. Hang in there - let the meds do their job.

There is this stuff called Azo that I plan on taking after the procedure to help with that. I think it's supposed to numb the urinary tract.

After the procedure?
I recommended the Olive Oil as a preliminary to your procedure.... Bottom line - you're still gonna pi$$ them stones out....and just because they're small isn't going to mean they won't hurt as they continue to work their way out.
The olive oil will saturate the stones in your kidneys and will lubricate the interior walls of your urinary tract....
Just saying.....
Meanwhile, the name of the game is to survive the ride.

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C-store point of sale systems are equivalent to the Federation Starfleet virus that created Hugh.

I completely agree.

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- the lady described it as being punched in the kidney by mike tyson 1000 times.

Really? Wait til they dig in with their teeth like Tyson did to Holem's ear!
You have my regards either way. All you can do is grin and bear it until the ride is over. Meanwhile...."Olive Oil." A tablespoon every 4 to 6 hours. That's just my suggestion to help ya out.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our fearless leader @Rockster160 !

Happy birthday, young man!

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So, a litotripsy on Wednesday.


When I think of this procedure, I think of the first 30 seconds of the following -


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I would recommend that you pass them naturally if you can.

The only time they suggest surgery is if they're too big to pass.

I think there are times when they let the patient choose (but, there's no sense in that considering emotions driven with pain).

Kidneys will heal but there's no sense in having them un-necessarily opened.

Busted in smaller pieces by using sound....?

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I once had this motorcycle - it was a Honda Rebel 350 street bike.
Anyway, there was a specific summer where I was vehicle poor and the only thing I had was this motorcycle to get back and forth to work on. I would ride this bike 100 miles round trip every day until I got the money to fix my truck.
The bike had a nice seat - meant to fit a fata$$ such as mine but the front on the bike was light and I had to beard down on the handle bars while going around high-speed curves.
Day in and day out, every day. And then it happened. The lower back aches started to creep in and got worse during the nights.
Ever hear a grown man cry in the middle of the night?
Went to the doctor. Apparently, the vibration from riding the bike had loosened several kidney stones and they began to travel.
I was lucky (or so I was told) that the stones were small enough for me to pass them through.
I didn't know much about such things, but I got enough of the drift to know that meant I was gonna shoot'em outta my pi$$hole.
Yeah. It hurts.

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