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I printed stuff out and the black ink wasn’t very clear.

When looking on the printer it said black ink was full. When pressing print on iPad it said ink is low. So I just changed ink and printed and it printed better this time. But iPad said that printer low on ink again. Even though they have both been changed.

Why does it say this when it’s new? I rely on my printer a lot and go through a lot of cartridges and don’t want to waste money throwing away ones that still have ink in them.

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I don't know. I have an old hp deskjet. It's terrible. I don't trust it. the laserjet at work NEVER breaks and the ink cartridges seem to last forever. I feel like it's a better investment.

the deskjet costs 25 bucks and each cartridge is 40 bucks, black, plus color. and if you're constantly printing the cartidges might last you a month a piece. It's a trap!

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I wish people really understood the power we have as a collective....

You walk into a store and buy a top-chart printer for literally a song and dance, but -

- but the cost of ink....

Look....I like capitalism, I really do, but there is a point a profit enters a realm of unaccepted greed -

- and the cost of printer ink has ALWAYS been inexcusable.

These corporations have a tough skin when it comes to complaining - I mean, the squeaky mouse gets the cheese, right? Wrong. They hire hotline pacifiers to calm you down by draining your adrenal energy through a filter of redirection.
It'll be sometime before you call, if ever, again.
So, bitching doesn't work.
But, boycotting does.
The trouble with boycotting is, most people are so pathetically pathetic, they can't live without anything for longer than five minutes. And to have that sweet, soothing calming feeling seems to be a price anyone is willing to pay - who cares that it doesn't last, we'll just cross that bridge on the next triggering.
So....because of this stunted mentality, the corporations win and we lose (not to them but ourselves). And instead of paying $4.75 for ink, we pay $50 and in some cases even higher.
In this world, as long as the corporations have the power, we are looked upon as "consumers."
Only when the tables turn will we ever be respected as "customers."

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(16 hours after post)
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I get mixed up with terms like capitalism, Democrats n stuff like that.

I don't hear those terms used often over here.

Over here we have labour, conservatives, lib Dems ect.

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I didn't buy my printer. I got it for Xmas. I'm a bit confused x

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It does feel like a rip off but is there any way around this without changing printers?

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It does have have a sticker on it about getting money off ink. But no one helped me to get it and I had printer a few years now so I dunno if it would still work.

I think mam said she got cheaper ink cos the hp ink really expensive. But maybe that's got something to do with it?

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I am not familiar with iPad. What I would try though is to uninstall the printer from your iPad and then reinstall. See if that clears up the communication parameters. Also, if you are only printing text you can choose to print just black & white.

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Cartridges at rated for a certain amount of pages. I’ve used a few printers and find replacing cartridges with cheaper alternatives work just as well or better. One can get more bang for the buck and far more pages for lesser cost.

I got sick of ink jets though. Used them as I needed color and color laser was way too expensive then. Bought a laser printer instead and ran through hundreds of pages without changing the cartridge. I’ve changed it once, and got a different brand.

I was printing text, but I’m high volume so I could not defend the cost of using an inkjet. I saved on buying a laser printer compared to buying cartridges.

They also scam on the cartridges and many of them can be hacked or refilled to allow more pages. There are tutorials on YouTube on this.

Having many people in the world is handy as many encounter the same problems. Thus one can find solutions.

I paid less than $50 for my two laser printers. I had to get another one as I could not pick up the one I had because of distance. It was cheaper to buy new than the fuel to collect.

A lot of tech is dirt cheap. Or can be found barely used second hand for a fraction or even for free.
Cartridges of course is a different story so shopping around and planning ahead is important. I always kept a spare set when running ink jets. With the laser I got notified when I had 100 pages or so left, so plenty of time to find replacement.

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This has nothing to do with this post. I just find it a mere coincidence that all these years later we are still talking printers.

 Baby Kitty

I have just got new ink for my printer.

The print cartiage is no. 1 all in one colour. At the side of the box it says lexmark printers x2300 series, x2450, x2470, x3450, x3470 and z730 series. my printer is 2400 series. Would this ink cartiage work on my printer?

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dont these cheap cartridges have like a reset button to use up the remaining ink?

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It's a manual reset. Remove it from the printer and threaten its life with a hammer or baseball bat.

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(4 days after post)
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soco wrote:
It's a manual reset. Remove it from the printer and threaten its life with a hammer or baseball bat.


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