1,951 replies, Replies 871 to 880

Had a double blow out, very happy yeast :-)

TheClue wrote:
They are still good it just means that I have a little mess to clean up and the house smelling like a keg party for a few days. :-)


Would this be wine or beer?

TheClue wrote:
Do you like the powerball rug? the store was going to get rid of it so I asked if I could have it

I'm not sure what Powerball Rug is. When it comes to alcohol, I,m generally....well....clueless.

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Had a double blow out, very happy yeast :-)

That's a bummer.
Does this mean these two batches are no good?

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Aaah, Valentine..!

soco wrote:
I think we should all be invited -

- I'm excited and will be waiting with baited breath. Please keep us up to date as things progress, Verge! Who's the fortunate person?

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Hired Gun

Thank you for sharing, addicted not Ralph name, thank you - (screaming monkey sounds).

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if resource was suddenly abundantly free with the allowable knowledge of technology we possess.

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
It seems like our progression is kinda of in a gridlock...nothing's really advancing futher, remarkably, in a way the 20th century did.

Correct. As a fact, we've went backwards since the late 80's.
It's all by design. Only the elite - the rich and powerful - have all the good toys. Meanwhile, those few things we have are becoming highly regulated or taken away, altogether.
It's about controlling the masses.

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If you had $26M would you invest in a moderately risky venture for an expected 5% return over 5 years?

I would invest it into more sure ventures at a lower rate over a longer period of time.

If you think about it, 5 years is a lukewarm zone for returns - it's neither short nor is it long.

Also, when you hear about astounding returns on short-term investment deals, it's generally too good to be true.

There is no such thing as getting rich overnight.

He who is armed with the best information is usually the most successful.

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if resource was suddenly abundantly free with the allowable knowledge of technology we possess.

Dreams would come true and there really wouldn't be anything mankind couldn't accomplish.

But, first, all evil would have to be put away....and I don't see that happening anytime soon.

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Have you ever seen a ghost/something supernatural?

Anonymous wrote:
life cannot exist without brain, heart and other organs neither can intelligence

You would have to know everything in the known universe (and unknown) in order to say that. If this were the case, that would make you god, and like so many, I don't think you're qualified.
Just sayin'......
It takes a lot of looking away to maintain a nihilistic point of view - and narcissism.
Having a religion of my own, I don't necessarily agree with the dogma of too many others - BUT - I can give credit where credit is due; the essential theme that there is a God, creator or greater being....
About 97% of the world feels the sense of an afterlife or higher power.
I never found an atheist who didn't feel like the rules didn't apply to them. That somehow, they were an exception to everything.
For being so exceptional, they usually die as miserably as they live.

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Have you ever seen a ghost/something supernatural?

Intelligence is a framework. You didn't have it before you existed. Now that you're here, you have it. It's speculation to assume it will be gone when the physical construct is gone.
You're entitled to your beliefs - I just think you should prepare yourself to expect more when your time comes.

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Have you ever seen a ghost/something supernatural?

Anonymous wrote:
what does existence have to do with existence after death? Nothing.

Nothing? - but that's the point - nothing. Some people (as you) look at death as a state of nonexistence. The question remains, where were you before you lived? How did you get here?

Anonymous wrote:
I'd explain existence through evolution and Big Bang theory not gods creating stuff

Emmm - okay- then if evolution and "the big bang" is responsable for your existance, then what makes you think it (evolution) doesn't have more in store for you beyond the physical realm?

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