1,951 replies, Replies 861 to 870

does the craigslist reply button work for you or do you get an error when you push it

Seems to work for me.
I think there was one time (a long time ago) that it didn't, but it was only temporary.

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What is the difference between a polyphon and a record player?

Think of polyphonic sound as you would a music box. It can make more than one sound but it has limitations.

A record and a player are entirily different animals.

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how did i say it twice

Hearing loss sucks, man.

I'm not going to pretend I know what you're going through, BUT I have dealt with others as respectively as I can when it comes to their lack of hearing.
It's not like - "Hey Frank, zip up your gaddamm fly, you're drafting the left lane!" (for everyone in the bar to hear).... Even though Frank is 5 sheets to the wind, 67-years-old with a blown kidney, a bladder the size of a tea bag and has already pissed himself - he don't care.... He can't hear. And that really sucks.

Anyway, on a more serious note - ๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸŽถ, I get what you're saying. And the reaction of others really suck too.
I just happen to have an allergy to every bean and pea there is with the exception of two varieties. If I want to die, I'll just eat a few spoonful of beans or peas...
People smile at me with a certain look when I tell them that and it makes me want to punch their soul into the Shadow Realm. "Oh yeah, evarbodies 'lergic ta beans, Al!" (hua,hua,hua! Now, let's make a tiring but very predictable fart sound๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ’จ)
Then they try to dis-arm what I've said by re-wording it - "Big Al don't like beans in his chili." ....Ohhh....so now it's a matter of 'taste' . One day I wound up in the hospital because the daycare attendant thought it would be cute to trick me into eating her can of Beanie Weenies.... She thought I was a "fussy eater" and decided I didn't know what I was talking about. Well, physical and legal drama ensued and now someone in the world completely understands the difference between not liking something and ending up on temporary life support getting jacked full of antihistamines because of a bad reaction.
I'm old now. And I'm still fighting mentalities that never ******fuckin die.
I bring this up only to acknowledge all the BS you have been through regarding your hearing.
Well...if it gets to be too much, do what I do....kick 'm in the piss-pump!

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how did i say it twice

Sometimes, saying it once is not enough, no... But, did you know that very few people know how to say it twice or three times in the same exact way they said it once.
That's where I come in - I can help you with that; I can literally teach you how to say it as many times as you need and it will always sound like you just said it the first time before.
People are stunned the very first moment they realize this revolutionary technique. Most who discover the meaning of it become insane, shortly after, but that's just me, playing my part when it comes to thinning the heard of pseudo-intellectuals away from the very rare and few geniuses of our world.
So, here's how it it works.
Now you can do it too...

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The Physics of Death (and What Happens to Your Energy When You Die).

Anonymous wrote:
no offense but once someone dies they're gone forever and even if their energy survives its not them its just watts ...

I still dearly miss and mourn some people who died

Sorry, but....we're more than the sum of our parts and that just doesn't go away. Ever.

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My sixteen year old has been asleep for over 40 hours.


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Where has all of my patience gone?

BigWilly! wrote:

BIG.AL.ONE wrote:
Sometimes, I feel like a nut, sometimes I don't.

Peter Paul Almond Joy's got nuts, Peter Paul Mounds don't.

That's right!


Sometimes, I will have patients. I'll hold your hand and take the time to carefully word everything - I'll consider the tenderness of those delicately exposed nerves....
Other times....not so much.

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Where has all of my patience gone?

Sometimes, I feel like a nut, sometimes I don't.

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I can't stand human contact

Have you ever just not interacted with the world for month or two ?
I don't know if its wrong or right. It's just how I feel.

- For a month or two?
Been at it for decades. I'll say it simply; there is nothing wrong with being a recluse.
People are okay, but I have the social tolerance of a porcupine.
However, you do need human interaction and that's what the boyfriend is for - he's good for you.
You're a recluse and you really don't have to explain it. It's just easier to focus on the next steps of attaining your goals. You still have a life to live.

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Had a double blow out, very happy yeast :-)

Its a Pale ale light beer and a remix, fine tuning the recipe and taste for each batch.

Gotcha - I do appreciate a pale ale from time to time especially when microbrewed. The mass producers seem to lose a lot of quality when it comes to bulk (but then maybe it's just me).

The rug that is under the jugs is a powerball lottery rug that I got from a store its just a little fadded but catches messes very well for what i need it for.

- oh! Okay. Yeah, the rugs seem fitting for what you have. As a fact, you'll win blue ribbons sooner than the powerball, but in case you do....haha!

All-in-all the set looks good.

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