1,951 replies, Replies 851 to 860

can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?


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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?


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Seeing that post this morning triggered some memories of my own.

I see. Thank you for answering my question.

I guess we can always look at parent-child bonding as a subject that always needs room for improvement (can there ever be enough).

I will say this though, you did the best you could when it came to telling your mom.
I don't think she was upset with you more than she was upset at something she didn't realize was happening at that time - it would only be natural for her to be shocked and horrified that you didn't feel comfortable enough to confide in her at that time - this is not your fault nor should you feel that you "deserved" what happened just because you didn't say anything.

As I've said, considering all, you did well and turned out with a level head.

Do you think taking legal action against this person will help bring closure in your life?

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Seeing that post this morning triggered some memories of my own.

I admire your clarity and perspective considering what you have gone through. I think you are mentally strong and have good management skills.
The one thing that really throws me for a loop is this -

And deep, deep down inside I sometimes feel like I deserved what happened, no matter how much I remind myself that I was young and definitely did not ask for it.

- As an adult, now, why would you feel that you deserved what happened when you were between 4-7?
What causes you to believe that, now that you're much older?

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how did i say it twice

I try when I can.
(Looks around)
Somedays, I'm doing well enough to know what's going on, (haha!).


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I watched a program the other day about rape.

Let's sort through this according to how your story unfolds.

First, ****rape is never acceptable. You must understand that ****rape is a grievance that brings a two way road. It is bad for the victim and it is bad for anyone being charged of it.

Due to the fact that many people believe that we live in a ****rape culture society, it seems to form a collective mentality of ****rape hysteria and propaganda.

Assuming what you say is true, you must have taken every advantage given you to deter what has happened. They say ****rape is an act of violence, therefore in most cases, it must be met with violence or enough of a physical effort to prevent, when words begin to fail....

Men will always pressure women to have ***sex with them - it is the nature of a man. An honest man will not take you by physical force because even men have their own conscience to live with.

I have read your Post and it seems there are so many things going on that aren't "****rape" associated but, more or less, indicate a relationship in trouble.

I don't think he would have married you just for ***sex. A man can always find ***sex and generally from a woman with more entheusiam than you have expressed. I don't say this to hurt your feelings but to speak the truth - it seems to me he genuinely loves you.

And if you were lonely, there were always other men to choose from - other men you could keep company with and even marry.

Also, according to you, he gave up his virginity to you. That's something that is as equally important to a man as it is to a woman.

Other than his problem with lying, it sounds like he's a nice guy - a bit immature, and in need of a woman who can help keep him in line and disciplined.

Slap him in the face, roll over and go to sleep. If he cries, tell him you'll give him something to cry about.

Honestly, the sooner you two have kids will curb his entheusiam for ***sex.

It's best you find a professional counsellor to help clarify your situation and where you should go from there.

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Why was my post deleted?

Anonymous wrote:
my post won't show up

I believe I see your post, and it has been listed as NSFW (Not Safe For Work).

If your post was of a sensitive nature, it is hidden from "public" view.
Only members of Help can see the a post when they are logged in.
I hope this helps you to understand.
I've been known to be wrong, however - we'll see better when Rockster shows up.

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I have been wanting to start working out and start getting into shape (Round is a shape though!)

More fresh fruits, more fresh vegetables (salads), fish, skinless chicken, very lean meat - (say goodbye to pork).

I don't think you have to resort to "working out," just stay physically active.

Redefining when you eat can also help. Some people eat late in the evening when your body actually starts shutting down. Calories that are standing by for use become stored as fat.

Also, zonking out after eating a heavy meal is not good for you. If you're not going to be doing anything for several hours other than sleep, then don't eat.

Rescheduling your menu could help. Just something to consider.

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Why was my post deleted?

Why was Big Willy's Post deleted!!!
I mean WTF!!! He posted it early one morning and then after he -

- Ohhhhhhhhh...... Problem resolved, Post restored....
Uhmmmm....what Jebus said.
Uhhh,what Soco said....

Okay everybody, good job, it's break-time, fresh coffee in the hall, donuts are stale, pizza coupons are on the corkboard, AA logsheets are stacked by the desk and triple A is towing your car if you're parked in my spot - let's meet back here on the whenevers and have a great day!

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What is the difference between a polyphon and a record player?

DocteurRalph wrote:
A polyphon just had a metal plate that made music by raised bumps in the record or cylinder you put in it.

Thank you, Doc - you said it better than I could.

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