1,951 replies, Replies 841 to 850


DocteurRalph wrote:
Nobody looks at Michelangelo's statue of David and wonders what the artist was trying to say or even what it is. - and it was hand chiseled over 500 years ago.

You're making an absolute statement, speaking on behalf of everyone with the assumption that the source artist is always referenced. Don't misunderstand, I agree with you, but it's still art and therefore subject to arbitrary opinion of the viewer AND times have changed....for example; this country too was chiseled out about 500 years ago and now more than ever, people living in it can't seem to agree with it's most elementary terms even when it's been defined in the legal sense (in black and white) of the things that "are."
Remember back in the good 'ol days when stupidity reserved enough common sense to know when it had its a$$ handed to it. Nowadays you can serve it up on a gold platter and barely get any vital signs.
A world that can't see what "illegal" immigration is but totally gets the meaning of 54 (and growing) "fluid genders."
It's like no two people riding the train are sharing the same experience when it comes to riding the train.
Everyone's their own walking talking island.

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NaCtHoMaN wrote:
care to elaborate on this cuz it makes no sense to.. im pretty sure .. everyone besides yourself.. :D

Sure. I will be glad to elaborate.

The art in a gallery is subject to different criticisms and different views. The more people who view it, the more varying opinions there will be. In general, no one can come to terms and hardly agree on anything.
So, the underlying question is, what's the difference between looking at a work of art (such as a painting), and a photo in a magazine of people standing in a gallery looking at art?

It's strange when the social guards are down. People who look at the magazine would generally agree as to what they're looking at -
- BUT -

As people in life walk and talk about anything, there seems to be nothing that anyone agrees with anymore. No longer do any two people see what was once an ordinary common picture.

No longer can you call a duck for what it is.

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Black holes.

Araz wrote:
Nothing but social obligations and mundane trivial daily work life.

Beautifully said.๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹

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Seeing that post this morning triggered some memories of my own.

Thank you for taking time to share. It can sometimes be easier to move on until you come across someone who has been through the same thing.
As for the trials and tribulations of old wounds, I think you have a very level and mature perspective.
Real justice will be served in the end (if you know what I mean). Every dog gets their day.
If you ever need to hammer things out (or hammer on someone), just let me know - I'm here for the hollering.

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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?

Yeah. No biggie, man. It's good to see everyone had their laugh - that's what counts the most.

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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
al, no pun intended but you sure wasted alot of type when nobody's convinced.. bahahaha

Well, Nact, the question becomes - did you make this Post....or did I make it for you....?๐Ÿ˜‰

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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?


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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?


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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?


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can someone explain to me why are flat earthers growing by the numbers believing something so stupid?

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
still, earth is flat.. yea right

We are all prisoners of the Matrix. There is no spoon and you believe what you are told. Further, your belief is re-enforced by popularity - if everybody believes it, it must be true.
Believe what you want, just as I will do the same. Now it just comes down to respect.

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