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Have you ever seen a ghost/something supernatural?

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ghostsomething, supernatural
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Happy earth
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I saw a small black cat at my mom's house, commented about it, she said "oh, that's a ghost" . I am not sure I believe in ghosts, but I definitely saw a cat.

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Only here .... Jebus-Zeus ... sure he counts.

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sophieshizuko wrote:
Only here .... Jebus-Zeus ... sure he counts.


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smiley wrote:

I saw a small black cat at my mom's house, commented about it, she said "oh, that's a ghost" . I am not sure I believe in ghosts, but I definitely saw a cat.

I imagined that she said it very nonchalantly, like nbd smiley, ghosts of cats are around lol

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sophieshizuko wrote:
Only here .... Jebus-Zeus ... sure he counts.

Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚

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Jebus-Zeus wrote:

sophieshizuko wrote:
Only here .... Jebus-Zeus ... sure he counts.


Omg, what a trip ๐Ÿ˜‚

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As a young child, I was levetated in my sleep and carefully set down into a different part of the same room.

Happy earth
(8 hours after post)
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Araz wrote:

I imagined that she said it very nonchalantly, like nbd smiley, ghosts of cats are around lol

She's very proud of her ghosts. In addition to the small black cat, her house has a tall teenage boy in old style clothing. Other people have seen the boy, but I haven't.

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Yes. 3 actually. Spent a good part of an afternoon with them.
No joke.

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BIG.AL.ONE wrote:
As a young child, I was levetated in my sleep and carefully set down into a different part of the same room.

That would scare the crap out of me!

smiley wrote:
She's very proud of her ghosts. In addition to the small black cat, her house has a tall teenage boy in old style clothing. Other people have seen the boy, but I haven't.

Sheโ€™s braver than I am. I would be gone so fast...

soco wrote:
Yes. 3 actually. Spent a good part of an afternoon with them.
No joke.

Please elaborate!!!

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Not much to say really. You recall the show, Ghost Whisperer? There are those among the living that can see souls of the deceased that exist on this level.
They were all siblings; two brothers and a sister. They all lived in an abandoned house that was for sale. They would make noises or move objects to scare noisy people away. I wasn't scared. Not even a little. I simply sat on the sofa in the living room and talked to them as if they were not deceased. When I left to get home in time for dinner, I realized I had spent easily five hours there. Even mowed their lawn for a couple years. Good times.

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Happy earth
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I see animals that aren't there sometimes too, usually cats but sometimes other animals. Usually by the side of roads. I assume it's a hallucination, but maybe it's ghosts.

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smiley wrote:
I see animals that aren't there sometimes too, usually cats but sometimes other animals. Usually by the side of roads. I assume it's a hallucination, but maybe it's ghosts.

Here's how you can tell smiley. Look into their eyes and then move to one side. If the eyes follow you it is not a ghost. Ghosts have eyes but can no longer see. They can feel warmth though. If they are called into heaven by a light in the sky, they walk towards the warmth not the light.

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soco wrote:
Not much to say really. You recall the show, Ghost Whisperer? There are those among the living that can see souls of the deceased that exist on this level.
They were all siblings; two brothers and a sister. They all lived in an abandoned house that was for sale. They would make noises or move objects to scare noisy people away. I wasn't scared. Not even a little. I simply sat on the sofa in the living room and talked to them as if they were not deceased. When I left to get home in time for dinner, I realized I had spent easily five hours there. Even mowed their lawn for a couple years. Good times.

I find that fascinating. Iโ€™ve seen things but never communicated the way you have.

smiley wrote:
I see animals that aren't there sometimes too, usually cats but sometimes other animals. Usually by the side of roads. I assume it's a hallucination, but maybe it's ghosts.

I have never seen a ghost of an animal before. I wonder - do you feel a greater connection with animals?

soco wrote:
Here's how you can tell smiley. Look into their eyes and then move to one side. If the eyes follow you it is not a ghost. Ghosts have eyes but can no longer see. They can feel warmth though. If they are called into heaven by a light in the sky, they walk towards the warmth not the light.

Good to know!

Happy earth
(2 days after post)
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soco wrote:

Here's how you can tell smiley. Look into their eyes and then move to one side. If the eyes follow you it is not a ghost. Ghosts have eyes but can no longer see. They can feel warmth though. If they are called into heaven by a light in the sky, they walk towards the warmth not the light.

Thanks, I'll try that.

Araz wrote:

I have never seen a ghost of an animal before. I wonder - do you feel a greater connection with animals?

I don't know. They're just like young children, honest.

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I've seen what I thought was a ghost but later realized I was just imagining I saw it and or saw it in a dream. I don't think ghosts exist or life after death exists

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Anonymous wrote:
I don't think (life after death exists.)

You cannot get something from nothing, therefore, it cannot be rationally explained how you got here from a point in time when you didn't exist.
You have to equally go against every grain of possibility to say there is no life after death....
Just sayin'.

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BIG.AL.ONE wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
I don't think (life after death exists.)

You cannot get something from nothing, therefore, it cannot be rationally explained how you got here from a point in time when you didn't exist.
You have to equally go against every grain of possibility to say there is no life after death....
Just sayin'.

nonsense how can life exist after death its just fiction

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Anonymous wrote:

BIG.AL.ONE wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
I don't think (life after death exists.)

You cannot get something from nothing, therefore, it cannot be rationally explained how you got here from a point in time when you didn't exist.
You have to equally go against every grain of possibility to say there is no life after death....
Just sayin'.

nonsense how can life exist after death its just fiction

Nonsense? Based on the premise of your view, it would take more of a miracle to explain your existence - and you do exist.
How would you explain that?

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what does existence have to do with existence after death? nothing. I'd explain existence through evolution and Big Bang theory not gods creating stuff

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Anonymous wrote:
what does existence have to do with existence after death? Nothing.

Nothing? - but that's the point - nothing. Some people (as you) look at death as a state of nonexistence. The question remains, where were you before you lived? How did you get here?

Anonymous wrote:
I'd explain existence through evolution and Big Bang theory not gods creating stuff

Emmm - okay- then if evolution and "the big bang" is responsable for your existance, then what makes you think it (evolution) doesn't have more in store for you beyond the physical realm?

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look life cant exist without a body, its like a tv channel being viewed without a tv or a screen. how can something exist without a framework. I know I didn't exist before I was born and won't exist after I die... same goes for all other beings. I just think life cant exist without a body once the body dies that's it the end forever

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Intelligence is a framework. You didn't have it before you existed. Now that you're here, you have it. It's speculation to assume it will be gone when the physical construct is gone.
You're entitled to your beliefs - I just think you should prepare yourself to expect more when your time comes.

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life cannot exist without brain, heart and other organs neither can intelligence

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Anonymous wrote:
what does existence have to do with existence after death? nothing. I'd explain existence through evolution and Big Bang theory not gods creating stuff

So you believe that **[POOF]** you came into existence and **[POOF]** you completely disappear when you die.
Is that basically it?

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without the poofs, yes

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Anonymous wrote:
without the poofs, yes

Do you happen to be married?

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I don't see what it has to do with anything but no

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Ever? Did you learn in school where children come from?

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One thing I know is that people rarely change their minds about their opinions, especially when it comes to religion and politics. Youโ€™re all essentially talking to yourselves.

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Anonymous wrote:
life cannot exist without brain, heart and other organs neither can intelligence

You would have to know everything in the known universe (and unknown) in order to say that. If this were the case, that would make you god, and like so many, I don't think you're qualified.
Just sayin'......
It takes a lot of looking away to maintain a nihilistic point of view - and narcissism.
Having a religion of my own, I don't necessarily agree with the dogma of too many others - BUT - I can give credit where credit is due; the essential theme that there is a God, creator or greater being....
About 97% of the world feels the sense of an afterlife or higher power.
I never found an atheist who didn't feel like the rules didn't apply to them. That somehow, they were an exception to everything.
For being so exceptional, they usually die as miserably as they live.

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Sorry guys, I feel like this is off topic. I really hate debating religion, itโ€™s actually a huge pet peeve of mine, so Iโ€™m gonna close this post.

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