392 replies, Replies 121 to 130

i would like every long time member of this site to go un-anonymous an re introduce themselves for the year 2020 should bring new beginnings.

Im so sorry. Coco was your world

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songs in the works 6

Ha ha ha

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I believe trump just started world war 3.

Lets hang him.

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My gp update โ˜บ


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I think im gonna end up having another nervous breakdown to be honest.

To reduce anxiety is a techique singers use.
Breath deeply from the diaphram. Stomach..for 5 seconds.
Slowly exhale for 20 to 30 seconds.
Repeat 5 times without stopping.

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Nacthoman or Yorick..

I am glad you decided

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Nacthoman or Yorick..

Call yourself undecided

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Time doesnt exist.

Jetmoo. You totally nailed it.
Thank you and yes I am the Op.
Im sorry people I see new years as an excuse to get hammered.

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Ripples never come back.

In our lives sometimes once its done. Its done. And usually but not always it cant be undone.
Say you love you to your mom. Tomorrow isnt promised to no one

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Ripples never come back.

Yes jetmoo. It was. But I appreciate anyones interpretation and perspectives.
It was meant metaph.........
Love and peace

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