392 replies, Replies 161 to 170

songs in the works 4

Keep up the creative flow

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What funny things did you do as a child?

Lol. Good one.

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People dont work for things anymore.

Ho hum

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Why am i existing for no reason

One more thing
Once you find your passion its not going to be a free ride.
There are no participation trophys in the real world.
You will have to work really really hard at it. It will leave you without much of a social life.
But once your in the groove it will be worth it

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Why am i existing for no reason

I once felt the same way .
Try my advise. What do you have to lise at this point.
Ill promise you that there is something great you need to tap into. Once you find it you work around the clock to realise it.
There is a program in the matrix that says you need to be a part if the matrix to find sucess. Delete that program.
Its a lie.
And another lie is you need school for sucess.aIts the biggest lie brought to you by corporate higher education.
Ill leave it at that
You are now a boxer in the ghetto. Thats the fuel that will lead you to sucess. Later

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Why am i existing for no reason

The best way to find purpose is to completly unpug from the matrix.
Remove all the programs. Delete them.

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Why am i existing for no reason

Because your parents had s.e.x.

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anyone thankful for something


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I am posed with a conundrum.

The dog has anxiety.
Go to the vet and have the vet perscribe cbd oil .
Give it a try before you re home the dog.
Has your dog been checked for rabies? My dog did the nipping when she got tumors. Get to a vet. Dogs are loving by nature.

Cbd oil is amazing for pets.
You can thank me with a small pizza extra sauce. Just kidding.

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Do you think Trump should be impeached?

We shall see leno.
Im centrist so I have no party that Im loyal too.
I would be real surprised if he did anything wrong.
Like I said earlier if the democrats would only get their act together and distance themeslves from socialism and communism they could still stand a chance.
Obama also said that americans dont want an overall to the system. Ie socialsm.
I used to be old school democrat.
Now Im in the center of politics.
Anyway lets leave it at that.

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