392 replies, Replies 41 to 50

been a while

Uptune only.
Put guitar in tune.
Take a quick tug of moderate pressure on each string.
Maybe 3 quicks tugs per string.
Retune guitar.
Let srings set overnight .
No matter what you do guitars never will be in perfect tuning.
Just try to get it as close as possible.

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Billy Joel's song Piano man

I learn something new everyday.

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humanity is a disgusting plague and can't hold a candle to covid-19.

We think alike
We are the virus

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humanity is a disgusting plague and can't hold a candle to covid-19.

Well I think this time the earth means buisness

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humanity is a disgusting plague and can't hold a candle to covid-19.

I agree.
I would add that we destroyed paradise. We need 5 g. We dont care about other species. We kill
Kill kill kill.
So nature sent a virus to now kill us.
Karmas a b itch.
They are more worried about 5 g and the sick greed that goes with it. So sick.
We are getting what we deserve.
Some of us are innocent. But nature dont care about innocent.
The species is a threat to the planet and now its going to wipe us off.
I pray the earth will heal from all the damage humans caused
Never again...

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Billy Joel's song Piano man

I never knew.
I was also slow to realise eltons johns "daniel" is also a gay song.
Probably rocket in the pocket, rocket man, has some reference to gaydom
Everythings gay nowadays

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Does anyone have any tips on forgiveness?

Cousins mean nothing when you get older. They get married and put you at the lowest priority.
I would just be indifferent.
Are they paying your bills?
In my oppinion , cousins are family friends as a child.
Let them go..

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โ€œWeโ€™ve all been exposed.

Wow. I finally agree with you.
Whats left is to realise we all need to change.. All of us.
And stop the war on creation.
We are all part of nature.
We are not seperate from nature.
We are nature.
Money will never cha nge that.

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Ozone generators can kill airborn viruses.

You DONT know what you are talking about. OZONE GENERATORS FILL THE WHOLE ROOM WITH OZONE. NOT JUST THE AIR. THE SURFACES AS WELL. I KNOW. I OWN ONE.Nice try . And how is it that your an expert on the virus, as if it stays airbourn or falls to the ground? Even the experts dont know ..
I Also could give you several informative links, to books I read on ozone. Somehow I doubt you would read it.
Ill give you the same advice.
Stop reading rubbish on the internet.

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Help me figure this out.

I think you didnt grasp what I was trying to say.

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