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what happens after you commit suicide...

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suicide, commit
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Those that believe in reincarnation are dwindling in number by the day. But even if it were true, the form in which you take after is not the same. When you die in a human form you may return as a vegetable or a fish on the opposite corner of the earth. Nothing you can do in life to change that. By the same token, a bird that dies in Poland could be reincarnated as a baby in Chicago. And neither one will know of it.

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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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Dante referred to the "Wood of the Suicides" in "The Inferno." The people who had killed themselves were rooted there as trees.

No, suicide is a very unpleasant prospect. I never want to find out what awaits those who take their own lives.

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Everybody else gets on with life and, after a certain amount of time, it's as if you never existed.

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Whoever is left alive has to pick up the pieces and carry on.

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