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Humanity really, really needs to change!

This self destructive behavior is going to kill us!

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Since writing this post Anonymous may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
Post Tags (5)
change, kill, humanity, behavior, destructive
Replies (16)
Happy earth
(1 minute after post)
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The younger generation is our hope. We old people are a disgrace. (Not all of us as individuals, but collectively.)

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In general, yes. But I think you have something more specific in mind, anonymous.

Original Poster
(5 hours after post)
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Nationalism. Saber rattling and warmongering. Environmental destruction. All that.

(10 hours after post)
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time to listen to heavy metal!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(11 hours after post)
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NaCtHoMaN wrote:
time to listen to heavy metal!

Sounds good to me.
All hail the turbo -

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 day after post)
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Ozzy says Satan will get the warmongers in the end... trust in Oz.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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DocteurRalph wrote:
Ozzy says Satan will get the warmongers in the end... trust in Oz.

- And speaking of Ozzy....I wonder if she ever found herself back to this site...?
News anyone?

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That's our answer - - - bring Ozzy back! Anyone know how to get a hold of him?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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soco wrote:
That's our answer - - - bring Ozzy back! Anyone know how to get a hold of him?


Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 days after post)
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I'm still trying to remember an ozzy on Help. Did they have different names too? More of a name?

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Wow, guys....
Time to dust off the memory portion of your minds -

Sometimes Ozzy would vary her name, ie: Ozzyology or Lozy or with just one Z = Ozy

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 days after post)
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Ozymosis, shmozy!, [awzee], awzee, heterOZYgote, Ozymandy, Ozylogist, Ѻᵶѱ, Ѻᵶѱᵯɑɴԃῖ, Ѻᵶѱᵯɑɴԃῖɑᵴ. As soon as I saw her picture I remembered her. Very smart girl, was getting her PhD in neuroscience when she was here. Good luck tracking her down...

(3 days after post)
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Took a bit to find since HTG messed up a bunch of formatting, but here's Ozy in our archives:

I don't have any identifying data though- email and such was lost in the conversion. 😞
Looks like her account is really old- so no surprise there.

And sorry Ralph- the Archives require a bunch of babysitting and use a lot of processing power on the server so it's usually off unless somebody asks me to turn it on or something. 😅

(1 week after post)
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i remmy that gal a real cool chik

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last online: 03/19, 3:49
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How much are you in the red after the purchase of the archives @Rockster160 ?

(1 week after post)
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soco wrote:
How much are you in the red after the purchase of the archives @Rockster160 ?

I don’t actually recall. A bit, but I didn’t run the numbers.
Crappy memory and life’s been busy. 😅

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