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We look at some of the simplest life on the planet and think it's gross or bad.

Bacteria, viruses etc...

However if I leave the right kind of food out unchecked, for example, it will begin to grow these things more and more and become more and more complex in form right? So if humans are supposed to be some of the most complex life on the planet, what does it really make us?

Advanced gross and bad things?

If we are star dust, wtf is wrong with the stars? o.O

Maybe we're more star vomit than star dust...

We're born of the nastiest deepest bowls of this little rocky ball of crap. Do you think the primordial soup smelled tasty?

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bad, planet, star, gross, dust
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pinocchiothepuppet edited this post .

We look at some of the simplest life on the planet and think it's gross or bad. ¬ ¬ Bacteria, viruses etc...¬ ¬ However if I leave the right kind of food out unchecked, for example, it will begin to grow these things more and more and become more and more complex in form right? So if humans are supposed to be some of the most complex life on the planet, what does it really make us?¬ ¬ Advanced gross and bad things? ¬ ¬ ¬ If we are star dust, wtf is wrong with the stars? o.O¬ ¬ Maybe we're more star vomit than star dust...

pinocchiothepuppet edited this post .

We look at some of the simplest life on the planet and think it's gross or bad. ¬ ¬ Bacteria, viruses etc...¬ ¬ However if I leave the right kind of food out unchecked, for example, it will begin to grow these things more and more and become more and more complex in form right? So if humans are supposed to be some of the most complex life on the planet, what does it really make us?¬ ¬ Advanced gross and bad things? ¬ ¬ ¬ If we are star dust, wtf is wrong with the stars? o.O¬ ¬ Maybe we're more star vomit than star dust......¬ ¬ ¬ We're born of the nastiest deepest bowls of this little rocky ball of crap. Do you think the primordial soup smelled tasty?

Happy earth
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"Do you think the primordial soup smelled tasty?"

To carnivores, death smells delicious.

We are the stuff of the death of stars. We are residue, grand, glorious waste. Someday we will again be stars and primordial interstellar grease.

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You can look at that stuff and think, ewwww nasty, but our perceptions of such things are purely cultural and biological. Gross stuff seems gross to use because we evolved in such away to be repulsed by possibly unhealthy or dangerous scenarios.

For example, we evolved to find the smell of poop bad, because it's unhealthy for us to interact with it. Certain other animals get over this disgust because they are able to get nutrition from undigested food in their poop.

Gross and bad are value judgments, and they require a system of values to have meaning. In absolute sense, humans are just as (not) gross or (not) bad as poop or bacteria or sunshine.

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Born from the nastiest deepest bowls of this ball of crap, at least we know now how lawyers and tax collectors evolved

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food for thought. i think its justified on your own perspective of things.. with that said, mines heavily influenced by the unpredictable mood. it would be wiser to maintain a positive perspective no matter how bad things are, so you can remind ur mood to steer back to that good ol feeling about things :)

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Viruses aren’t actually alive, unlike bacteria. That’s what makes them so creepy to me.

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Good point though, we are more bacteria than “human material”. We can’t live without them at all. I’m fact I think that’s why all the abuse of antibiotics and germ ex use are so stupid, it just makes us sicker to try and kill all the bacteria.

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That's us man. The ones that crawled out of the stankiest cesspool of primordial ooze first. We went forth and multiplied and it was good.

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