20181121 142229
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Help me with..

Iphone, please.

It won't download pictures to my computer. It keeps disconnecting, and the message on pc states - 'The device is ureachable'.

This is my first smartphone and i have zero patients with it, heeeeelp!

Technical info: Iphone SE and Windows 8 64bit

Thank you :)x

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last online: 12/14, 0:56
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Are you able to access your phone on iTunes? Also, if you have iCloud, you should be able to sign in online on your computer and access all of your photos without connecting your phone!

20181121 142229
(31 minutes after post)
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Araz wrote:
Are you able to access your phone on iTunes? Also, if you have iCloud, you should be able to sign in online on your computer and access all of your photos without connecting your phone!

Thanks. Even itunes can't access it. Don't have iCloud. The free bit filled up fast and I decided not to pay for upgrade. I'd rather have my photos backed up differently. But thanks for the suggestion, Araz.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Check your iPhone settings.

There is (or should be) a feature that deals with connecting your phone to the computer. I have an LG phone and the Android company calls this interaction "tethering."

Once you activate this feature, it should provide two-way communications between your phone and computer - hence - you will be able to off-load pictures, music, video and other data to and from your phone/computer.

(13 hours after post)
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get a Samsung galaxy j/k

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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If after the above advice doesn't help...how old is your charger/USB cord? After a while, they tend to burn out and need replacing. I've only had two iPhones over the last 10 years and I can't even recall how many lightning cables I've gone through...maybe about 8 something around there? It tends to give a connection error when connecting to the computer, refuses to charge, and the computer doesn't recognize it. It may be something as simple as just replacing the cable.

20181121 142229
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Thanks, guys! I couldn't find the tethering, @BA1; but changing my USB cable DID WORK, thanks @Aria!! Whoa, I would have never though of that.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Hey, glad it worked out!๐Ÿ‘

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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Glad to hear that it was just that simple issue! Those cords can burn out really quickly. I've had two iPhones in the last 9 years and never had any problems with them internally, just those darn cables dying on me. Lol.

(1 year after post)
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