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Maybe it's me.

People who run away the minute they know I will be coming around and then they make up lame excuses when they see me later as to why they had to go. Maybe it will always be me.

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coming, excuses, lame, minute, abd
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littlenick edited this post .

Maybe it's me. People who run away the minute they know I will be coming around abdand then they make up lame excuses when they see me later as to why they had to go. Maybe it will always be me.

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(15 hours after post)
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((Hugs)) I’m sorry it hurts .

Have you tried talking about this with them?
Do they know how they’re making you feel?
Are you sure there is no misunderstandings between you and them?
Could there possibly be a reason for their behaviour?
How you asked why they do this?
Or asked, have I done something to upset you? Because recently I feel....... I care about you and I want to know if there’s anything wrong.

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(15 hours after post)
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But to talk in a way that is you expressing your feelings and not in a way that sounds like making accusations. I feel that you are not wanting to spent time with me... I feel like you leave when you know I’m coming...

Everything, I feel. And ask how they feel too.. express that their feelings are important to you.

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Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.

We all have people we avoid for one reason or another.

Speculating will only give you anxiety for no reason.

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(1 week after post)
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It's not you

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Maybe you need some flea powder.

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