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Ear Piercing Question!

And probably a silly one but google hasn't helped me at all. So I got my ears pierced at Claire's when I was a kid. They got infected and my mom made me take them out. I know now that piercing guns are absolutely friggin' terrible. I want to get my ears re pierced properly. Obviously the holes from the original piercings are completely closed ('cuz I was like 8) but when I fiddle around with my lobe I can still feel the hole in the cartilage (more so in the left ear than the right). Like is that normal or did Claire's ruin me lol?

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lol, ruin, ears, pierced, claires
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4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
last online: 12/14, 0:56
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That’s totally normal! It’s scar tissue and it’s nothing to worry about. Go to a tattoo parlor, but not a shady one, a licensed one. They’ll do it with a needle which sounds like it hurts but it’s actually less painful because they do it so quickly and the metal is so sharp it feels like a pinch. Make sure to keep it clean with the ointment they provide and don’t fiddle with it and you’ll be fine.

My experience level: nose piercing, ear piercing, cartilage piercing, and belly button piercing.

4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
last online: 12/14, 0:56
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Also - I got my ears pierced when I was 3 and the same thing happened and I had to get them repierced.

(15 minutes after post)
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Araz wrote:
That’s totally normal! It’s scar tissue and it’s nothing to worry about. Go to a tattoo parlor, but not a shady one, a licensed one. They’ll do it with a needle which sounds like it hurts but it’s actually less painful because they do it so quickly and the metal is so sharp it feels like a pinch. Make sure to keep it clean with the ointment they provide and don’t fiddle with it and you’ll be fine.

My experience level: nose piercing, ear piercing, cartilage piercing, and belly button piercing.

Oh thank you so much!! I was getting paranoid and I didn't wanna pay to have them redone just for it to be a hot mess lol.

4be8c2d8 78e3 4f52 8977 21b6cc47a3ee
last online: 12/14, 0:56
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✿CherryBomb✿ wrote:

Araz wrote:
That’s totally normal! It’s scar tissue and it’s nothing to worry about. Go to a tattoo parlor, but not a shady one, a licensed one. They’ll do it with a needle which sounds like it hurts but it’s actually less painful because they do it so quickly and the metal is so sharp it feels like a pinch. Make sure to keep it clean with the ointment they provide and don’t fiddle with it and you’ll be fine.

My experience level: nose piercing, ear piercing, cartilage piercing, and belly button piercing.

Oh thank you so much!! I was getting paranoid and I didn't wanna pay to have them redone just for it to be a hot mess lol.

Understandable but relax - it will be fine! :)

Animation2 2
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All of my piercings were done with a gun. Now when my daughter gets piercings, I make her go to a body shop and get it done with a hollow needle. She will have less issues with it.

I actually had piercings up and down my ears, from lobe (I still have 3 per lobe) up to the top.

In the cartilage area, all of my piercings would constantly hurt and get infected. They were a mess all the time. When I had a couple babies, I no longer had the time to take care of them, so I let them close.

The real kicker is that even after they were closed, they continued to get infected. It was awful and painful. I finally went to a doctor about it, and he actually lasered my ears down to get "below the infection area" and then I had weeks of cleaning and caring for the ears. That would never have happened with a hollow needle....

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Incidentally, I went to the doc YEARS 14 years after I let all those piercings close...just saying that because that's how long there were issues

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(4 days after post)
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Yup you're ruint. Leave your body they way it was when you came out of the womb. No tats, no piercings, no problems. Heck when I was a kid in the 60's you couldn't even get a job with tattoos unless you wanted to be a custodian or auto mechanic. Then they expected you to wear long sleeves.

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