last online: 05/14, 23:04
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I was asked on quora if antidepressents really worked.

I dont believe there was ever a happy pill that didnt bankrupt your spiritual investment.
Is it worth it?
I can be totally wrong here but my old school of thinking says if you put hard work into whatever you are striving for the end result will be a surplus of good tidings.Including a grounded sense of contentment and overall feelings of accomplishment which makes you happier.
An investment not a withdrawal. ie. Pills.
Im biased when it comes to drug therapy.
So in all fairness I want to present this question to everyone who tried antidepressents.
Do they really work.
And did the pills give you a quality of life back.?

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life, work, quality, investment, antidepressents
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Gone edited this post .

I was asked on quora if antidepressents really worked.¬ I dont believe there was ever a happy pill that didnt bankrupt your spiritual investment.¬ Is it worth it?¬ I can be totally wrong hetehere but my old school of thinking says if you put hard work into whatever you are striving for the end result will be a surplus of good tidings.Including a grounded sense of contentment and overall feelings of accomplishment which makes you happier.¬ An investment not a withdrawal. ie. Pills.¬ Im biased when it comes to drug therapy.¬ So in all fairness I want to present this question to everyone who tried antidepressents.¬ Do they really work.¬ And did the pills give you a quality of life back.?

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i dont think a product of this world will make anyone happy. only your in your mind you can believe anything will convince you to believe what you think is true. trust me on this. i wish you for the best.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Ok. Just for clarification.
I dont take any pills.
I wish you could give me more info.

Billy mills
last online: 02/18, 4:01
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I was on paxil about ten years ago with ok results. Quality of life did improve, but in some ways I felt more numb to emotions and not myself. And other side effects like weird dreams and waking up in a sweat. I didn't want to be on it long term so gradually weened off. Have tried to focus on exercise and nutrition, but now thinking a may try it again.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Thanks lawn

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I'm taking Nortriptyline and it vastly improved my quality of life, though I'm using it to treat intense neurological pain, not depression.

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i've been on zoloft/ lexapro/ paxil / sure tried others.. but the side effects were the highlights of the medicines.. got me thinking i wasnt really depressed afterall.

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Some affected my mood adversely and caused horrific nightmares..

I really dont know if the 1 im on now helps that much but it used to help with sleep which i needed back then.

Sometimes they can help keep u stable.... its a strange one... Im not a fan of pills. Id like to try alternatives but am unable until i get extra care hours.

Sometimes we are not able to change our circumstances and need a way of coping whilst enduring them. I have been trying to change mine for over a year...

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Amytriptlene made me want abit loopy. 150mg of venlafaxine made me scream and almost rip my hair out. Many antidepressants are not good for my illness. I dont make ATP sufficiently and ATP is needed for feel good neurotransmitters to work. So its no wonder that dopamine and others like seratonin dont work so good. But increasing seratonin increases motivation but without extra energy to be mote active it causes frustration.

I think that mitochondrial dysfunction or poor energy delivery are likely to be key culprits in poor mental health.

Our environment is overloaded with toxins and our diets. It would not surprise me if most people had this problem to some extent.

Of course this test isnt available for free and isnt cheap...more knowledge that many professionals are unaware of or ttying to cover up.

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Best way is to find what is making you feel bad and dealing with it head on but most do not know how to do this or dont know where to go for this sort of help or they simply cant afford it.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Thank you for your thoughtful words jetmoo

last online: 03/16, 22:34
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Mine certainly helped me. Between 2008 to 2013 I was severely agoraphobic. I couldn't even walk to the corner of my street. There were times I became hysterical in a short car ride and started punching at the doors and banging on the windows to turn around and take me home. I missed extremely important things in my life; the short life and funeral of my first and only nephew being one of the most soul-crushing. I had anxiety about everything from certain words, sounds, and even certain people. I was afraid of getting sick, because I knew I couldn't even make it to a doctor.

By 2014, I'd made a progress by myself, mainly because I was just fed up. And then in early 2015, I had a miscarriage after a planned pregnancy through a donor, and spiraled backwards, but then I also relapsed into a dark addiction I thought I'd beaten back in 2005. That relapse led to an overdose that almost killed me in 2016.

In March of 2016 though, I was put on paroxetine, and it's worked wonders for me (when I wasn't counteracting it with opiate addiction, it worked better) And I can't even recognize myself three years later. In a good way. I'm a lot more balanced, I can do things I haven't been able to do since my childhood anxiety and depression hit me. It also helps with my PTSD. Without it, I revert back to being a mess. I'm on it's highest dose, but with that comes a more happier me, and suicidal thoughts are almost none, when I used to have them every other day.

Some people can do it without the need for medication, some cannot even function without medication. My dad is on one of the highest doses of anti-psychotics and hasn't been unwell in over 20 years. My mom, who used to live at the hospital more than at home, has been on several medications for her schizoaffective disorder, and has been well and not been in hospital since 2003 now that they finally found the right combination that works for her.

My cousin was recently diagnosed with Bi-Polar about 4 years ago, and she is still finding difficulties, but she also has become a lot better since she's been getting treatment. If only there was a magic pill to fix her anorexia, though. :(

Sometimes, it can be trial and error. Sometimes, it's luck in finding the right thing that works the first time.

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@Gone you're welcome ^_^

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This may interest u. May sound abit off topic.. i have M.E which an element of it is neurological amongst other things like the nervous system, mito fucnction ect.

I hear noises that are not there. Electrical and other strange sounds. I've had it everyday since my relapse in march 2017.

Now the first time i got bad with M.E was around 2015 and i was hearing things then too. But as i improved, so did the noises until.. i think they went away fully until next relapse.

The more exhausted i get if i over spend my energy (ATP & ADP), the louder the sounds get. And when i have rested, the volume and complexity of multiple sounds decreases.

Now Dr Myhill says that research shows that when one has "fermenting gut" they can also have "fermenting brain". This is where the high levels of aerobic microbes in the gut (mostly due to diet & prescription pills) flow over through a damaged & leaky gut into the bloodsteam. And they sometimes are able to pass the blood brain barrier. Microbes may ferment out chemicals in the brain (i forget which to be exact) but it can lead to having LSD like chemicals in the brain. Dr myhill says that "fermenting brain" could cause almost any symptom.

Fermenting gut symptoms & signs are infact so common these days that most people don't recognise them as much of a problem. Our symptoms are there to tell us something is wrong. But we cover them up with pills like omeprazol rather searching for the cause of those symptoms.

The comprehensive diagnostic stool analysis i had shows i have high levels of aerobic microbes and fats in my poop But its another expensive test one has to pay for themselves.

If my body is not using fats propery then it could suggest why my brain doesnt work right. The brain loves fats. Such an omega fatty acids. The myelin sheath around nerve cells in the brain are mostly compromised of fats and are the main energy source in the brain.

I take Veg EPA and on the Igennus website there are many amazing reviews, some of which people say it helped their depression.

If these things may be factors with myself, they may well be factors for others aswell. But it is information such as this which gets overlooked by many medical professionals, hence the title of dr myhills book - sustainable medicine - whistle blowing on the 21st century medical practice.

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The other factors with depression that should not be overlooked is fluctuating blood sugars. Hypos and metabolic syndrome can alter mood and with our diets these days with our energy drinks ect peoples bodies dunno whether theyre coming or going.

High carb diets cause high glucose levels in blood which last more short term until next sugar craving comes to short term "fix" the problem again. Sugar levels in blood go up down up down drastically, instead of remaining steady & constant.

We even wake in the night at times when the insulin shunts glucose into the brain when the brain becomes low of sugars and we may have a "midnight snack". The shunting of high levels of glucose in the brain wakes us up.

Anyway... disturbed sleep can affect mood (sleep repairs & resets the brain) and low blood sugars can cause anger, tearfullness, feeling down or anxious, fidgity, restless and i notice when i eat something it subsides.

Using ketones or fat for energy is more steady "energy release". Predators dont pick around the fat when they eat their meat and can go days without a meal.

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Wow @Aria you have been through alot. Well done for having endured all that and still being with us. You are a warrior.

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No. Not for me. Everyone else around me maybe liked that I was on them. They said they liked being around me more. Maybe because I was just sedated all the time. If you can't handle me at full passion stay away from me. And docs can keep ur damn pills too.

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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Great response.

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I felt ****shit even with mine and stopped taken them to then feeling much worse so now raking again n still feel ****shit.

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