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Why do we love roman and greek mythology?

I just keep f**king hearing about it like I keep hearing about the Holocaust.

Now, I can understand why I've heard so much about the Holocaust(but yet somehow most other mass murder travesties in human history seem to be overshadowed by it alone) but the Greek and Roman gods?

Just another point in history. But why do we hear about it so much? It's EVERYWHERE.

It's in all my favorite popular tv shows comics and I'm fairly certain I played Cerberus in a 6th grade play.


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Why do we love roman and greek mythology?¬ ¬ I just keep fuckingf**king hearing about it like I keep hearing about the Holocaust.¬ ¬ Now, I can understand why I've heard so much about the Holocaust(but yet somehow most other mass murder travesties in human history seem to be overshadowed by it alone) but the Greek and Roman gods?¬ ¬ Just another point in history. But why do we hear about it so much? It's EVERYWHERE.¬ ¬ It's in all my favorite popular tv shows comics and I'm fairly certain I played Cerberus in a 6th grade play.¬ ¬ WTF AND WHY???

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There is a belief that these stories are so old and have survived so long that there must be some immortal kernel of truth about the human condition buried in each of them. So we humans borrow from them as a way of ensuring whatever story we are writing has that deep resonance it may not otherwise have.

Also mythology is just mad cool yo!

The Holocaust was pretty bad and relatively recent in history. Stuff like that tends to carry quite a bit of emotional momentum, especially since there are people who survived it still alive today (I think?) Also the shock of it happening in a "modern", technologically-advanced, and supposedly "enlightened" nation. Us white people are just a lot less impressed when the bad stuff happens in a third world country, sadly.

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Lano wrote:
There is a belief that these stories are so old and have survived so long that there must be some immortal kernel of truth about the human condition buried in each of them. So we humans borrow from them as a way of ensuring whatever story we are writing has that deep resonance it may not otherwise have.

Also mythology is just mad cool yo!

The Holocaust was pretty bad and relatively recent in history. Stuff like that tends to carry quite a bit of emotional momentum, especially since there are people who survived it still alive today (I think?) Also the shock of it happening in a "modern", technologically-advanced, and supposedly "enlightened" nation. Us white people are just a lot less impressed when the bad stuff happens in a third world country, sadly.

You could be right in a lot of ways, but what about recent genocides in Africa? I've heard little about that? And some of that stuff is more recent than the Holocaust.

But movies about the Holocaust have been playing in grade school classes for the past 40 years lol

I just think it's a little hyper narrow focused. If you didn't go out on your own and find out for yourself, my schools would have left me thinking that this was the only event of its kind.

Yes Roman and Greek mythology is cool.
Yes the Holocaust is something we should remember.

I just wanna know why it's so super laser focused on just a couple of things like this. Maybe it's become more broad since I've been in school but if there's ever a drastic event mentioned in history it's the Holocaust. If there's a story being told it involves mythology somehow. Even out of school I never see anything else.

So. Can we learn about something else now? LOL

Maybe I'm so fascinated by these particular subjects it's all I notice. If that were the case though, I wish I'd get more creative and start figuring out some other stuff. I really think it's the material though LOL

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Because there is so much of it, and it is so graphic. A search for a single word, the name of any mythical god, finds many pages of images and stories.

You don't have to read many pages in history to realize that the sky above the Earth looked very different just a few thousand years ago. You might wonder why the ancients named their god after a planet that most people now can't even point to. Well, they were quite explicit about that: they didn't worship gods named for planets, they worshiped the planets. In ancient days, Jupiter and Saturn dominated the sky, and Venus and Mars put on quite a show for a long time.

Here is a careful investigation of ancient myths and legends, considering stories in hundreds of languages from all over the world and going back to 10,500 BC. It is very long, and it is still in progress.

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SmartAZ wrote:
Because there is so much of it, and it is so graphic. A search for a single word, the name of any mythical god, finds many pages of images and stories.

You don't have to read many pages in history to realize that the sky above the Earth looked very different just a few thousand years ago. You might wonder why the ancients named their god after a planet that most people now can't even point to. Well, they were quite explicit about that: they didn't worship gods named for planets, they worshiped the planets. In ancient days, Jupiter and Saturn dominated the sky, and Venus and Mars put on quite a show for a long time.

Here is a careful investigation of ancient myths and legends, considering stories in hundreds of languages from all over the world and going back to 10,500 BC. It is very long, and it is still in progress.

For an article that makes a lot of claims about mythology i did not see any specific mythes mentioned when skimming through.

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Bottom line...? Klingons had not been invented yet.

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