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Anyone here smoke cigars?

I have gotten into it slowly over the past couple years.

If you only smoke cigars, do you feel its easy to get addicted? How often do you smoke? Any favorite brands? Drink pairings? Anything else you want to share?

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I turn 96 next year. Still, I hope I receive an invite to your funeral.

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I too think you should quit. Super gross.

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not regularly, i once had a real Cuban cigar long ago.. such a smooth sweet flavor.. havent been able to get my hands on some for quite some time.

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soco wrote:
I turn 96 next year. Still, I hope I receive an invite to your funeral.

I'll arrange for my family to give out free cigars to everyone at the event.

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verge wrote:
I too think you should quit. Super gross.

Thanks for the input.

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NacthoMan wrote:
not regularly, i once had a real Cuban cigar long ago.. such a smooth sweet flavor.. havent been able to get my hands on some for quite some time.

Never smoked a cuban and i imagine i never will unless politics change.

There are a lot of smoke shops by me. Been stressed lately and just find it really satisfying to go for a walk smoke one. I don't do it often, i smoked 2 this week which is way more than i usually do (usually i'll smoke one and then not for a couple months.)

A brand i have come to like is David Ehrlich.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I've tried smoking cigars but I think they're pretty gross too, which is weird since I smoke about everything in the world except cigars. I even smoked some kratom just to see if anything would happen a couple of weeks ago and even it wasn't as gross as a nasty cigar, ha.

I even have two real live Cuban cigars a cigar aficionado gave me too, sitting in a ziplock bag with some humidity control pack the guy threw in there. He also gave me two Cuban seed cigars that he said I should compare them with just so I would see how much better a real Cuban cigar was. I took a couple of puffs of each and turned green, I just don't get it.

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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The more I think about it, I'll give those two last Cuban cigars away if you and Lano want them. I think I can just stick them in a ziplock bag and put them in those bubble wrap envelopes for real. I don't know how I'd get your addresses but the offer stands. They're Habanas Robustos, kind of short and fat, I'm never going to smoke them.

I just looked them up on the internet and you can order them for about $22.50, I thought it was illegal to buy Cuban cigars. Maybe they're not real... hmmm.

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DocteurRalph wrote:
I've tried smoking cigars but I think they're pretty gross too, which is weird since I smoke about everything in the world except cigars. I even smoked some kratom just to see if anything would happen a couple of weeks ago and even it wasn't as gross as a nasty cigar, ha.

I even have two real live Cuban cigars a cigar aficionado gave me too, sitting in a ziplock bag with some humidity control pack the guy threw in there. He also gave me two Cuban seed cigars that he said I should compare them with just so I would see how much better a real Cuban cigar was. I took a couple of puffs of each and turned green, I just don't get it.

Well you may be talking about two different things at once. First, there is taste, and admittedly, not all cigars taste good. Taste is subjective anyway, but even so, some cigars just taste like ash or acid, though it seems cigar smokers would say if that is the case, then you are not smoking a "good cigar."

As far as "good cigars" go, I feel like if you're the type of person who drinks bourbon because they like the taste, then you may enjoy cigar flavors....there ought to be a woody, smokey taste to the cigar, and I have heard people claim that they get pepper notes as well, depending on the cigar.

However, still on taste: Apparently, cigars are rather fickle and delicate. Lighting it incorrectly can negatively effect the flavor, as well as flicking it too hard when you are trying to tap off excess ash.

I admit that half the time in my experience smoking, I have not really enjoyed the flavor. Some are bad from the beginning, and some start good and go bad, or start bad and turn good.

Though I have only learned how to light them correctly over the past few weeks, and I am still a novice in these things.

On turning green, it may be that you are smoking it too fast. You should try to limit yourself to about one or two drags per minute. Literally, per minute. Think slow, gentle inhales.

There is a rhythm to smoking a cigar, and if you smoke too fast, you'll get hit really hard with the nicotine rush and also overload your mouth with the smoke flavors. If you smoke too slow, it will go out, and then you'll have to relight which also negatively effects the flavor because you are applying fire to the stick again.

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DocteurRalph wrote:
The more I think about it, I'll give those two last Cuban cigars away if you and Lano want them. I think I can just stick them in a ziplock bag and put them in those bubble wrap envelopes for real. I don't know how I'd get your addresses but the offer stands. They're Habanas Robustos, kind of short and fat, I'm never going to smoke them.

I just looked them up on the internet and you can order them for about $22.50, I thought it was illegal to buy Cuban cigars. Maybe they're not real... hmmm.

It is illegal to sell Cubans in the US. That doesn't mean people don't do it, I suppose.

You are, however, allowed to go to Cuba (or another country) and buy Cubans, and come back with them, from what I understand. There are a lot of fakes out there, though, from what I've heard.

I would be intrigued but I'm not comfortable sharing my address. I appreciate the offer though.

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Honestly, I have probably smoked about 5 cigars this month, quite close together too, and I am starting to get a craving for a cigar (which is not something I have really experienced often). So I am going to take a break from them for at least a week, probably more.

I do like smoking cigars but definitely not worth getting addicted.

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Another thing to keep in mind is you should not actually inhale the cigar smoke into your lungs. It is not meant to be smoked that way. You're just supposed to draw the smoke into your mouth to taste and blow it out.

Some people draw it back into their throat, just a little, and push the smoke out their nose. I've tried that a few times, it's intense.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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Okay it sounds like I've been doing it all wrong. Yeah I learned to smoke when I was in junior high by hitting a joint and the idea was to take a big hit and hold it in your lungs for as long as to could to get the maximum effect. Joints were few and far between.. The more I think about it when I smoke the occasional cigarette I do the same thing. And yup, when I did that with a cigar it about killed me. Maybe I need to give it another go.

It's interesting how much of what you said was also told to me by the guy with a humidor in his house that gave me these cigars. You have to cut them right (he gave me this guillotine looking thing to cut the end off), he said to leave the ash on there, not to flick it off at all, and he was talking about what bourbon to drink with it too. Kind of sounds like you need to take a class just to smoke a cigar.

I was wondering too if you are supposed to cut off both ends, or just the end you light or just the end you put in your mouth. There isn't a hole in the end of these high dollar cigars, so I figured it was to cut off the end you smoke it from.

Here's a link to those Cohiba cigars I have, it looks like you can order them online. Of course you can order Afghani hashish online from Canada too, I'm not sure what happens if you do it, but it's probably not a good thing. https://www.finestcubancigars.com/cohiba-robust...

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I think some cigar smokers do inhale but i would never eff with that myself. I would think you'd have to be a heavy smoker in the first place to tolerate that. It probably makes for a more intense experience though. I have accidentally inhaled from time to time and it is not pleasant.

Cigars have much more tabacco than cigs do, no filter, and the tabocco used is often just a much more robust type. And you get much more nicotine per drag as well.

You should only cut the end that you smoke out of (the part that goes in your mouth), which is usually indicated by how the label sits (or by the fact that it's not cut). Some cigars are precut, which was confusing for me the first time i got one like that.

If it is precut and not clear which part is the out end i believe it should be clear by looking at it...i tend to try and get cigars where it is obvious to avoid that problem.

I have heard about not flicking the ash off but eventually, once it gets long enough, it will fall off by itself, so in many situations it's really not practical to let it get too long before manually flicking it yourself.

The technique is to "gently roll the ash off) but that only works if you have an ash tray or something. I just occasionally flick gently when the ash it's clear the ash will fall off cleanly.

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Key thing is smoking a cigar should be relaxing, so don't sweat the details too much especially if you're smoking alone.

One thing though if you are smoking in front of people:


#2 is actually the "right" way to hold it and how i've seen most people do it. There are some cigar snobs who will look down on you on using #1 and i remember when i first started smoking a guy told me: you don't hold it like you're sucking a ****

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Lano wrote:
Another thing to keep in mind is you should not actually inhale the cigar smoke into your lungs. It is not meant to be smoked that way. You're just supposed to draw the smoke into your mouth to taste and blow it out.

Some people draw it back into their throat, just a little, and push the smoke out their nose. I've tried that a few times, it's intense.

this is true.. inhale is a big no no.. its a cigar.. not a cigarette lol

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