Help Me
So, this is a situation I need some help on. I'll start by saying I feel selfish for feeling this way.
I actually have a pretty good life.
While not suicidal I don't see the motivation for moving on. I feel trapped.
Trapped by a super mundane, like it shouldn't even be an issue sort of thing?
I am male, late twenties, married four years to awesome woman, one kiddo who I love, who is about a year and a half.
And the reason I dont feel like moving on is because my wife is kinda fat...
I know, it feels like the most evil thing to say and also, just get over it pal
I feel like before we had our daughter we had life pretty good, we were both working out consistantly and yeah good things.
I have had issues with my body since I was 13, and finally early twenties made headway, was very athletic. I wanted to be with a gal who was the same, but the woman I chose while beautiful, to that point had never really taken health and fitness seriously.
We are a great match though other than that and I do love her.
I feel like I have a mind block, some issues at least.
For me the life goal was 1. Meet gal, 2. go and have adventures
Maybe kids? But adventures.
We are more active then our peers Who have kids or even just one but over the last year and a half I have slowly gotten very depressed.
I have gained about 50lbs, I no longer work out, I am sad, I drink more, I stay up until 3-4AM consistently, and sleep between 12-14 hours a night/day on average now, I am lazy.
All the unhealthy habits come back to
and the answer is I feel trapped, I feel like I married the one girl for me, and we had fun.
But she has gained so much weight from pregnancy and post. And she wants at least 2 more kids....
I feel like she will physically never be fit
And on the small off chance I'm wrong I'm going to have to wait what.. 4 or 5 years to find out after the kiddos?
Being with someone who is fit was something I didnt realize was so important to me, and the prospect of never being with that person makes me feel like there is no point to living (I know so dramatic and for something so stupid)
But dont you see? I had one shot and I fcked it up! It's over It's over it's done and worst of all its out of my control
and it is eating me up inside.
Trapped. Just go to work, make all the money for the family, suck it up pal because they are depending on you.
And I'm breaking inside, becauze I love my daughter, I want to take care of her, and I love my wife but but but.
This isn't the life I wanted.
My misery is causing health issues, mental issues, work issues, marital issues, guilt, regret, and I just feel trapped.
What do I do?
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It sounds like you just need to have a genuine and open conversation with your wife about where you are both at in life, what you would like to see change and then make a plan together for how to do that. It does sound really shallow and ridiculous, NOT because being healthy is shallow or ridiculous, but because you said its a good relationship otherwise. Its a marriage. There is a child involved.
First of all it sounds like you may not even want kids, 1 or 3. So maybe that should be addressed on a personal level. Secondly, you have no idea what's going on in her head. She could be miserable in many ways also. Most people probably don't enjoy being overweight and unhealthy. I have to wonder how much help and support she gets as a mother. Your "funk" is noticeable Im sure. How do you think thats affected her? I bet your relationship just needs some honesty injected into it and a re-set of sorts. Come up with physical activities to do together, with or preferably without kids, and at least make an effort to reconnect before you throw in the towel over something like this.
Im sorry, but if you've made a lifetime commitment to this person, in sickness and health, and you truly love her, then her health and happiness should be the priority here. You do sound trapped, because from your perspective you are. You married very young, too young for most people. That didn't really allow a lot of time for personal growth as an adult. But its the decision you made, and you should choose to make the best of it, at least for now. Im not saying to stay in something that makes you miserable, but if you get back into shape after making clear its a priority in your life for both of you, and she's still not on board, then revisit the issue. You should both want to see each other at your healthiest and happiest.
That's good advice.
We have had several open and honest conversations over the last year, one last night even before I posted.
I think while shallow and ridicules it is such a big deal to me because fitness has dominated so much if my life and is something I have struggled with myself.
I do not see divorce as an option, especially with a child involved.
If fitness is my "thing" than children is hers. I do want children, I just wanted to be more ready financially before having them. She thinks we got married late in life, I disagree, and so she see's the clock ticking for kids.
You are right I dont know what's going on In her head, though she has started going to the gym again.
And you are also right
My funk is noticable and it has put the weight of taking care of our daughter on her. Part of that reason being that she is a stay at home mom though.
We may have too much honestly, I have talked to her, but its difficult to make my thoughts sound anything but lazy and selfish..
Physical activities are a good idea.
No don't be sorry, again I agree with you, I have made a life time commitment and her health and happiness should be my priority..
I feel like even if I get back in shape she may get a bit better but then it's another Pregnancy and she has to start over.
I'm stressed man, she wants to try again in six months, and we both want to buy a home in that time too. We have 30k saved up (we live clean and lean on a budget and are disciplined and on the same page there) feels like this is all on me, like I have to go make the money, I have to get fit again and hopefully she follows suite
And there is no promise? way of knowing if that's even going to work out.
I agree with most everything you are saying, but I ....
Am whineing selfish stupid? Whatever
I feel broken mate.
I feel like I had these life goals, I got here, life is pretty good, but I'm looking around like
"This?....This is it? This is boring! This isn't what I wanted my life to be."
I don't know what is going on.
We have been to counseling a few times, positive experience overall, but the emphasis coming away was both of us working on kindness towards eachother.
Didnt speak to the trapped way I feel.
Again, from your advice there seem to e some good actions.
We have already talked (perhaps too much).
I need to help her out with our daughter more.
I need to consider where her head is at in all of this and be more supportive.
And I can initiate physical activities that are fun and will help both of us.
Those things I can do.
My reason for going on as melodramatic
As it sounds.
Seems missing though.
I am having issues picking up these responsibilities and moving forward with them, because I don't see a goal, I don-t have hope
Late twenties is sooo young. Im not sure thats late in life, especially for marriage and kids. It sounds like yall are doing well otherwise, financially at least and you have some goals set. That's better than a lot of people your age, or older even.
I don't think its unusual to wonder if "this is it" or be a bit disillusioned with where you've ended up, we all do that at times. I think you've given plenty of good reasons though to pull yourself out of this and keep with it, your child being number one. It doesn't sound like health has been your top priority lately either so isn't that something you could be working on together? A woman doesn't have to gain a lot of weight in pregnancy, it's not a given and it's not healthy so that could be a priority of the next pregnancy once your both in better shape. I would emphasize the health aspect in any conversation and if thats actually the most important aspect for you, it will show and she'll be more receptive probably. She should want to be healthy too and when thats not a priority, it can and will eventually lead to a bunch of other serious issues that affect everyone.
I think you clearly need to reconnect, like remember why you got together in the first place and made a lifetime commitment to each other. Spend more time together alone doing things that you're both interested in. Working out can be one thing but it's not everything. And I imagine she might be able to use more time to herself, doing things that make her happy, other than being a wife and mom. That is not a woman's only purpose or aspiration in life and I think that tends to be forgotten with some men, no offense. ๐
I think we got married young too.
Not too young. But young.
And thank you for the compliment, Overall we are doing alright, but this issue is tearing at me.
That's fair.
No I have not, I am guilty of that. I have let myself go because its felt hopeless and like life with her is never going to change.
I am resentful? We dated for two years before getting married, then got married, and during that time I stayed fit, but I made sacrifices to my own schedule to help her gain confidence with her body and give her the ability to workout at her own pace. She did really good.
But it ended badly...I came away feeling like all my work was wasted. She didnt want to live that lifestyle. She is working out again now but I let it get to me...its a whole thing but emotionally It wrecked me.
I gave up.
She did alright with weight gain during, and she was watched for post partum depression and was fine.
But from my daughter's age 0 to age .. 11 months almost a year. She stayed home, took care of the baby and sat on her phone all day.
I was kind of battered from the fitness thing, but I was there, I took time off work, after that during those 11 months and even now.
I went to work, came home. Made dinner for us, cleaned the kitchen and the house.
And felt like she just didnt do or want to do anything....
I am not a victim or totally perfect or innocent but I am tired.
I got together with her because she was genuine.
She doesn't lie, I trust her. She cares about me, and we enjoy being together. She had what I was looking for.
Spending more time together is a good idea.
So....alright I agree with you. Here's the thing. This is just going to sound weird no matter how I say it. But responding to your last two sentances.
Also lol no offense, in fact offend me! Maybe I need it. But I'm here for help so, dont worry about offending me.
I have tried to encourage her to get out more....let me back up.
She is of the opinion that she wanted to be married at 19 and having kids at 20. She went to college for elementary education, she has worked with children her entire life. When I first met her I wasnt interested because she was SO focused on kids.
Alright, I wish she had other things she wanted to do!
She worries me, she doesn't have any friends except mine (and it's not A personality thing, she can make friends she is well spoken, upbeat, encouraging, incredibly intelligent most people when we were dating commented on that).
Her "Best Friend" I have seen
.no no, She has seen her best friend and maid of honor Twice in the last four years.
I have encouraged her to hang out, do a girls night I'll watch the kiddo. But, it doesn't really take. She will hang out with her older sister and a cousin but...that's family? Not quite the same.
But I agree I think she has more to offer the world than just being a mother.
Well I was thinking after I wrote my last reply, it is also not every man's purpose and aspiration to work all day and provide for other people. At some point the conversation about who would do what once children came along was had? She had career aspirations once so Im sure she still does, but maybe she also wanted the full experience of raising a baby, it is her first after all.
I can say for myself, the novelty of being a stay at home mom pretty much wore off after the first one, and definitely after the second. Once youre outnumbered and realize youre no Mary Poppins, its not all that fun. Babies do sleep a lot the first year though so Im sure she's had some time to herself, especially if she's not doing much cooking or cleaning. Its possible she's in a funk of her own. The way a woman is checked for postpartum depression is by being asked a few questions about how she's feeling and her recent thoughts. Maybe she's not telling everything? Its completely normal to not feel like yourself for a good year or two after having a baby. Socializing, exercising and maybe even meds could help with that.
I think the only way to get to the bottom of the issues is by talking through them, honestly but respectfully. I do think its a very young age to get married and start a family. Its rare for a person to know exactly what they want for the rest of their life at that age. People mature and change, sometimes drastically. Sometimes they go backwards! You may both wind up wanting very different lives and be unable to find a compromise. You wouldn't want more kids that could potentially affect. I would say definitely hold off on more kids right now. Once your daughter is a toddler, there will be far fewer opportunities to sit on the phone. You'll probably be more active as a family then.
Right now everyone is kind of trapped at home anyway aren't they? Im sure that has a lot to do with this as well. I dont think people fully realize the long term mental impact of all the shutdowns and isolating. But regardless its still possible to go out to a park and get fresh air and exercise, here in the US anyway. As far as I know, reasonable people aren't doing a ton of socializing right now though. This could be the perfect opportunity for yall to work on the relationship and take the time to put more into it. It has to come from both sides though.
I appreciate your honesty. And maybe this was already mentioned in other comments, I didn't read them, it is a lot, but I wonder what about your wife being fat is really bugging you. Are you not attracted anymore? Or do you feel like she is more of a homebody now and you two are doing as much socially or whatever?
Well, I want to work but...well..
When I was 11 my dad lost his job and it changed everything about our family for years. Being the guy in charge of providing kind of freaks me out, I've just seen it go wrong.
She might but currently she has said for the foreseeable future stay at home mom is what she wants.
Haha, I can understand That being home with Kids all day is a different kind of experience and it's a Full time job and a half.
Well with the postpartum Bit, I watched her really closely and a few other folks just kind of looked out and were available for her as well.
Again she may be in a funk, In fact from my behavior I could see that, but I dont think its connected to post partum. Also why I have pushed for socialization.
Mmmm, getting married at 24 isn't crazy young but I see what you are saying and yes people change. I mean being married to someone, that person will change you lol.thats the weird thing when we talk we want the same things and we have in general at least very strong communication. Or at least we used to...we do still but I like to talk through problems and she prefers to talk about them, work them out and then be done with it.
She is walking (daughter) around now actually so she is more mobile, but the phone persists. I hope we will be more active.
Honestly our area hasn't been affected by covid much, I think we have had a handful of cases and maybe five deaths
Which for a largeish county with 165,000 people we are doing alright.
Our lives have had little effect from the virus.
Except for preventing us from taking a vacation with just the two of us out of state.
Lano wrote:
I appreciate your honesty. And maybe this was already mentioned in other comments, I didn't read them, it is a lot, but I wonder what about your wife being fat is really bugging you. Are you not attracted anymore? Or do you feel like she is more of a homebody now and you two are doing as much socially or whatever?
It is alot, thank you for hanging in and reading it all.
Good question.
There are a few things
I feel like ***sex is and has been a massive motivator for me in my life. And I want to have ***sex with a fit athletic woman.
I fear that never happening now. And this is going to sound so, aweful.
But gah... ***sex is one of the purposes I have set in my brain for my life.
Her being fat represents a failure on my part, and the loss of an identity, of being who I want to be and be with.
We still (so far) have a great ***sex life but the past couple days I have felt less attracted the more I have dwelt on this.
Again, I want to have ***sex and be with a fit athletic woman, and if I don't have that, really what's the point?
Again so melodramatic, so serious and hownstupidndoes this sound?
Yet I mean it.
For me that has been my purpose for living, that was the goal I was going for.
And now I'm trapped
Im glad Lano asked that. I had assumed already that a lack of attraction was some part of it. I think thats a big motivator for a lot of people, both genders, but definitely more for men. As far as it being a goal, everyone hopes to attract attractive people and have relations with them, but thats more of a short- term goal right, not like a long- term life goal?
I've always assumed and hope that when two people take the step of making a lifelong commitment to each other, that they have considered the possibility of their partner as well as themselves changing at some point, for better or worse. I guess thats why I think 20's is too young to marry. Im not sure most people that age are considering all of the possibilities and whether they're actually prepared and committed enough to deal with them. That's where the commitment and love part really come in, when the unexpected happens or things go wrong.
You've both dropped the ball here it sounds like, honestly. You knew you weren't marrying a fitness fanatic but I guess were hoping things would change? I really think you should start with yourself, fixing the things you're not happy with that you can change. You're the only person you can truly control so focus on that. You should also make very clear in the kindest, most loving and respectful way possible what you are attracted to and this "goal" you have for your life. Maybe don't use the term goal though. ๐ I hope the goal really is to be healthy and happy and to live a full and passionate life with the person you chose to do life with in the first place. If it is then being honest with her, supportive of her and setting a good example (taking personal responsibility) with fitness is the best thing you can do and if she really wants the same, then she'll get on board. Everything else will follow.
I'm fine getting getting old and wrinkled with someone I love, but taking care of their body and remaining fit is important.
Long story short, one of the reasons we dated so long was because of this. I knew I wasn't marrying a fitness fanatic, but we had many serious conversations and she said that she wanted to be consistently striving towards her own fitness goals but hadn't had the situations that would allow her to do that.
And she did! For three years she did...and then she didn't.
I just wanted someone who would at least put the effort in, that is important, and consistent effort yields results, leaner, stronger results. Maybe it shouldn't have been such an emotional blow when she stopped but it was. It makes me feel like I got duped, like I knew better but here I am.
Honestly it hurts to read your middle paragraph a bit just because you are right
This is a serious life long commitment.
I already feel guilty and selfish for feeling how I do, I'm just not sure how to stop feeling like I've messed up and can never go back and my foreseeable life is
Wake, work, home, sleep repeat
With a woman who is honestly great but...gah just not who she had let me think she was.
When I type it out I feel so petty, like crying over spilt milk. But at the same time it means so much To me.
Again, you win. With practical common sense advice, I agree with you.
The only variable I can control here is me and taking the personal responsibility to get fit again is important.
I think the self sabotage I have indulged in the past year is due to my fear
that she really doesn't want the same.
And this is just the way it is now.
Haha ok, winning over here. I'll take it. The funny thing is I've never been married! I've been in a serious long term relationship and I got 3 kids out of it but it was also such a disaster at times, marriage wasn't even a consideration for me. I just couldn't imagine locking myself down for life when I wasn't 100% sure. But that's an issue in itself.
All Im saying is you are where you are and all you can do is take responsibility for you, and your child of course. Thats true for everyone and its a hard pill to swallow but it also relieves you of the burden of feeling responsible for everything. Her fitness level isnt your job and if it is that important to you and not her, more cracks will likely only develop over time. For so many reasons I would hold off on more kids for the near future. Focus on getting back into shape. You'll feel a million times better and probably have a more positive outlook on the whole situation as a result. Your action will also hopefully inspire her to do the same. If it doesn't you need to seriously consider what you want long-term and be honest with yourself and her.
Anonymous wrote:
Lano wrote:
I appreciate your honesty. And maybe this was already mentioned in other comments, I didn't read them, it is a lot, but I wonder what about your wife being fat is really bugging you. Are you not attracted anymore? Or do you feel like she is more of a homebody now and you two are doing as much socially or whatever?It is alot, thank you for hanging in and reading it all.
Good question.
There are a few things
I feel like ***sex is and has been a massive motivator for me in my life. And I want to have ***sex with a fit athletic woman.
I fear that never happening now. And this is going to sound so, aweful.
But gah... ***sex is one of the purposes I have set in my brain for my life.
Her being fat represents a failure on my part, and the loss of an identity, of being who I want to be and be with.
We still (so far) have a great ***sex life but the past couple days I have felt less attracted the more I have dwelt on this.Again, I want to have ***sex and be with a fit athletic woman, and if I don't have that, really what's the point?
Again so melodramatic, so serious and hownstupidndoes this sound?
Yet I mean it.
For me that has been my purpose for living, that was the goal I was going for.
And now I'm trapped
***Sex is very important. Are you only attracted to athletic women? That makes things hard, I would think. Personally I like most shapes and sizes that women come in. You should try and sexualize and objectify your wife's body more. Give that booty a slap. Or whatever. I don't mean to be graphic, but maybe it will help.
lirou wrote:
Haha ok, winning over here. I'll take it. The funny thing is I've never been married! I've been in a serious long term relationship and I got 3 kids out of it but it was also such a disaster at times, marriage wasn't even a consideration for me. I just couldn't imagine locking myself down for life when I wasn't 100% sure. But that's an issue in itself.All Im saying is you are where you are and all you can do is take responsibility for you, and your child of course. Thats true for everyone and its a hard pill to swallow but it also relieves you of the burden of feeling responsible for everything. Her fitness level isnt your job and if it is that important to you and not her, more cracks will likely only develop over time. For so many reasons I would hold off on more kids for the near future. Focus on getting back into shape. You'll feel a million times better and probably have a more positive outlook on the whole situation as a result. Your action will also hopefully inspire her to do the same. If it doesn't you need to seriously consider what you want long-term and be honest with yourself and her.
It sounds like you have had some life experiences throught this area of life though which still counts.
I'm sorry it sounds like it was a rough ride though.
I appriciate you emphasizing a focus on loved communication, honesty and the reality of having made a commitment, and doing so up front but gently. (Not in this particular response but throughout this conversation)
I suppose it is time to stop pouting and starting taking care of myself and then see what the next step is from there. to more kids.
The pressure is on...or so I'm told it have kids close together. Etc. Etc. Etc.
I will take your advice and think on it though
You sound pretty down about it a couple times in your post and I feel for you. I can say from all of my negative relationship experience, I have primarily learned that no one is perfect, because perfection doesn't exist and you cant truly change or control anyone but yourself.
Also, I dont know if youre aware, but men can also have postpartum depression apparently. You said your daughter is a year and a half and youve been having issues the last year and a half so it might be something to consider and look into. Having kids turns your world upside down, whether youre male or female. There's definitely an adjustment period, with every kid you have. That's why I suggested figuring this out before bringing more kids into the marriage. Good luck with everything! ๐
I am pretty down but I do love the little munchkin.
The only thing I can control is myself you are right, I'm not sure if I do have it. Honestly could be a possibility.
Waiting to have more is something I am on board with but my wife is concerned ed about having kids older she's 29 and feels like she is getting to old to have kids...ach...I am not a woman so I dont know, but I know my mom was in her 30s before they started..
Thank you again for helping me talk all this out lito, I appriciate it so much you have no idea =)
A woman could healthily have kids well into her 40's or later even, if her body allows. I have a 2 year old daughter and I turned 35 a few months ago. I don't feel too old to have had a baby in my 30s. Most people are waiting longer now it seems. It depends on the person though I guess. A really great point to make with her about better health and fitness is that she is much more likely to have healthy pregnancies if she is in the best health possible. Massive weight gain during pregnancy doesn't have to happen and it's not healthy either.
Think about getting a life coach for the both of you. You are in a rut and both headed for diabetes or some other health issue that will cut your lifespan short.
Help me with: We have another hurricane coming this way.
Sorry for not posting back after you guys had replied. I had to think about this all for a bit. Let me give a quick update and then I will respond to y'all.
And Thank you, all of you, for taking time out of your lives to help a stranger.
So, after talking through a bit of all of this on here with you.. I mulled it over a bit. During that time, not really sure why but I started feeling a bit happier during my day, which in the last week has lead to me waking up before noon. In fact today I woke up at 7 and have been waking at 8 and 9 during the week, and although I have a splitting headache from being up so early I'm taking it as a win.
I have met with a couple of people one on one over coffee etc. Who can help me in my business in a mentorship fashion. This seems to have given me a bit more direction and purpose.
My wife and I have been up and down the last week. My ***sex drive has fallen off a bit (first time since being married...which is a bit concerning, and ****porn use on my part has ramped up a little bit).
We have talked...reconnected. fought, not talked and well...reached an impass.
I am going to make an appointment with our counselor again to try to sort through a bit of this.
She doesn't want to delay having children at all and feels that having them too far apart will ruin the family dynamic. She has said that she really doesn't want to talk these things out because they stress her out too much and she is afraid to be honest because these things stress me out too which leads to me staying up late etc.
I feel like we need to talk through these issues and if not agree at least find a goal we can both head towards... I have gone from feeling like this whole thing is an untenable situation to trying and make an impact and hopefully turn it and myself and maybe even us as a couple into something a little more desirable..
So, yeah, I am at least trying now...which is an improvement
lirou wrote:
A woman could healthily have kids well into her 40's or later even, if her body allows. I have a 2 year old daughter and I turned 35 a few months ago. I don't feel too old to have had a baby in my 30s. Most people are waiting longer now it seems. It depends on the person though I guess. A really great point to make with her about better health and fitness is that she is much more likely to have healthy pregnancies if she is in the best health possible. Massive weight gain during pregnancy doesn't have to happen and it's not healthy either.
I completely agree with you, but she doesn't. This is the view I have held but she just does. Not. Agree.
Its painful talking about it because she has so much mental anxiety wrapped into it and I think k her identity that it doesn't feel like I am trying to have a conversation but instead attack who she is as a person by saying "maybe we should hold off having more kiddos"..
soco wrote:
Think about getting a life coach for the both of you. You are in a rut and both headed for diabetes or some other health issue that will cut your lifespan short.
I have sought a more consistent relationship with a few mentors and we are going to go back to counseling so it's a start?
I'm worried about the health concerns too.... = (
NacthoMan wrote:
there was a guy in Colorado who had it all but when he thought he needed a new life.. .didnt turn out too good for him.i think u should re think your perspective, and thats all up to you.
I feel like you are referencing something so obvious that I should understand what you are talking about but I just don't =(.
I'm trying to rethink my perspective, I still struggle with forever being committed to one person with a body that I am growing less and less attracted to. Makes me feel pretty awful for thinking it.
Yet I do.
Anonymous wrote:
lirou wrote:
A woman could healthily have kids well into her 40's or later even, if her body allows. I have a 2 year old daughter and I turned 35 a few months ago. I don't feel too old to have had a baby in my 30s. Most people are waiting longer now it seems. It depends on the person though I guess. A really great point to make with her about better health and fitness is that she is much more likely to have healthy pregnancies if she is in the best health possible. Massive weight gain during pregnancy doesn't have to happen and it's not healthy either.I completely agree with you, but she doesn't. This is the view I have held but she just does. Not. Agree.
Its painful talking about it because she has so much mental anxiety wrapped into it and I think k her identity that it doesn't feel like I am trying to have a conversation but instead attack who she is as a person by saying "maybe we should hold off having more kiddos"..soco wrote:
Think about getting a life coach for the both of you. You are in a rut and both headed for diabetes or some other health issue that will cut your lifespan short.I have sought a more consistent relationship with a few mentors and we are going to go back to counseling so it's a start?
I'm worried about the health concerns too.... = (
NacthoMan wrote:
there was a guy in Colorado who had it all but when he thought he needed a new life.. .didnt turn out too good for him.i think u should re think your perspective, and thats all up to you.
I feel like you are referencing something so obvious that I should understand what you are talking about but I just don't =(.
I'm trying to rethink my perspective, I still struggle with forever being committed to one person with a body that I am growing less and less attracted to. Makes me feel pretty awful for thinking it.
Yet I do.
it was a doc on NF called "american murder: the family next door" it was one of those crime stories that just baffles me..
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