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Question about lottery Pools

well ok, I paid 20 bucks for mega millions to this guy who's the " pool manager " for the company I work at and was expecting some proof before the lottery draw.. but havent gotten it yet.

so my question is.. what if this guy joined 2 or multiple pools? .. lets say he's got a large family who also plays and manages both parties and one winning number falls through .. may it be small as a 100/500/10 k all the way to jackpot. and i have no way of knowing. (I've been agitated about this all day )

Heres my concern.. when i gave him the money, I told him I need the numbers before the draw.. that's the only way to secure my numbers to know whether if I won or not. If he is late with that proof or has not revealed any, if at all a winning prize happens.. he could swap out the tickets to the next pool ( most likely the fam or conspirators)

If ya follow what im getting at, since theres tons of scenarios that could happen, What happens now..? do i get my 20 dollar refund if he provided me proof after the draw? (easy to swap tickets) or if he had some connection to someone who he could of passed the ticket to won would that link him to such be fraudulent contempt?

any thoughts?

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yes yes botboy .. i want to kill myself now

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Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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You got ripped... you should have had the numbers before the drawing so you would know if or what you did or didn't win. I'd ask for a refund, especially if the person in charge of the tickets bought a new house or car.

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thanks, i'll be sure to remember that! heres what happened.. just 10 minutes before the draw .. he sent pictures of the tickets. i was relieved but nobody should be worried or anxious all day about not getting the pool tickets.. seesh!

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Simply ask for your twenty dollars back. you held up your half of the agreement. He did not. Simple mistake that is easily corrected.
If he doesn't agree to refund your money let bygones be bygones and chalk this up to a lesson well learned.

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