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How do some people wake up in the morning and survive the day?

The wind has been blasting for several days now

As I leave Walmart, a woman in the breezeway has decided to carry out her groceries by hand rather than push the cart.

This would include two large flats of eggs and about 8 or so bags of groceries.
Good luck with that, baby-doll!

I step outside and the wind is pounding. I nearly loose my hat. I get to my truck and, WTF???

Apparently baby-doll is parked next to me and can't get the sliding door of her van open. She's a mess, making it hard on herself and me because I can't get to my truck door.

I know what you're thinking because I already thought about myself.

"Here," I said, indicating to her door, "may I?" She nods.

So, I give the handle a slight pull and the door does not unlatch. Basically it is a design flaw.

The wind howls up a rage. I give it another pull more firmly than the last.

Well, now i'm apologizing as i'm handing this lady her broken, brittle plastic door handle!

I felt bad for her and I just wanted to be a "good guy" and "do the right thing."

Now, i'm obligated to pay for the damn thing, because honestly, I volunteered to help, she didn't ask.

For stupidity like this, I didn't want to involve my insurencel, I have the money to pay for a trinket like this.

So I got in my truck and gave her my name and phone number.

Meanwhile, she got her driver door open after spilling several items from her bags.

Talk is breif and to the point in weather like this.

And i'm riding a mixture of emotions as i'm driving out of the parking lot.

I feel bad for her, I do, yet why do you have to be so fkkin pathetic! I live to avoid things like this.

Go make a victim of someone else with your stupidity. Why are you the way you are?

I get home and her number is on my caller ID.
I call her back and give her the assurances like a long lost lover - it's fukkin ridiclous!

She's not even home yet, the wind and the traffic sound of driving is apparent.

Yeah,call me when you get through the damn door.

I have to say, I really did it to myself!

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give, damn, door, truck, wind
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Anonymous edited this post .

?HOW¬ ¬ How do some people wake up in the morning and survive the day?¬ ¬ The wind has Bennbeen blasting for several days now.¬ ¬ Went to Wal-Mart to buy a card for my phone.¬ ¬ As I leave, a woman in the breezeway has decided to carry out her groceries by hand rather than push the cart.¬ ¬ This would include two large flats of eggs and about 8 or so bags of groceries.¬ Good luck with that, baby-doll!¬ ¬ I step outside and the wind is pounding. I nearly loose my hat. I get to my truck and....WTF???¬ ¬ Apparently baby-doll is parked next to me and can't get the sliding door of her van open. She's a mess, making it hard on herself (and me) because I can't get to my truck door.¬ ¬ Yeah, I know what you're thinking because I already thought about myself.¬ ¬ "Here," I said, indicating to her door, "may I?" She nods.¬ ¬ So, I give the handle a slight pull and the door does not unlatch. Basically IT IS a design flaw.¬ ¬ The wind howls up a rage. I give it another pull more firmly than the last...¬ ¬ i'm apologizing as i'm handing this lady her broken, brittle plastic door handle!¬ ¬ I felt bad for her and I just wanted to be a "good guy" and "do the right thing."¬ ¬ Now, i'm obligated to pay for the damn thing, because honestly, I volunteered to help - she didn't ask.¬ ¬ For stupidity like this, I didn't want to involve my insurence - I have the money to pay for a trinket like this.¬ ¬ So I got in my truck and gave her my name and phone number.¬ ¬ Meanwhile, she got her driver door open after spilling several items from her bags.¬ ¬ Talk is breif and to the point in weather like this.¬ ¬ And i'm riding a mixture of emotions as i'm driving out of the parking lot.¬ ¬ I feel bad for her - I do, it why do you have to be so fkkin pathetic! I live to avoid things like this (and that's saying it nice).¬ Go make a victim of someone else with your stupidity - why are you the way you are?¬ ¬ I get home and her number is on my caller ID.¬ I call her back and give her the assurances like a long lost lover - it's fukkin ridiclous! ¬ ¬ She's not even home yet - the wind and the traffic sound of driving is apparent.¬ ¬ Yeah. Call me when you get through the damn door.¬ ¬ Seems we're gonna be "friends." SMH....¬ ¬ I have to say, I really did it to myself!

Anonymous edited this post .

?HOW¬ ¬ How do some people wake up in the morning and survive the day?¬ ¬ The wind has been blasting for several days now¬ ¬ As I leave Walmart, a woman in the breezeway has decided to carry out her groceries by hand rather than push the cart.¬ ¬ Went to Wal-Mart to buy a card for my phone.¬ ¬ As I leave, a woman in the breezeway has decided to carry out her groceries by hand rather than push the cart.¬ ¬ This would include two large flats of eggs and about 8 or so bags of groceries.¬ Good luck with that, baby-doll!¬ ¬ I step outside and the wind is pounding. I nearly loose my hat. I get to my truck and....WTF???¬ ¬ Apparently baby-doll is parked next to me and can't get the sliding door of her van open. She's a mess, WTF???¬ ¬ Apparently baby-doll is parked next to me and can't get the sliding door of her van open. She's a mess, making it hard on herself (and me) because I can't get to my truck door.¬ ¬ Yeah, I know what you're thinking because I already thought about myself.¬ ¬ "Here," I said, indicating to her door, "may I?" She nods.¬ ¬ So, I give the handle a slight pull and me because I can't get to my truck door.¬ ¬ I know what you're thinking because I already thought about myself.¬ ¬ "Here," I said, indicating to her door, "may I?" She nods.¬ ¬ So, I give the door does not unlatch. Basically IT IS a design flaw.¬ ¬ The wind howls up a rage. I give it another pull more firmly than the last...¬ ¬ i'm apologizing as i'm handing this lady her broken, brittle plastic door handle a slight pull and the door does not unlatch. Basically it is a design flaw.¬ ¬ The wind howls up a rage. I give it another pull more firmly than the last.¬ ¬ Well, now i'm apologizing as i'm handing this lady her broken, brittle plastic door handle!¬ ¬ I felt bad for her and I just wanted to be a "good guy" and "do the right thing."¬ ¬ Now, i'm obligated to pay for the damn thing, because honestly, I volunteered to help - she didn't ask.¬ ¬ For stupidity like this, I didn't want to involve my insurence - I have the money to pay for a trinket like this.¬ ¬ So I got in my truck and gave her my name and phone number.¬ ¬ Meanwhile, she didn't ask.¬ ¬ For stupidity like this, I didn't want to involve my insurencel, I have the money to pay for a trinket like this.¬ ¬ So I got in my truck and gave her driver door open after spilling several items from her bags.¬ ¬ Talk is breif and to the point in weather like this.¬ ¬ And i'm riding a mixture of emotions as i'm driving out of the parking lot.¬ ¬ I feel bad for her - I do, it why do you have to be so fkkin pathetic! I live to avoid things like this (and that's saying it nice).¬ Go make a victim of someone else with your stupidity - why are you the way you are?¬ ¬ I get home and her number is on my name and phone number.¬ ¬ Meanwhile, she got her driver door open after spilling several items from her bags.¬ ¬ Talk is breif and to the point in weather like this.¬ ¬ And i'm riding a mixture of emotions as i'm driving out of the parking lot.¬ ¬ I feel bad for her, I do, yet why do you have to be so fkkin pathetic! I live to avoid things like this.¬ ¬ Go make a victim of someone else with your stupidity. Why are you the way you are?¬ ¬ I get home and her number is on my caller ID.¬ I call her back and give her the assurances like a long lost lover - it's fukkin ridiclous! ¬ ¬ She's not even home yet - the wind and the traffic sound of driving is apparent.¬ ¬ Yeah. Call me when you get through the damn door.¬ ¬ Seems we're gonna be "friends." SMH....¬ ¬ I have to say, the wind and the traffic sound of driving is apparent.¬ ¬ Yeah,call me when you get through the damn door.¬ ¬ I have to say, I really did it to myself!

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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(45 minutes after post)
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Well in the grand scheme of things its really not the worst thing to happen. You tried to do a good deed, it didnt pay off but next time it might!

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(1 hour after post)
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Confucius said, "Ah, no good deed goes unpunished."

User photo 22810 561248
(2 hours after post)
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on the bright side, you made me laugh, good story thanks for the share :) ...

things dont go as planned, its not a big deal, make sure to be gentler next time Hercules :P

(9 hours after post)
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next time, walk away

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