Happy earth
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Everybody go watch this terrifying AI documentary:


It's an hour and twenty minutes, and available for free streaming until Sunday, as I understand it.


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watch, terrifying, documentary, doyoutrustthiscomputer
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smiley edited this post .

Everybody go watch this terrifying AI documentary:ยฌ ยฌ http://doyoutrustthiscomputer.org/watchยฌ ยฌ It's an hour and twenty minutes, and available for free streaming until Sunday, as I understand it.

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AI doesnt scare me.
What scares me is the severe lack of intelligence in the people that run the country.

Happy earth
(1 hour after post)
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Yอคอญอฅฬ‡eti. wrote:

Nice. You know what I worry about? How can we program empathy? And if we did, would it emulate our fickle and fleeting empathy, or could it surpass ours. Could ai become more human than humans?

I'm most worried about the evil humans and what they will do when they can dehumanize their actions.

(2 hours after post)
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I'm excited for AI. I think humans should do what humans are best at: creativity.

AI is very powerful and can take care of many mundane needs. It's VERY far from concepts of "empathy" or "creativity"/thinking on it's own, but can remove the necessity of tasks we currently have no business doing.

Like driving. Humans should not operate vehicles that move faster than we can run. We are too easily distracted and make too many mistakes.
Sure, our smart cars make a few mistakes, but if we really dedicated resources to it, we could stop people from driving cars in no time, and I think that's a HUGE benefit to society.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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soco wrote:
What scares me is the severe lack of intelligence in the people that run the country.

There are no humans in power. The structure of society has been assembled by non-human entities which are in control of mans domain. For example:
- I want all of you to do what I tell you. I want all of you to send me about 50% of your yearly income. I want all of you to give me absolute power.
....or else....
What's wrong with this picture?

Rockster wrote:
I'm excited for AI. I think humans should do what humans are best at: creativity.

(Sigh)... I've been at this for a while and it would be impossible for me to describe or explain every nuance, so I have to express in absolute terms a position that is not always popular or savory...
The dimension of human thinking is not capable of creating something which is different than it's own traits and characteristics can produce.
Our (human) society has been invaded with nonhuman technology. It's disguised like a wolf in sheep's clothing and is generally promoted for the betterment of our society, when in fact it is both infectious and enslaving.
A rancher does nothing to promote the freedom and betterment of cattle (as seen from the point of view and experiences of the cattle). The rancher is only concerned with improving his system to provide a better result.
The "smartphone" is an example that.
People generally accept the world as it presents itself on its own terms.
A majority of human society wasn't stumbling around like zombies with a blue screen in their face before the 90's.
Nowadays, we have an entire generation that has never known life without it and many of them are incapable of contrasting their lives against times they have never lived in - other than to fearfully claim that life now is so much better- no....it's just more addictive.
And when you have a generation of people who actually defend their chains...well...it's a win-win for the rancher.

Rockster wrote:
Like driving. Humans should not operate vehicles that move faster than we can run. We are too easily distracted and make too many mistakes.

I don't think that "mistakes" is enough of a reason to monumentally amputate the individual's freedom to get around at (already) regulated speeds by the use of common vehicles.
Remember, a bicycle is also considered as a vehicle and is capable of speeds faster than the operator can travel by foot....so....problems.

In one sense, I would like to see the manifestation of the Jetson Age, but without the regulation and control measures of the rancher which renders the joy of living completely bloodless....like today.

Happy earth
(7 hours after post)
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BIG-AL-ONE wrote:

In one sense, I would like to see the manifestation of the Jetson Age, but without the regulation and control measures of the rancher which renders the joy of living completely bloodless....like today.

This would be ideal, but it would require that the people who control technology are moral and altruistic. Power always corrupts, so that's extremely unlikely.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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smiley wrote:

BIG-AL-ONE wrote:

In one sense, I would like to see the manifestation of the Jetson Age, but without the regulation and control measures of the rancher which renders the joy of living completely bloodless....like today.

This would be ideal, but it would require that the people who control technology are moral and altruistic. Power always corrupts, so that's extremely unlikely.

A fully sufficient and self-regulated society can easily deal with the few who are corrupt. As it stands, society has allowed it's hands to be tied in such a way that it depends on failed "systems" which the corrupt have installed.... Under those conditions, there will never be a proper solution other than to further enslave every human activity.
So, in one sense, you are right. It won't happen.

BA1 edited this post .

Everybody go watch this terrifying AI documentary:ยฌ ยฌ http://doyoutrustthiscomputer.org/watchยฌ ยฌ It's an hour and twenty minutes, and available for free streaming until Sunday, as I understand it.ยฌ ยฌ https://youtu.be/SghmYtar-OY

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Also, if you want to "own" this video you can copy the URL of the video and paste it into pickvideo.net
It will download straight to your desk top (or where ever your down-load folder us kept).

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