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= the action or habit of estimating something as worthless.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Marriage is miserable unless you find the right person that is your soulmate and that takes a lot of looking.” Marvin Gaye

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Have you got a miserable marriage, or have you found your soulmate..?

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Thanks, Bot, i'm not married..! ;)

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Mya wrote:
Thanks, Bot, i'm not married..! ;)

- The key word is "yet."

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No-Account wrote:

- The key word is "yet."

Is that a prophecy?! ;D

..okay, okay, i know i don't deserve anything good; and oh so many people would love to see me entrapped..! :/

..and maybe i'll decide to make everyone happy and say 'yes' to that next jerk..sod it!

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Mya wrote:
- okay, okay, i know i don't deserve anything good; and oh so many people would love to see me entrapped..! :/

Don't quite know why you would say that. Don't you deserve goodness? Why would you feel entrapped?

Happy earth
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I don't believe in soul mates, but I do believe in friendship and commitment.

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No-Account wrote:

Mya wrote:
- okay, okay, i know i don't deserve anything good; and oh so many people would love to see me entrapped..! :/

Don't quite know why you would say that. Don't you deserve goodness? Why would you feel entrapped?

Who deserves goodness?

I don't feel entrapped now. I was entrapped in my marriage, or any 'relationship' with a guy.. and i know it would be the same should i marry again.

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smiley wrote:
I don't believe in soul mates, but I do believe in friendship and commitment.

soulmate* = a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

(* according to google definition)

I don't know how I would define a soulmate..

However, i know what it is like when..

And a guy whom i met recently who was a complete opposite of me in EVERYTHING felt like a soulmate.. (until i finally found that we both had the same 'demons'!).

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I'm unmarried. Also its complicated...

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mo84 wrote:
I'm unmarried. Also its complicated...

Yes, I am waiting for a miracle also.. ;)

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mya wrote:
Who deserves goodness?

I don't feel entrapped now. I was entrapped in my marriage, or any 'relationship' with a guy.. and i know it would be the same should i marry again.

People generally don't enter into relationships so life can be rotten or "entrapping."
And....sometimes people don't have the skills to properly chose a companion that is suitable for them.
If you feel it would be the same (as your last relationship), perchance, let close friends (or relatives) decide for you.

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No-Account wrote:

People generally don't enter into relationships so life can be rotten or "entrapping."
And....sometimes people don't have the skills to properly chose a companion that is suitable for them.
If you feel it would be the same (as your last relationship), perchance, let close friends (or relatives) decide for you.

Thanks, No-Acoount, I agree many don't have the skills to properly chose a companion that is suitable for them.. including me. Always fall for the same destructive/abusive/pathological type. And no, I don't have any close friends or relatives, and i never had.. (I have many friends, but none of them understand or are willing to understand)

Never mind, i have to deal with more urgent issues in my life which are all very uncertain right now.. I was just wondering how many people do find that 'soulmate'.

Kalinihta edited this post .

FloccinaucinihilipilificaionFloccinaucinihilipilification¬ ¬ = the action or habit of estimating something as worthless.¬ ¬ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ¬ ¬ “Marriage is miserable unless you find the right person that is your soulmate and that takes a lot of looking.” Marvin Gaye¬ ¬ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *¬ ¬ Have you got a miserable marriage, or have you found your soulmate..?

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