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New Features.


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Since writing this post soco may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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(6 minutes after post)
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Is this a question for what's changed, or suggestions for what's to come?

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This is for Rockster160 and others including mods to inform the rest of us including those new, the differences and features that are now present that we didn't have back when.
I don't want this to be a post to complain about something not working the way it should but that will probably happen regardless.

First one that I can think of is the donation page (and where to find it).

Animation2 2
(11 minutes after post)
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Where do you find the actual donation page? I just followed the link on the "resurrection" post. But for future ref., a donation page would need to be front and center.

Though I imagine that we will have enough to pay for the domain for the 9 years in just a few days, based on people already saying they've donated.

However, I don't see a problem with Rockstar (intentional mis spelling of his name ;) ) and Soco making a few bucks to keep the site up and running and for their constant upgrading, updading, monitoring, etc

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PepperJ wrote:
Where do you find the actual donation page? I just followed the link on the "resurrection" post. But for future ref., a donation page would need to be front and center.

Though I imagine that we will have enough to pay for the domain for the 9 years in just a few days, based on people already saying they've donated.

However, I don't see a problem with Rockstar (intentional mis spelling of his name ;) ) and Soco making a few bucks to keep the site up and running and for their constant upgrading, updading, monitoring, etc

He wanted it away from the Home Page so people did not think it was required to get a response. I agree with that. The link can be found on the FAQ page.

Animation2 2
(34 minutes after post)
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I suppose that if new users showed up to the site, they would wonder if they "had to pay" to be a member....and that wouldn't be good either.

So FAQ page is a perfect place.....

Sorry, didn't realize about the TOU

(35 minutes after post)
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Gotcha. :) And complaints are okay. They just tell me what needs fixing. 😄
Many of the changes are outlined in the FAQ page.
So, the most obvious changes are:

1) A change in Markdown/formatting. I'm hoping this one catches on a little more, as using "markdown" is generally faster to type and more widely accepted than embedding HTML tags. As with many things, will need to be tweaked and updated over time before it's perfect.

2) Auto-parsing urls, images, videos, etc. This is still a little buggy, and I've actually got an update that's built (Still untested, which is why I haven't sent it live yet) that should make it a little bit better.
The actual feature of this gives a "preview" of the site before you click on it. However, it's not always desired to do so. The update will continue to auto-parse links to images and videos, however, normal domains will just become clickable links. (The preview functionality is still in place, but you have to wrap your url in square brackets to show the preview)

3) Emoji! 😄 Emoji can be typed by entering a colon : followed by the name of the emoji you want. A pop-up showing some emoji that match your search will appear that's navigable using the arrow keys and pressing "enter" to select the emoji you want. (Or you can point and click with your mouse)

4) Tagging users with @. Just like with Emoji, after you type an @ sign, a pop up will appear with users that you can tag. This works dually as an invite feature. When you tag a user, they are invited to the post. Additionally, other users can click on the tag to go to the profile of that user. @Rockster160
This will be tweaked soon to be a little cleaner, and also display which users actually get invited. (No need to invite a user to a post they're already subscribed to)

5) A link to the Donate page was also added at the top of the FAQ page.

*) Many more subtle things, but they should be mainly general experience improvements rather than things you'll explicitly see.

Outside of those, I've done my best to keep things as close to the old site as possible, but now that we're here- the possibilities are endless.

Many of the things on my list right now are upgrades and small tweaks, as well as increasing functionality for the mods. (So they can keep us safe from trolls and such)

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(1 hour after post)
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It's not a bug. It's a feature! aka Microsoft Windows programmers.

(2 hours after post)
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on the old help, i didnt have to put a semi-colon between my names

(2 hours after post)
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Jebus-Zeus wrote:
on the old help, i didnt have to put a semi-colon between my names

sorry, i guess its a dash, not a semicolon

(2 hours after post)
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Jebus-Zeus wrote:

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
on the old help, i didnt have to put a semi-colon between my names

sorry, i guess its a dash, not a semicolon

I was super confused for a moment there.

You mean you used to have a space instead?
Yeah, it seemed the old Help had very few restrictions on Usernames. If people have a lot of issues with the no-space rule, we can put it back. Usually people just use an underscore or hyphen. Otherwise it makes tagging difficult. ;)

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....If anyone cares to know.
Trying to register - basically says my info is a liar and won't send verification link.

(2 hours after post)
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gaggmeup wrote:
....If anyone cares to know.
Trying to register - basically says my info is a liar and won't send verification link.

, nice to meet you, youre a liar, lmfao

(2 hours after post)
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Big-Al-One wrote:
....If anyone cares to know.
Trying to register - basically says my info is a liar and won't send verification link.

It looks like you're verified now, so it seems you got it figured out. 🙂

Welcome! We've had a few anticipating your return. 😄

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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Well...good to be back.
Thank you for the welcome wagon.
How long has this site been operating?

(2 hours after post)
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Almost a week. :)
(Your reply is back- you'll need to reload to see it again. Haven't incorporated live un-hiding replies yet)

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Rockster160 wrote:
Almost a week. :)
(Your reply is back- you'll need to reload to see it again. Haven't incorporated live un-hiding replies yet)

I see - cool.
Well I'm on a Mobil but the site looks genuinely retro for the most part. Guess I'll have to re-learn this ride! ;)
Also good to see GIF supported systems

(2 hours after post)
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Big-Al-One wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:
Almost a week. :)
(Your reply is back- you'll need to reload to see it again. Haven't incorporated live un-hiding replies yet)

I see - cool.
Well I'm on a Mobil but the site looks genuinely retro for the most part. Guess I'll have to re-learn this ride! ;)
Also good to see GIF supported systems

Glad to have you!

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(3 hours after post)
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Yeah. I can see where Big-Al-One@wannaseemydicpics.com would be considered offensive.

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(4 hours after post)
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soco wrote:
Yeah. I can see where Big-Al-One gets his name.


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(4 hours after post)
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Yeah- sorry about that. 😅 The problem isn't actually the email, but it generates a username from the email, and then detected the username has profanity in it. Didn't think that one through all the way now, did I?

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(11 hours after post)
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Link previews and invites/tags have been updated to be more clean and less bug free!
(Do we want to edit this post with the features or just comment them?)

Anyway, the changes are outlined in this post:

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(1 day after post)
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Big-Al-One wrote:

Rockster160 wrote:

(Do we want to edit this post with the features or just comment them?)

Anyway, the changes are outlined in this post:

We need some public editing power for Posts and personal editing/deleting power over our own replies. I have glunker fingers on this phone built for Barbie doll hands.

Public editing is here! But only if you've been around for at least a year... (🤔I admit, didn't think these things through all the way...)
Will soon be adding a full "grandfather" system that will allow any of the past Helpers to be immediately granted "long-term access" privileges.

On top of that, it sounds like the ability to edit replies is the next desired feature, so I'll start working on that this weekend. 😀

Big-Al-One wrote:

If I dare, just one more thing; I notice the setting allow notices to be sent to a persons E-Mail... I understand that if can be switched on or off (mine is off). As a mobile user, I would like to receive a notice "ding" and an icon to my phone when someone has replied to me or a post in general.

Love the idea, and totally agree!

Unfortunately, I'm limited by the power that browsers are given on mobile devices.
We can probably set up browser notifications for these things, but as far as a "ding and an icon", chances are that's not possible. 😞
(At least- not possible in the browser. If we build an app then that is totally doable... But that's a story for another day. Gotta make the site good before we start worrying about apps!)

(1 day after post)
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And, for the record, @BA1 Feature requests are always open! When it comes to major changes, I'll make a poll when the time comes about whether or not we, as a community, want the change. But otherwise, if it's feasible, I'll toss it on my todo list and get to implementing it when I have the time. 🙂

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Help-QA supports basic Markdown, emoji 😁, and tagging friends with @username!