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Congrats!! That's a genius idea! 😄 I'm no investor- but let me know when they're on the market!

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Rockster160 wrote:
Congrats!! That's a genius idea! 😄 I'm no investor- but let me know when they're on the market!

Sure enough. I think when someone becomes interested and it takes off, people will grab it and run.
Thank you for the compliment - it's good to know that people like this idea. I've been at this for a while so...I get a little tired from time to time.

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Hmm. The video is small now. It was much larger just a while ago.

(49 minutes after post)
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Big-Al-One wrote:
Hmm. The video is small now. It was much larger just a while ago.

Sorry. Just pushed an update that did that. I shall fix in the next one coming soon.

Animation2 2
(1 hour after post)
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Very nice, Big Al. I remember when you were working on it :)

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PepperJ wrote:
Very nice, Big Al. I remember when you were working on it :)

Thank you Pepper. The real work is underway, now. (Sigh). Thought it'd be easier for some reason.

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Wow, well done Big Al.

Yes the hard work starts when trying to sell it to the big companies. What about going on dragons den? lol.

Have you had replies yet?

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Will the plunger part completely empty the storage chamber? From the drawings I can't tell. How about a little rubber tip similar to a insulin syringe. I love the variety of styles you came up with too. Getting ties to Disney or Sesame Street characters would help with sales to children.

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Nixx wrote:
Wow, well done Big Al - Have you had replies yet?

Only the disappointing ones. Regarding Shark Tank / Dragon's den...I'm not looking to put myself on TV or in public view....

soco wrote:
Will the plunger part completely empty the storage chamber? From the drawings I can't tell. How about a little rubber tip similar to a insulin syringe. I love the variety of styles you came up with too. Getting ties to Disney or Sesame Street characters would help with sales to children.

Yes. I have reversed engineered every end of the "Piston" to sit flat at the lowest point (filled) and deliver 99.98% of the toothpaste out from the top of the cylinder.
With regard to what the piston will be made from...rubber would be nice but there are several textiles to choose from - will see when the time comes.
Yeah....will seek license with Disney and other child related themes when the time comes.
Right now I'm wondering how much heating oil is remaining in my barrel.

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At 48 seconds if you pause the video nd go full screen you can see the neck of the piston within the neck of the cylinder(the fully exhausted position) - this would be the drawing on the far left.

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(14 hours after post)
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If you can invent a hands-free toothbrush I will invest vigorously

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_fourthings_ wrote:
If you can invent a hands-free toothbrush I will invest vigorously

- But it doesn't come with the girl or a lap dance -


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If I'm not mistaken, that is her hand she's using is it not?
If that's her foot I want to find her like yesterday!

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(17 hours after post)
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Wow fantastic presentation. Truly.
How much would these brushes retail for?😁

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Evansent wrote:
Wow fantastic presentation. Truly.
How much would these brushes retail for?😁

Could not honestly say. All I can know is my part - the cost of production, basic expenditures and a margine of profit when sold to the retail store. Trust me, the store is the one making the money. As "consumers" go, all we have ever known is "mark up" in price.
My guess?? About $4 USD for the refillable model and about $1 (maybe $2) for the disposable model.

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soco wrote:
If I'm not mistaken, that is her hand she's using is it not?
If that's her foot I want to find her like yesterday!


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Big-Al-One wrote:

Evansent wrote:
Wow fantastic presentation. Truly.
How much would these brushes retail for?😁

Could not honestly say. All I can know is my part - the cost of production, basic expenditures and a margine of profit when sold to the retail store. Trust me, the store is the one making the money. As "consumers" go, all we have ever known is "mark up" in price.
My guess?? About $4 USD for the refillable model and about $1 (maybe $2) for the disposable model.

Why not retail them yourself? The you get all the profit :)

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Nixx wrote:
Why not retail them yourself? Then you get all the profit :)

I would not reach the number of buyers on my own, that I would reach by selling to brand name stores.
I don't know if a franchise would be worthy....?

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Big-Al-One wrote:

Nixx wrote:
Why not retail them yourself? Then you get all the profit :)

I would not reach the number of buyers on my own, that I would reach by selling to brand name stores.
I don't know if a franchise would be worthy....?

No you wouldnt, but you can generate interest and begin marketing the product, once people see its selling they may have more confidence in it

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@Nix this is true and all considerations are made. I would need to find myself in a high traffic area (a metro).
There are some things I cannot fathom - as the old saying goes, "It takes money to make money." Me and Poverty are good friends.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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How much would you need to get started?

I also think these would retail between £5/10 in Britain.
I think it's a wise investment.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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How about doing them with emojis( that's all the rave these days)

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Evansent wrote:
How much would you need to get started?
I think it's a wise investment.

This is where the rubber meets the road - how much?

First.... Life looks different when you see it from the bottom, up. We all know the big companies and CEOs sit at the paramount of some earth- conquering mountain. Well...that's what we're brainwashed to believe so we actually feed into that and give them their power.

I know - this is all very confusing, seemingly pointless talk. My research has dug up a 75 year old nightmare. You're not going to get a Patent unless you research other inventions very much like yours that have already been Patented. I have discovered well-over 300 Patented self-dispensing toothbrushes that were Patented since the 1940's...
Think about that and ask why you have NEVER seen them for sale on the mass market... Why?
For the same reason big drug companies don't want to cure cancer....
Most everyone I have talked to wants my invention - they want to see it and buy it out of the store - everyone. And no one would go back to the old way. Period. And that IS the problem.
If a big company (Colgate-Palmolive) decided to manufacture my invention, they would destroy themselves. It would mean an end to their entire creative department that drives their fads and fashions of toothbrush models and even the way they package toothpaste. Once you get the masses addicted, there's no turning back (look at the smart phone, the computer, the flat screen, etc.) Once the masses are shaped...that's what you will e committed to - that shape

So, this is the basic understanding of why they won't touch the damm thing...

I am not at liberty to disclose the really punishing details - those are meant to be assembled at the time my little monster rears it's ugly little head.

The main question - how much? Under 10 million dollars to ensure quality traction and sure success. This is a situation where you cannot be a "growing" company. It's a matter of being where you're at, literally, overnight - otherwise, these mega corporations will join forces and stop you.

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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Wow. It seems you can't win either way...

How about advertising them on fb?😁

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Evansent wrote:
Wow. It seems you can't win either way...

How about advertising them on fb?😁

All is not lost - there is a way, it's just a matter of getting to it. There are persons of "substance" out there who will risk adventure.
As for advertising on FB...sure, why not. I have still have to make the product to sell, though😊

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
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Yeah I think fb is a great starting point.
I will be your first customer.😉

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Evansent wrote:
Yeah I think fb is a great starting point.
I will be your first customer.😉


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That is another reason to be your own CEO and sell the product yourself. And who knows, colgate might buy it for a billion just to stop you. Or go into partner ship, colgate can be exclusive dispensers of the toothpaste

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Another suggestion @BA1 Design a handle for people with arthritis, or cerebral palsy. Something along the lines of an electric knife so it wouldn't have to be gripped per se.

BA1 edited this post .

IPost AMClosed USPost PATENTED!¬ ¬ It'sClosed¬ Post beenClosed twoPost years already and I have submitted my invention to the main companies. No one is interested yet. If you happen to know a gazillionare interested in a multibillion dollar product send him my way...I'll make it worth your effort!¬ ¬ https://youtu.be/IsVSrGMg3_wClosed

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