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i'm so devastated i dont even know what to say.

everything sucks so bad. everything. and i'd even say that there's at least people like you who come to stupid sites like this to try to help people. and as far as talking and ****shit that's good. but other than that no one can help. i've lost hope.

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(1 hour after post)
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tell us what sucks.. who cares who we are, we would help if you tell us the real problem..

if the problem is the people arent helping on this site.. thats just a infitity loop of crud you just trolled yourself into

Original Poster
(4 hours after post)
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no it's not a dis to the site or community at all and yah i hope i wouldn't make a whole post just for that lol

no it's far more serious.

if you've been paying any attention to my past posts or if there's even a way to do that, then you already know i've been having financial stress i haven't been handling well. it finally broke and my finances crumbled. i've been bitching about imagining how it could be realistic i'd lose my home if something didn't change. well nothing changed despite all my effort and now i've lost everything. even my friends. i lost them a long time ago i think and only just now realizing it. the one or two i have left is in the city i just had to move from.

But if it were just that I tried to do what i was trying to do and just failed, i think i'd think that's pretty straight forward and i wouldn't be as angry. This seems intentional to me. As if I were run out of town no joke.

what is plagueing me is that it's almost screaming obvious that everyone's been out to ****fuck me up. i actually wish i could clearly see how it's my fault so i'd at least have someone to blame and know what even happened.

the last two jobs i've had have been WEIRD. 7 years of my life I'll never get back. the oldest one i had for 6 - 6.5 years. the last one i had i believe was directly contacted by the one before it and instructed to continue the same bullshit that was happening at it. i'm in fact taking that job off my resume because i believe it so much. i have always been able to find a decent paying job until i worked there. and those motherfuckers ******fucked with me i know they did they just did it through their behavior leaving no tangible evidence to prove it is the most frustrating part.

despite all the paranoia and factual bullshit that shouldn't be *******fucking up my life like it has, i'm lucky that i have family to move in with. but the stupid *****fucks put me in a room where they're keeping their *******fucking rifle lol i'm thinking bout shooting myself even before i saw it haha

this kind of stupid deserves to be in the news lol

really want it to be a nice pistol but close enough

it's not that worse hasn't happened to anyone else. and easy for me to tell you that other people have been stronger than i through much harder troubles.

but i don't give af. this is how i feel. and i feel bad enough to not give a ****fuck about how much better other people are than me or what flaws led me here. I'm just *******fucking tired of it and wish it would hurry and get over with.

i was just meaning there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Happy earth
(11 hours after post)
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I'm so sorry you're going through all this crap right now. I lost my home a while back too. You can get through this.

We've all had our share of lousy jobs. Just keep trying and if what you're doing isn't working try something new. Your work doesn't define your worth as a person, it's just a way to pay the bills unless you decide to make it more.

Making friends in a new city, sorry, can't advise you on that one. I've had very few in my life. I don't really connect with people much.

Hardship and suffering in life, you can choose to let it make you bitter, or you can choose to let it increase your empathy for the suffering of others. I just want to let you know that I'm listening, I care, and I want you to keep trying.

Img 2679
(15 hours after post)
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You are living with your family, everything sucks now, but it will be okay. Please trust me when I say that getting a good sleep and going for a walk in the woods can make a huge difference in outlook and put some things into better perspective. It is not the end of the world, but stress can make it seem like it is. Try some yoga, do something new while you have this time. You will bounce back!

last online: 05/14, 23:04
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(1 day after post)
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Practice gratitude. Everyone of us is burning off karma. No one can escape it.
Look for your blessings. Be grateful for those blessings. Focus on what you have and not what you dont have.
And I agree with verge.take your shoes and socks off and walk in nature. Have a huge organic salad.
Eat a plant based diet.
You dont want to add more karma .leave.innocent animals alone.they dont need more suffering. A plant based diet will bring you much better health. Your soul will align to compassion rather than violence.

75971 10152125729463961 180579742 n
(2 days after post)
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You could probably do what I did, say "Screw this ****shit" get a van (or rv, camper, car or whatever) and hit the road, living footloose & fancy-free. Been doing that for near 33yrs now and have few regrets.


last online: 11/28, 9:31
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I think the first thing needs to be to take responsibility or what has happened. I'm sure that you might not be all to blame. But you need to be true to yourself and take responsibility for what is your fault.

Now your at a low point in life, its an opportunity to reinvent yourself.

(5 days after post)
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yea right, obviously.. we cant change how your job goes, cant change your rent, cant change ur troubles. but we can help with how to change yourself, perspective wise.. we're not life managers.. just shared exp/ wisdom of all the fudge you could believe.. by your choosing.

great advice - bad advice.. only vice we can give you is advice. dont suck it all in at once. unlike me.. im quite honest with myself .. very semi comfortable where i am where everything really sucks so bad.. so im left with these lousy logics such as... whats the difference between your wife and your job?.. After five years your job will still suck. bahaha.. but still

not the niche im looking for. smh..

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