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Hello to all..

Currently Popular Post status.

That didn't take long!

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post closed post closed Thanks.
So...All in all my new boss is cool except...

As you learn what her priorities are of the night shift do them first to get them out of the way. Do ALL the tasks assigned to you, nothing more. At no time should you expect a fellow employee to come in on their day off to follow up of you doing your job.

If the number of tasks are too numerous for you to do in the allowed work shift make her aware. This should give you a way to find out which of those things are of minimal priority.

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What is an NSFW post?

If You are at an employer with Internet access, assume that every site you visit can be seen by said employer.

Even if only researching screw drivers at Home Depot.

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Hello to all..

Sherlock wrote:
Greetings and felicitations!

That should be a real word. I recommend starting a Facebook campaign to have it added to our lexicon.

Just like covfefe and reciprocal....

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Hello to all..

Well it's about time!!!!!
Very nice to see you here. Let's get the party started.

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Post closed, thank you for your help

Your friends husband is a control freak and has trust issues. She should not have to hide things from him just to feel trusted. Recommend they seek counseling immediately.

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Itโ€™s been a long time but itโ€™s nice to see that some people came back.

Two ears.
No waiting.

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What is up people out there?

The sky majority of the time.

Waiting for gravity to take a couple weeks vacation. I may have a different answer then.

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Let's post some funny videos!!!


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