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A Nanny From Hell..

True story: The other night I was working as a waitress and one of my tables was a group of 6 girls, all dressed to impress. All very attractive if you met them one on one in the street. However it was obvious to me that there was one that was more attractive than the other 5. I could see it and so did them. They asked me to take their picture on 4 different phones. They all stood up and moved against an empty brick wall as the background. Between each shot they would quickly rearrange themselves so they could stand next to this one more attractive girl. Even after all the pix had been taken they each gave the other 5 a hug. And when it came for them to hug this one that was stunning, they stayed hugging her longer than the others. It was noticeable.

Now I tell you this because even though we have never met and I have no idea what you look like, you are that one attractive woman that stands out. Not your fault but not everyone can look like Christie Brinkley. Now when we dress we don't dress to impress men. We dress to impress other women. If we can get their approval when we pass each other we feel we got it right. The clothes. The outfit. The hair and makeup. Even our shoes. The whole package. If we can get even a little smile from that total stranger we reciprocate with a smile back as a "Thank you".
Now in a work situation some women that are a little insecure with their current male companion can make the jump to jealousy. And this is the situation you now find yourself in. No truth to it yet your beauty and attractiveness is slightly more than their own self esteem. Not your fault. But try telling that to the other woman. It won't work.

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Question 5...Wednesday

DocteurRalph wrote:
How can a car accident be one of your best experiences?

Perhaps the paramedic was hot and she got his number. Strictly for future reference of course.

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A Nanny From Hell..

DocteurRalph wrote:
Shoot I was thinking if she wrote the review it might have worked out better. I can see it now, "this nanny had an affair with my husband" and suddenly your phone starts ringing off the hook, you could even get the dirty old men in a bidding war for your "services".. ha ha!

DocteurRalph would be happy to give you his post office box address to send videos.

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How do I convince my friend not to lie in her CV ?

Simply put, you don't. Say how you feel but if she lies anyway it is completely out of your hands. She may never be found out but she is the one who has to go to that job everyday with that lie and knowing it. And every single day that that guilty conscience will be heavier and heavier.

And if she DOES get caught, hopefully she will have learned a very painful lesson. It should have little difference in your friendship though.

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A Nanny From Hell..

Dress professionally. Nothing tight or even remotely sexy. Speak to him only when spoken to. Eye contact only. Chill and keep it light. Do not assume what others are thinking. You simply do not know, nor could you change their minds if you tried. If you stay professional there is nothing they can say.


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What happens after a death (practical not spiritual).

DocteurRalph wrote:
If you don't have any money to bury yourself or are worried about funeral expenses you can donate your body to science. Medical students always need fresh cadavers to poke, prod, and dissect. I have a friend that has donated his body to Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Don't need a casket or anything then. At least he's planning ahead.

No joke, this is what our dear friend Daft Punk requested before she died. God bless her having the forethought to do this.
We still miss and love you Alice!

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A Concern:

How did you know I smoked....!????

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Just found out my dad has got terminal stomach cancer.

Go. Don't go. Write. Skype. Fly by in a hot air balloon. Mail yourself in a box... Regardless of which method you choose you are arguing with yourself how they will perceive it. You don't know, that is just your assumption. You have changed. So have they. Judging how they will react based on old data is frivolous. Just go and then leave. How they want to react is totally up to them and out of your control. Their issue. Walk away with your soul intact. Even if their head explodes or they grow a 6th toe on both feet. Not a thing you could do about it.

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A Concern:

Jebus..? Is that you on the right?

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My mum just peed herself again.

No family or friends? Then I would suggest total strangers. Find a local AA meeting to attend. Put $5 in the kitty and ask her to spill the beans. Go with for moral support but leave the confession part up to her.

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