2,101 replies, Replies 901 to 910

Question number 3 guys...(missed yesterday)

I was in college. I was way too young and didn't know what to expect.

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Question 4...


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My cat died today and I burst into tears at a work meeting.

Very sorry for your loss. Ive had to put down 2 of my own over the past 3 months; both over 15 yrs old.

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SmartAZ wrote:
Uh, ... chocolate?


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is this a real life?

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
im not an african

To be quite frank, we are still testing to see if it's human. Our military has found relatives around Area 51.

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Question number 2, guys...as said in a post yesterday...

The obvious choice of course is this place.

@Rockster160 if we ever meet you in person you are going to turn 50 shades of lipstick.

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is this a real life?

Kalinihta wrote:
I don't know if I'm making any sense! I'll just leave it there.


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I have a list of the guys I’ve slept with and some I don’t even remember.

A wedding band does not mean much anymore. I have guy friends that wear their wedding ring and are single. There are guys out there that don't wear a ring and are very much married. You will soon learn how to read the difference.
That's not to say that even though they are married that you can't be friends. Often they are the ones you feel closest to. Perfectly fine.

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I have a list of the guys I’ve slept with and some I don’t even remember.

Be leery of dating guys from your place of employment, bars, and online dating sites. There are millions of guys sincerely looking for someone like you to start a relationship with. And it is okay to be picky. They don't have to look like Brad Pitt either. Look for shy guys with a little extra pounds but clean fingernails. When you find someone, simply introduce yourself. Yes it's that simple.

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I have a list of the guys I’ve slept with and some I don’t even remember.

You are worthy to be loved by someone that Is worthy of your love. Make this your mantra. Repeat it 20 times a day.

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