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My cat died today and I burst into tears at a work meeting.

My cat was 18 and she had to be put down earlier today. I had a manadatory work meeting tonight and debated on whether I should go or not. I thought one, it was required but two, I thought it might help since I would be out of the house and get my mind off of things. I was wrong. I got to work and my manager asked me how things were today and it hit me. It hit me all at once. I went in the bathroom and got myself together and went back out there and finished the meeting. I feel a little embarrassed but at the same time I had my cat for 18 years...a lot longer than I’ve been at this job. But losing a pet sucks. It really does. Have any of you cried at work?

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My cat died today and I burst into tears at a work meeting. My cat was 18 and she had to be put down earlier today. I had a manadatory work meeting tonight and debated on whether I should go or not. I thought one, it was required but two, I thought it might help since I would be out of the house and get my mind off of things. I was wrong. I got to work and my manager asked me how things were today and it hit me. It hit me all at once. I went in the bathroom and got myself together and went back out there and finished the meeting. I feel a little embarrassed but at the same time I had my cat for 18 years...a lot longer than I’ve been at this job. But losing a pet sucks. It really does. Have any of you cried at work?

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I’m sorry and you should not feel embarrassed. A year ago one of my favorite dogs was going to be put down at the shelter I volunteered at. I found out people could go say there goodbyes. After balling my eyes out in the bathroom I went to my boss red eyed and told her I needed to leave early. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things and it’s understandable how you reacted

(9 hours after post)
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I have, thrice (and several times at school). Arguably it's more stigmatised for a guy on account of expected stoicism, but if you work with good people they'll exhibit more genuine concern than criticism. Most employees I've seen there had at least one meltdown, it just happens and never mentioned thence.
Sorry for your loss. That's a ripe old age. Mayhap not much comfort in such times, but all this time together is not annulled by this transition. Reflect on it for as long as you feel the necessity.

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Losing a pet is the same as losing a member of the family (sometimes worse) Hope your heartache stops soon. 🤗

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(10 hours after post)
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Employeŕs need to come out of tve 19th century. Losing a pet is the same as losing a family member. You cannot just go back to work!

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Very sorry for your loss. Ive had to put down 2 of my own over the past 3 months; both over 15 yrs old.

Happy earth
(15 hours after post)
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Condolences for your loss. Everyone who has ever had a pet knows how hard it is to lose them. I'm sure your colleagues will understand.

(2 days after post)
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Pets are family. They're more aware than people give them credit for with unique personalities. I can understand. I've lost a couple family pets before and that sucked, the cat I have now has been the first pet I've had so far on my own. He gets spoiled and is adored and is among my best friends. I can't imagine how devastated I will be when the time comes for him to leave :(

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
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I cried when I buried Midnight, my black Lab. I had him for 16 years and my 12 year old son was looking at me digging a hole and asked me if I was faking it or something. He'd never seen me cry and I was crying digging a dog's grave. Been there done that.

Yeah I told my son "I've had this dog longer than I've had you, I might not cry at your funeral". He got mad and walked off.

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