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Question 4...

What do you need right now? Tell me....

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(2 hours after post)
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good morning!
I want people to see the difference between "need" and "want". assuming that all of us fulfill the need for food and clothing, everything else is a desire. not the necessity the word "need" implies.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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Need a place to live from August.. Have to move out from my current one and haven't found a new one yet #paniiiiiic

(6 hours after post)
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Magical body healing so I can live a day pain-free. 😄

Alright- not a need. But my basic needs are fulfilled otherwise. 😊

(8 hours after post)
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Happy earth
(10 hours after post)
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I need actual hands-on help. Or more hours in a day. There are more things to be done than I am capable of doing, and nobody else seems to care.

Oh, also a goal. I need a be long-term goal. Floating aimlessly hasn't worked great so far and tasks don't really seem to go anywhere.

7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
(11 hours after post)
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Kalinihta wrote:
good morning!
I want people to see the difference between "need" and "want". assuming that all of us fulfill the need for food and clothing, everything else is a desire. not the necessity the word "need" implies.

Well, I can't speak for others, but to me, "need" and "want" and "desire" are synonymous.

When it comes to people, places or things, "require" also fits.

I have only ONE "need" or "want" or "desire" or "requirement" in this life.
And this one "need" far surpasses any other in my life.

I hope that all of us can find whatever it is that we "need"....
Because it is a true blessing when we do.

7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
(11 hours after post)
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Mya wrote:
Need a place to live from August.. Have to move out from my current one and haven't found a new one yet #paniiiiiic

I wish you the best of luck, hon...
I just know that you will find your new home... :)

7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
(11 hours after post)
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Rockster160 wrote:
Magical body healing so I can live a day pain-free. 😄

Alright- not a need. But my basic needs are fulfilled otherwise. 😊

I do hope that you find your way to living pain free, love.

Yes...I understand...my most base needs are fulfilled as well.
In that light, I suppose that we can be considered lucky.... :)

7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
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Jebus-Zeus wrote:

Neeeeeeed for weeeeeed??

Ohhhh behave....(looks around cautiously) ….well, alright Jeb... 😄

7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
(11 hours after post)
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smiley wrote:
I need actual hands-on help. Or more hours in a day. There are more things to be done than I am capable of doing, and nobody else seems to care.

Oh, also a goal. I need a be long-term goal. Floating aimlessly hasn't worked great so far and tasks don't really seem to go anywhere.

Is there a place where people congregate that might have a bulletin board up and running?
Maybe you could sort of advertise your need for some help.
I am in a situation right now where I am totally overwhelmed with the need to be helped out...a lot of picking up and moving of things no longer required...or needed...desired...required....lol...(sorry)
But truly, people really do respond to others who need help.
Especially if a nice warm lunch is offered...or some kind of pay (?)

Good luck, hon...It will all come together...I'm sure. Peace and Light..

(20 hours after post)
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**PamelaAnn** wrote:

Jebus-Zeus wrote:

Neeeeeeed for weeeeeed??

Ohhhh behave....(looks around cautiously) ….well, alright Jeb... 😄

found it :D

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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**PamelaAnn** wrote:

I wish you the best of luck, hon...
I just know that you will find your new home... :)

Aaw, bless you, *PamelaAnn*! xx

Billy mills
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Actually right now I just need some sleep.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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Hiippie chick beautiful
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I am really liking this post.

Happy earth
(2 days after post)
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**PamelaAnn** wrote:

Is there a place where people congregate that might have a bulletin board up and running?
Maybe you could sort of advertise your need for some help.
I am in a situation right now where I am totally overwhelmed with the need to be helped out...a lot of picking up and moving of things no longer required...or needed...desired...required....lol...(sorry)
But truly, people really do respond to others who need help.
Especially if a nice warm lunch is offered...or some kind of pay (?)

Good luck, hon...It will all come together...I'm sure. Peace and Light..

I actually have a husband and two teenage boys who can help. They just have different priorites from me. They don't care if the house is a mess and falling apart. I'm the only one who is bothered by it. If I ask, and if they feel like it, they will help. They just never, ever, ever think of doing anything on their own.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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smiley wrote:

I actually have a husband and two teenage boys who can help. They just have different priorites from me. They don't care if the house is a mess and falling apart. I'm the only one who is bothered by it. If I ask, and if they feel like it, they will help. They just never, ever, ever think of doing anything on their own.

My 18 yo daughter is a pretty spoilt princess, and doesnt help in any way either, but when i suffered with severe depression and could not get up from bed, and there were no longer clean plates, she did wash up..

Maybe you just sit and 'enjoy' your backache or headaches, and once they dont have clean football shirts, they will wash.. if there are no plates or food, they'll either clean or get a takeaway.. Hm? ;)

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Help me with:

How do I sell a car?

last online: 10/22, 23:26
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I'll tell you if you tell me

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I did tell you.

Help me with:

How do I sell a car?

last online: 10/22, 23:26
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soco wrote:
I did tell you.

You told me nothing

7536 10203091116829874 2001744637 n
(4 days after post)
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In answer to my own question...what I really need right now is PEACE..got a lot going ON...need that PEACE to help me to think straight...and hopefully get all my ducks in a row...towards happiness.

I wish you all PEACE and LOVE and LIGHT... ❤️

Hiippie chick beautiful
(5 days after post)
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Thank You for your nice post, Pamela Ann.

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Hiippie chick beautiful
(5 days after post)
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Fern wrote:
I'll tell you if you tell me

Fern....out of curiosity...who were you talking to with this reply???
Was is me or soco?

Hiippie chick beautiful
(5 days after post)
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**PamelaAnn** wrote:
In answer to my own question...what I really need right now is PEACE..got a lot going ON...need that PEACE to help me to think straight...and hopefully get all my ducks in a row...towards happiness.

I wish you all PEACE and LOVE and LIGHT... ❤️

Pamela Ann, I hope that you do find the peace that you are looking for.
Especially with happiness being the end result.
lol...to quote a friend..."YOU GOOOO, PamAnn!!".

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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~CaraMia~ wrote:

Fern wrote:
I'll tell you if you tell me

Fern....out of curiosity...who were you talking to with this reply???
Was is me or soco?

Probably you. No one ever wants to talk to me.

Perhaps if I wrapped some aluminum foil around my face...

Help me with:

How do I sell a car?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(6 days after post)
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I need to be 40 years younger, can you do that? Yeah it's my high school's 40th anniversary and everyone is fat and old and bald or just plain dead. Kinda sucks, life was a lot more fun even 20 years ago. Man I just wish I could be 40 again, this old age ****shit ain't for sissies.

Help me with:

I need help.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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DocteurRalph wrote:
I need to be 40 years younger, can you do that? Yeah it's my high school's 40th anniversary and everyone is fat and old and bald or just plain dead. Kinda sucks, life was a lot more fun even 20 years ago. Man I just wish I could be 40 again, this old age ****shit ain't for sissies.

Really? Two years ago was my 20th high school anniversary.. and I would have been the only fat and crazy person, but luckily i did not get to go.

There's no fun in my life, and hasn't been for over 20 years.. just pain, abuse and problems.. So, i'd say, Doc, be glad you got fun at least at some point in your life! ;) But may the good Lord fulfill your eternal youth desire xx


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