905 replies, Replies 21 to 30

Let me be Frank.

BigWilly! wrote:
Maybe just a coy Frank-N-Furter?

I would probably look amazing in drag but that's not what the Komodo Dragon gods intended for me.

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Feeling like I need large amounts of morphine right now...

I don't think taking a very strong and addictive drug will help. Probably would just make things worse.

I know why things are good for me. As i have gotten older my autonomy has increased. I like being able to do what I want and i have hobbies that make me happy. If not for those i would probably feel a lot more empty.

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Electric Stove Tips?

Padre_J_Roulston wrote:
There isn't a whole lot of difference between them. Something that I have noticed is that typically gas stoves heat up faster, and cook hotter. So it can take a little longer on an electric range.

Yea i am finding certain small things take twice as long. It felt like the flame on the gas stove was more focussed and efficient

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Electric Stove Tips?

BigWilly! wrote:
Don't touch the heating element(s) with your hand(s).

What if i really, REALLY wanna?

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I was never that frequent but i made jokes at the spam bots too. On here and other sites. I am good at amusing myself at times.

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Will the Russia-Ukraine war end soon?

NacthoMan wrote:
so um, how long is soon?

Soon at this point would mean sometime next month. Most optimistic estimate while being somewhat realistic. That would entail russia taking more territory in Ukr Donbas region and agreeing to a ceasefire that Ukrainians accept and that somehow leads to a long term negotiated outcome. A lot of ifs there.

There will probably be a ceasefire at somepoint this year, or at least the Russians will ask for one, because the war is not really sustainable for their military. There is a good chance they would just be using it as a strategic pause to regroup and resupply.

The problem is that Russia is asking for things UKR is unwilling to accept and Russia is unwilling so far to back down from those demands...ideal scenario is that Russia just gets tired of the war and quits but that just doesn't seem likely as of right now.

Praying Im wrong on that.

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Good day, I would to ask how to start working as transcriptionist here?

I don't know if this site needs that kind of service

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when but

NacthoMan wrote:
man immaturity is alot of fun, i dont mean by being a smart ***ass n trickin, i mean a good laugh comes from utter stupid stuff. Honestly(rhetorical question here) when was the last time ya laughed crying so hard bawling your eyes out. I sure can remember. Been so long for me frankly.

Probably at something stupid while hanging out with my significant other. Like at a youtube video or just at stupid stuff like you say.

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Will the Russia-Ukraine war end soon?

Helper wrote:
I wonder if there are any updates on anyone's thoughts

My friend lives in Kharkiv and he has no access to heating and their fridge doesn't work now due to the destruction of a nearby power station, so he can't store his food but he cannot leave because his mother is very old.

However, he is much more optimistic than my friend in Moscow, who is determined to leave but not sure how.

My thoughts on the situation now are...im praying ww3 doesn't happen and that the parties agree to a ceasefire asap.

I will pray your friend in Kharkiv stays safe.

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when but

So true my man.

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