907 replies, Replies 641 to 650

Iโ€™m so tired

I think i felt this way a lot before i was legally an adult. Once i was able to take more responsibility for my life i felt a lot freer and my hope for a better future grew considerably.

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i would like every long time member of this site to go un-anonymous an re introduce themselves for the year 2020 should bring new beginnings.

My name is actually Lano and I am actually a Komodo Dragon from Komodo in Indonesia. I have never hidden this fact and have always been extremely open about being a lizard with people. Not many Komodo Dragons have the ability to type and I think it's important to bring my voice to the table on all things internet.

I found help because I was feeling sad and I literally just typed "help.com" on a whim and booyah, there it was. I get sad and go on the internet sometimes in response. I find it cathartic.

That's what this site does for me...distracts me from my sadness or let's me blow off some sadness-steam.

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My roomate is crazy.

Also if you can find a responsible roommate, the expensive places you can't afford right now might become much more affordable.

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My roomate is crazy.

I wonder if legally you have recourse here...I mean, if she's not contributing to rent, can he force you to have her as a roomate?

I've never rented...do you lose your deposit if you get thrown out for no reason? Indeed, CAN you be thrown out for no reason if you're paying your rent and your lease is not up?

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What does Tax-deductible mean when donating to charity?

I mostly asked because I wonder if it's really worth it to save that info, especially since I usually get money at the end of the year and it seems like the answer is no.

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Im so sick of being ignored on facebook.

On a serious note what the poster is talking about is what i also dislike about fb and why, when i use it, i only RARELY use the like button, and then only when people comment on something i posted. I dont want to hurt peoples feelings and have my suster ask me why i didnt comment on this or that dumb post but that i DID comment on that OTHER dumb post.

Its really not deep and people arent logical. I saw a post yesterday that was kinda true; dont take what i like on fb seriously, i probably did it while on the toilet.

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Im so sick of being ignored on facebook.

Yorick wrote:
or revisit AOL

Mmmm such a classic.

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Im so sick of being ignored on facebook.

Maybe you need to break up with facebook. Try myspace.

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Do men care what women wear when they approach women?

Yes it makes sense.

The quiet thing is probably holding you back more than the clothes thing. Though wearing something crazy can be a conversation starter

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Do men care what women wear when they approach women?

I'm not sure if I understand the question here. But if your asking if dressing scantily will entice men to approach, the short answer is yes. The long answer if you are dressing to attract men you should decide what sort of man you are trying to attract. And for what you are trying to attract them for.

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