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Will Helpbot please report to the front desk?

helpbot came to my post :)

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Getting to know HelpQA family..

but havent been able to leave the house since 2017. besides the couple transfers between my home to mams and then mine again

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Getting to know HelpQA family..

outside my bedroom and then outdoors would make me happy. thats where i hope im heading. im severely unwell and been in bed since January 2018. i hoping to get care i need to have treatment and get better so can have quality of life and some freedom

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A man wakes up and looks at his clock.

Aria wrote:
I read the title of this post very differently. Somehow, my mind removed the letter "L" from "clock".

haha ditto

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A man wakes up and looks at his clock.


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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our fearless leader @Rockster160 !

im abit late. nothing unusual there. but happy belated birthday to you :)

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fellow englanders.

i dont like Boris or Trump or many other ones in the spotlight right now. those peoples choices are putting my life in danger. social services and health services dont have the funding to actually spend the right level of time to support me. im too poorly to understand the whole lot but some idiots at the top are responsible for all this

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ah it's probly not a good idea generally.

what exactly is the problem?

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ask me anything

What colour socks r u wearing lol ๐Ÿ˜„

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Facebook is really beginning to suck big time!

Fb censoring a lot too. Words such as self harm or suicide and other stuff too

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