1,095 replies, Replies 101 to 110


BA1 wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:
Thank you @BA1 how can i obtain a king james bible? Please can u help me get one?

I'll certainly give it a try.
I'll need some time because I am in a new location, so I'm still learning the area and the things which are available.

thank u!

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Lano wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:

Perhaps if u have nothing nice or neutral to say then perhaps it would be better to not say anything.

I usually don't, but this is a case where people might die.

And that is also why i have shared it because i feel the same way for different reasons to yourself. I may not be perfect but i try and help people because i care about them. Im not perfect but at least i try and help people see a bigger view of things going on around them. It is up to each individual to decide for themselves what they believe.

I did not lie. I simply shared a video that i thought was interesting and could interest others aswell. I did not make it.

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5 G and AI is going full throttle despite the will of the people not wanting it.

Lano wrote:
Though, another question you could ask if the workers know it's harmful why are they doing it.

My guess is because it provides a roof over their heads and their families. Its a job that brings money in

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Can i please make the suggestion that when something said stirs angry emotions that u allow yourself time to cool off before responding. Then perhaps you might find ways to express yourself whilst sounding less offensive.

Please do not insinuate that i have deliberately gone out of my way to lie.

Perhaps if u have nothing nice or neutral to say then perhaps it would be better to not say anything.

I feel this is turning into an argument. Arguments are not healthy for anyone. I am not very well and neither are u by the sounds of it and i dont think either of us need that kind of stress

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5 G and AI is going full throttle despite the will of the people not wanting it.

If 5G is not harmful then why do people have to wear special protective suits to put them up?

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5 G and AI is going full throttle despite the will of the people not wanting it.

Lano wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:

That fallacy, coupled with the fact that there is a link to a supplement store on the site, makes me narrow my eyes and not want to trust that site.

I think you are being very judgemental. That lady risks her whole career to advocate for those with ME. She has put so much free information in her website and made youtube videos which are free to look at and podcasys to try and help people. They have a free facebook group to try and help people. Everything she has done to help us is alot more than the majority of drs who have left us to die with no hope at all. She has an award for ine of her books. Reviews on amazon all amazing. Ive read some of her stuff.

Are you aware that she has tried to hold the PACE trail authors to account with the general medical coucil for all the abuse and deaths caused by them? If the GMC do not hold the authors to account she is taking them to court. How many other dtd have done that? None that i know of

Are you aware of the MAIMES campaign she is doing to help us with ME get MPs to notice us and help us? MAIMES stands for medical abused in ME sufferers.

Or about the complaint she made to GMC and trying to assist those without a voice to be able to whistle blow their abuse?

Just because she has a shop doesnt mean people have to buy things from her.

She even put together a website where u can choose from a choice of drs. Not just her. She makes it very clear she is not taking on more people because she is full up and has been for a very long time.

She left the NHS which has the security of money and holidays and a pension and more money when u push certain treatments. She went private because NHS was restrictive so she was very limited in how she could help people.

She genuinely wants to help people. Even thougj she has written multiple books alot of their content is in her website.

I copied a bunch of quotes from her book and shes happy for me to share it with the dr surgery who have no clue of ME.

She has done research to try and help us. She has dedicated her life to helping us.

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5 G and AI is going full throttle despite the will of the people not wanting it.

Lano wrote:

Animal fat specifically, or all fat?

some fats are not so good. Can i recommend a link to Dr Myhills website regarding it as she explains it all much better than i can?

lano wrote:
The problem with animal fat is it's often "bad fat" that your body is inefficient at breaking down and tends to get stuck in your system, and collect in places...like my liver. Most plant fat isn't great for you either. Animal fats are worse because they also have a high cholesterol content and that gets stuck in your arteries, gums them up, and makes it more likely for you to have a heart attack or stroke.

This was exactly what i thought too and i thought for a short while that Dy Myhill had perhaps lost the plot. But in futher investigation the science behind it seems legit.

Re cheese: i dont eat cheese. Dr myhill does not think it is good for us at all. Also isnt it basically made of mould? I wouldnt eat it. Also it tends to be made from cow milk and cows are usually fed growth hormones which is a good promoter of cancer. Near where i live there is Beamish Museum and when i have gone before i havr noticed how the houses and ceilings are much lower than ours now. I think its likely because of all the growth hormones in dairy products.

I cut out dairy, gluten and yeast and i feel better for it. No more itchiness in a night keeping me awake

lano wrote:

On the other stuff...a lot of what you are saying is really anecdotal and hasn't been seriously studied and could just as easily be coincidence. Why is one kid suffering but not the others?

the first part i think is incorrect. The second part is possibly because some peope have higher metals content in their bodies than others so they would then receieve more EMFs than others.

If you touch an aerial antenna the signal improves so its easy to see that we can receive EMFs signal

Jetmoo wrote:

Did you read the link from Dr Myhill?

I have no idea, there are a lot of links there. [/quote]

It was a link on its own in a comment of its own.

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lano wrote:

The theory of evolution and the flatness/sphericalness of the Earth seems completely off topic to me, you oughta make a different topic if you want to discuss that stuff.

When people tell others what they should or should not do it suggestive that they themselves feel they are above others and can be offenssive.

Can i suggest that instead of telling people what to do, that you make suggestions instead. Then it sounds like u r trying to be helpful rather than criticising people. As most people would react at those kinds of words.

The word should is an offensive word aswell and other words that suggest the same meaning as the word should. Because it is always used as a criticism towards another. And never for any positive suggestion.

Saying you outta is effectively the same as saying you should.

lano wrote:

It's not my job to disavow you of all your incorrect beliefs

if u dont want to do something then please dont. I dont want anyone to do anything they feel obliged to do, as if i am a burden. Id rather someone did something for another because they wanted to. Not because they felt they had to.

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"If it is not worth your time to fact-check questionable information, it is not worth your time to share it."

I dont think thats very fair @Lano its not about not having time, its about not having health.

U made it sound like i had much a choice. My health is not a choice.


And what u state as being questionable is a matter of opinion. What u see as being auestionable may not be to another person. Opinions are never factual and are neither right nor wrong.

No one on this planet is perfect so i dont think u have the authority to judge me.

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I also share different views on different things. But if the reader wants to check things then thats their choice aswell.

What you say is an opinion and opinions are neither right nor wrong. They simply are

Its not my job to take care of everyone else. It is not possible to please everyone 100% of the time. People will always disagree.

Two different people can respond completely differently to the same thing. How someone responds to simuli is not up to me. It is up to that person how they choose to respond. I cant live in fear of not speaking incase i displease someone.

I ofcourse try not to but free speech is something we all have a right to aswell and freewill to make our own decisions
If one is distressed by stimuli then id advise them to look the other way.

I dont think its my job to anticipate what everyone thinls and feels.

And as much as i care about people sometimes the truth hurts but is best said in the long term.id rather people told ne the truth then kept it from me.

And what one thinks is a credible source on the internet another will disagree. It is impossible to please everyone. Trying to please everyone is not a healthy way to live.

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