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This post is my safe place for holding onto bits im learning about the bible...

soco wrote:
JW's don't know the truth either. Charles Russell was a false prophet. False prophets spread false prophecy.

Whos he? Btw i agree. This is why im collecting bits to try discern the truth. Or atleast the closest to the truth i can find.

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Don't let anyone tell you that Trump couldn't have done more about COVID-19

Thank you :)

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5 G and AI is going full throttle despite the will of the people not wanting it.

There was also a woman in france who won a court case regarding EMF harming her.

It is not possible to share research regarding harms of 5G with you because none have been done but harms have been seen from lower levels so it seems likely that 5G would be more harmful.

When you consider that our bodies contain mostly water and water conducts elecricity and when you consider that we contain metals, some we should have in our body for our bodies to work right but some should not be there and can cause dysfunction in the body.

For example if one is deficient in zinc,then the body may subtitute nickle in its place because nickle looks very similar in composition to zinc. So those with deficiencies are more likley to incorprotate metals into their mitochondrial DNA and thus the mitochodria would not work correctly or optimally. Stainless steel is 14% nickle. Most people use stainless steel. Nickle leaches from pans when the pans are heated during cooking and it leeches into our food that we then eat. But the public are not informed about these toxins.

Big pharama promotes people to be unhealthy with havng medication like omeprazole which then neutralises the acidity in the stomach. This then weakens the bodies immune system. So when we eat food that our bodies have a bad reaction to we then have medication to tell our bodies to be quiet and stop complaining. Rather than listening to our bodies and stop eating the foods which cause this. It tends to be foods like flour, atleast with my dad it has been with pastry.

My comprehensive stool analysis said that some specific aerobic microbes thrive on carbs like from starch from potatoe, pasta, bread, products containing flour but we are told in the eat well plate in the NHS that we should be consuming lots of carbs.

the NHS also disourage eating animal fats and lard. However these fats are actually good for us. And it amazed me to find out that after i studied biology at A level but when you look into it it makes alot of sense. And a molecule of fat produces more molecules of ATP for energy and using fat for energy also produces less oxidative stress during respiration.

We are encouraged by those we trust to make ourselves more sick.

So water and metals both conduct electicity and both are in our bodies. And the more vaccines we have the more metals bioaccumulates in our bodies which then would increase the amount of EMF receieved by the body.

The body uses electrochemical gradients to initiate nerve impulses. Thy create action potentials and an imbalence of volatge in the body can disrupt the eletro chemical gradients and disrumpt the singals without the body. And cau lead to illnesses affecting the nervous system. And it is probably why many ado not seem to be affected by EMF but i am affected by mobiles. Beause i have an illness of the nervous system and an illness with my mitochodira so it is likely i have more metals in my body so then i absorb more electic than hose with lss metals. So i am affected more than others.

But metals bioaccumulate in the body and illnss creeps p over time so it then becomes harder to pin point what exactly caused the illness. For me personally my illness was gradual onset.

Many dismiss the bioaccumulation of metals from vaccines as a big deal.

Many people are misinformed with many things. Eve nmercury fillings have been banned in some countries butmay people believe that they are not a risk.

And it is the same with many things. In our food, drinks, the air we breath. We are swimming in toxins and thats why so many people are sick but rather than removing toxins from what we consumed and products we put on our skin, people rather use the money for reasearch so we can be greedy and have everything we desire and then fix the consequenes and keep on going with harmful desire and ignoring our own health.

Many take their health for granted until it is too late to turn back. And many are simply unaware so they cant make informed decisions and since theey do not have the knowledge to understand, they trust those with the knowledge to do what is in the publics best interest.

But that didnt happen wth people with ME.

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5 G and AI is going full throttle despite the will of the people not wanting it.

You do not have to be rigt next to a cell tower to be exposed to the radiation. Mobiles receieve messages from cell towers from miles away from them so if he phone can receieve signal then so can the body.

Did you read the link from Dr Myhill?

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5 G and AI is going full throttle despite the will of the people not wanting it.

Lano wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:
Report of Final Results Regarding Brain and Heart Tumors in Sprague-Dawley Rats Exposed From Prenatal Life Unitl Natural Death to Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Field Representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM Base Station Environmental Emission.

Brain Tumours: Rise in Glioblastoma Multiforme Incidence in England 1995-2015 Suggests an Adverse Environmental or Lifestyle Factor.

The 2100 MHz Radiofrequency Radiation of a 3G-Mobile Phone and the DNA Oxidative Damage in Brain.

Prenatal Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field and Its Impact on Fetal Growth.

The Effects of Radio Frequency Radiation on Mice Fetus Weight, Length and Tissues.

Exposure to Magnetic Field Non-Ionizing Radiation and the Risk of Miscarriage: A prospective Cohort Study.

Multiple Assessment Methods of Prenatal Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation from Telecommunication in the Mothers and Childrenโ€™s Environmental Health (MOCEH) Study.

The Use of Signal-Transduction and Metabolic Pathways to Predict Human Disease Targets from Electric and Magnetic Fields Using in vitro Data in Human Cell Lines.

A Review on Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and the Reproductive System.

Genotoxicity Induced by Foetal and Infant Exposure to Magnetic Fields and Modulation of Ionising Radiation Effects.

Oxidative Stress of Brain and Liver is Increased by Wi-Fi (2.45 GHz) Exposure of Rats During Pregnancy and the Development of Newborns.

Neurodegenerative Changes and Apoptosis Induced by Intrauterine and Extrauterine Exposure of Radiofrequency Radiation.

Maternal Exposure to a Continuous 900-MHz Electromagnetic Field Provokes Neuronal Loss and Pathological Changes in Cerebellum of 32-Day-Old Female Rat Offspring.

Different Periods of Intrauterine Exposure to Electromagnetic Field: Influence on Female Rats' Fertility, Prenatal and Postnatal Development.

Use of Mobile Phone During Pregnancy and the Risk of Spontaneous Abortion.

Oxidative Mechanisms of Biological Activity of Low-Intensity Radiofrequency Radiation

Effects of Prenatal 900 MHz Electromagnetic Field Exposures on the Histology of Rat Kidney.

The Effect of Exposure of Rats During Prenatal Period to Radiation Spreading from Mobile Phones on Renal Development.

Dosimetric Study of Fetal Exposure to Uniform Magnetic Fields at 50 Hz.

Influence of Pregnancy Stage and Fetus Position on the Whole-Body and Local Exposure of the Fetus to RF-EMF.

Autism-Relevant Social Abnormalities in Mice Exposed Perinatally to Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.

Pyramidal Cell Loss in the Cornu Ammonis of 32-day-old Female Rats Following Exposure to a 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field During Prenatal Days 13โ€“21.

The Effects of 900 Megahertz Electromagnetic Field Applied in the Prenatal Period on Spinal Cord Morphology and Motor Behavior in Female Rat Pups.

Fetal Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure From 800-1900 MHz-Rated Cellular Telephones Affects Neurodevelopment and Behavior in Mice.

Cranial and Postcranial Skeletal Variations Induced in Mouse Embryos by Mobile Phone Radiation.

Dysbindin Modulates Prefrontal Cortical Glutamatergic Circuits and Working Memory Function in Mice.

Stress Signalling Pathways that Impair Prefrontal Cortex Structure and Function.

Maternal Occupational Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields and the Risk of Brain Cancer in the Offspring.

Reproductive and Developmental Effects of EMF in Vertebrate Animal Models.

Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure to Cell Phone Use and Behavioral Problems in Child

Sources are good but they are much better when you actually read them to determine if they are relevant. It's good to question, but when you actually want to say that you know the truth about something, you have to do the work and the research and examine the issue, and not just take a headline and assume you know what something is about.

There are A LOT of links there and I'm definitely not going to look into every single one, but I checked out the first three. It's worth noting, though, that, looking through the titles, none of them specifically mention 5G networks, it looks like they are mostly about cell phone radiation in general.

First link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29530389

The abstract says that, for the highest amount of radiaton they used during the study, exposing the rats to the radiation for 19 hours a day from utero until they died that rats had a statistically significant increase in tumors. Meaning maybe the increase in incidence was due to the radiaton.

So, it seems to me the study is saying this: If you sat next to a cellphone tower for 19 hours a day from when you were conceived until you died, you might be more likely to develop a tumor.

Second link: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jeph/2018/7910...

"We aimed to evaluate the effect of 2100MHz radiofrequency radiation emitted by a generator, simulating a 3G-mobile phone on the brain of rats during 10 and 40 days of exposure."

"Our main finding was the increased oxidative DNA damage to brain after 10 days of exposure with the decreased oxidative DNA damage following 40 days of exposure compared to their control groups."

So my question is, what is this study really saying? Is it saying that you get acclimated to radiation after a month and it doesn't harm you as much? It doesn't say to what degree whatever damage it is doing is harmful. So it's definitely not conclusive evidence that the radiation used in the study is dangerous.

Third link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30635061

"RESULTS: Compared with girls with lower prenatal ELF-MF exposure, girls with higher exposure had a lower birth weight, thinner skinfold of triceps, abdomen and back, and smaller circumference of head, upper arm and abdomen in all three ELF-MF matrices. The differences were statistically significant for birth weight and most other growth measurements (Pโ€‰<โ€‰0.05). These measures had no significant difference between higher and lower prenatal ELF-MF exposure in boys except back skinfold thickness."

Again, the results of the study are clearly not conclusive. And there is a contradictory result in that it seemed to effect girls and not boys.

I definitely have an open mind on this stuff. I'm not here trying to say that cell phones are perfectly safe. I think the issue should be studied further, and if, after towers go up, adverse health affects are observed, we should take them down.

Being that the consensus among people who actually study this stuff for a living is that it's safe, I'm not opposed to them going up.

And like soco said earlier, they would be putting the towers up regardless of whether or not there was a coronovirus outbreak, if anything I bet the outbreak would slow things down, but I'm obviously not following the situation closely. Like most people, contrary to the OP's claim, I'm really not that concerned about it.

It good to hear your response. Please see my response to the previous pst i commented on. Its relevant to this.

Using a moile to my head has mae me brain burn and worsened my cogniton. I know that these links are mostly to do with cell phones but if cell phones can cause harm then 5 G definately would. But wht ayou say about them being inconclusive, i think i need to think more about tht before commenting.

What i do know though is that there have been children complaining of being very unwell when in chool in USA and feel much better when outside of school one in particular was complaining of severre heart pains like his heart was being queezed and it would sto pwhen he went home. And they think it is to do with 5G because it only started after the 5G was installed and the 5G is right next to the shcool.

They have not tested for 5G safety so they would not tell you of their unsafety.

I lso know that some drs are not corrupt but are then casd ed to llose their lisence because they are doing wat is right for the patient. And you probably wont belive it but it has been done before with drs dealing with my illness.

Dr Nigel Speight was a Dr who helped children with ME when familys were hving problems with their children having ME. Beuacse ME has been protrayed as a mental illness for so long people have eeb nforcibly removed fro mtheir homes and put into psych wards and forced to have harmful treatment. Which the houses of commones have discussed as being unsafe. NICE are now updating the guideslines on reatment of those with M>E but Drs who treated ME as if it was a physiological illness rather than psycholgical have bn penalised for doing so. Dr Nigel speight can no longer work with people with ME. Unless things have changed since the last time i looked.

But if good drs can be sileced then there is no reason why good drs in other areas can not also be silenced.

PACEtrial was fradulent and had relationships with insurance company Unum and DWP about money. The study was used to penalise people with ME so we ould not get thesupport we needed becauuse unu said we would cost too much. So many people have ded at the hands of the authorities. And my private dr has challenged the GMC as to why they have not done anything regarding the PACE trial authors.

When you see this happen first hand yourself it does make you wonder who you can trust. I had medics abuse me and shout at me for stugling t breath and shouted at me for being unable to ove and i was crying and even being sick but they had no compassion and thouht i was attentin seeking. I said to them, what good ould i gain from pretending and woman said she didnt know. But they still thought i ws pretending. Hospital staff abused me and id rather die at home than take the risk of seeing them again. People with ME ften are abused by these pople who have ben misinformated. If people can misinform people world wide abot my illness and cause millions world wide to suffer and be babused and left without social security and social services and benefits to kep them alive i see that it is is ipossible that tey may do this with others.

There are definately corrupt people out there. Ven my GP allowed my social worker to have my doorcde without my cnsent retherth tan tell us he had concerns with my health. People think they can do what they want with you. You are treated less than human and i have had to change my doorcode and will not give it out again. It is scarry to know that people can abuse powers of protection just walk into your home like that. if you cant feel safe in your own home then where ca you feel safe? Especially when you consider the history of people with ME being forcibly remoeed for their homes. I needed my diazapam after that. And thats where my faith cae in because it was the only thing to get me through what i have been through with all of this.

Sorry for so much waffle ๐Ÿ˜…

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aeolians.revenge wrote:
Listen to jetmoo. She knows what she is talking about.

โค it is true that there are multiple strains of the virus but my gut still tells me this is not natural and was caused deliberately.

Man himself makes these viruses when they feed the cattle with antibiotics and over use antibiotics with people and cause antibiotic resistence and over using antibacterial spray.

Its crazy when you think about it because there are many ways of improving immunity without resorting to it methods that cause antibiotic resistence.

But authorities will have us falsely believe that vit c is not so effective and tat high doses are harmful which is ludicrous hen yu see the research showing vit c getting rid of sepsis and pneumonia and reducing death rates.

Even trump apparently suggested people drinking disinfectant. But we need to have some bacteria in our bodies. Its all about finding the right balance.

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My point of view is that i feel responsible to tell people what is going on but it is hard for me because i dont have the energy to research everything as much as I want to. I have to be picky where i use my energy.

But i know that vaccines have harmful toxins in them. I know big pharma does not have the public in its best interest. I know the big companys work together to increase each of their profits.

I know that scientists and Drs can be corrupt. I know bill gates is not a Dr so he shouldnt be doing a Drs job.

I have so little faith in these people and feel the need to make people aware of dangers of vaccines and 5G and some other things aswell that i cant think of right now.

I still dont feel that the covid19 was natural and Trump himself said that the virus was "artificially induced". And i saw a tweat by Bill Gates from last year saying that he was looking forward for profits from vaccines the next year 2020.

It is hard to trust people who censor others. All people have the right to share their views and if people are stopped sharing their views online it will soon end up that people can not talk on the streets unless they are conforming the the authorities. People are not alllowed to question the authorities so then authorities can get away wih whaever they want. Authorities have double standards and it is ok for them to do something but not ok for the public to do it.

They even censor when people dicuss vaccines harms but those who are vaccine harmed are told they are just mentally ill and it couldnt possibly be from the vaccines. It is exactly thee sae way people with ME have been treated for years. People have died abslutely torturous deaths from ME and abuse. If vaccines can not harm people then there should be no reluctance to discuss them.

I have seen so much corruption it is so hard for me to trust authorities. Those further down the heirachy may have peoples best interrests at heart but that doesnt mean those higher up the heirachy have our best interests at heart. And people futher down the heirachy will not get to now of all the discussins that take place with those above them. They sieve out the information and only tell them what they want them to know.

And they seem to be using drones to spy on everyone and even facebook monitors every single website you go on. There is a setting you have to click to delete all the sites you have visted on it. I cleared mine.

They are invading peoples privacy all the time. They even listen through mobiles when you have not requested the phone to take notice of your talking. My carer was talking about snow boarding with me and later when she came back she said that she was looking online and in her adverts it came up snowboarding holidays. I think thats because the phone listens to everything. I have put bluattack over every camera lens on my phone and i pad. Maybe i shud do it on the sounds part too?

I have an understanding of biology that many people do not have so i feel responsible to make people aware. But it is hard to get all the info together to do everything properly and i always sacrfice my health trying to do so.

I have heard many stories about the covid19. A nurse in newyork says that people are getting treated less than human in hosiptals and says all new york hospitals need investigating.

I heard from someone who i think is n england say someting simliar bu they were not my friend, i saw it on a friend own post. They had see the newyork girls post and said she believes it considering how her dad was treated.

Also hospitals get more money for every covid19 patient they have and some corrupt drs are changing death certificaes to portray a larger number of covid19 patients.

There have been people online who have said that they were told they tested positive for covid19 even though they had never had any blood test and they were told they would have to go in the covid19 ward even though they kept telling them they had never been tested and had undelying health problems that put them at very high risk if put in the ward so the person discharged themselves and were told they would not be given their medication if they dischared themselves. But not everyone has family to stand up for them and this person hasnt the only one who mentions this kind of treatment either.

There is alot of fishy buisiness going on. My gut tells me something is not right many things are not right. But its a matter of figuring out where the facts lie between the truth and deception.

Someone told me the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle and i think theyre right. People are deceived because those who lie usually use alot of facts to back up their lies. And because people see those truths they think it is all true.

It is unbelieveable that we have been deceived so much. The amount of things i have learnt the last year is unbelievable. Life has truely been a massive illusion. If only people knew what i knew. Even things i was taught at collage have not all been fact but were taught as fact.

Children in schools are being taught facts that are not facts at all but assumptions masqurading as facts. For example evolution theory is nothing but a theory but it is taught as if it is a fact. The big bang theory is taught as if it a fact but it is nothing but a theory. Creationism is also a theory that people cannot prove. But it is put in religion instead of science. Perhaps the other theories coild be moved to philosophy or arleast made clear to be unproven theories not facts.

Even the new world translations bible seems to have been meddled with, it seems the watchtower first began from a freemason and there is alot of deception there. And i felt that there may be some false truths going on but thought i had kept my eyes open. I never realised it was as corrupt as it seems to be.

It makes you wonder what do you truely believe anymore? The only thing we can truely believe is what we see with our own eyes rather than what someone else tells us.

It seems even NASA has lied to people. One thing i have looked in to more is the earth being flat. I laughed at first thinking people were nuts but it makes alot of sense when you take the time to understand the facts that support this way if thinking.

Perhaps if it had not been for a friend who had passed away afew years ago then i may not have even bothered to question it and research it. But he had had discussions with someone else and i was watching on fb of them disagreeing with each other on afew things. I didnt like the other guy and thought that my frined must not like him very much either but when i spoke with my friend he said the other guy is a nice guy and he likes to hear odifferent peoples views. And said its good to see different peoples perspectives. And its the one thing i took from him and tried to do the same myself since. I am thankful for that lesson.

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What does the world see when they look at the USA now?

When i was a kid watching the films on tv of America, like Jonny 5, made me think it was an amazing place.

But now im older i 6hink of guns, big pharma and poor food standards, i dont frel the same anymore either. I think of war and division in the name of fighting for the country. And that is not much different here too i suppose but im not proud of those going to war. I am proud of those who spead peace like president john kennedy. His speech made me cry. I doubt there will be another one and if one comes about they will likely be assassinated aswell.

What i dont like is when a film, eg The Stand, suggests the whole world but only actually includes amercia as if they ARE the whole world and the rest of the world are excluded as if they are of no importance.

I have always thought it would be pretty cool to travel thro USA vos there is so much there and yo enjoy the culture.

I DO love things like digferent accents! I LOVE copying accents :D anr i love lrarning the fifferent words the americans use yo the English. But i dont think id like to live there.

We dont get crocodiles here or wildlife trying to kill us or proper earthquakes, hurricanes. It seems safer here.

But the rett of the world is following now and becoming more insafe too.
Not that they were really all that safe to begin with

I do like the idea of seeing the different natural climates and mountains n stuff

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This post is my safe place for holding onto bits im learning about the bible...

"Dawn Llisone jesus, is GOD, then he became a man like us. Mathew 1:21
how can he become GOD??
Malachi 3:6 james 1:17
GOD, cannot CHANGE. "

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This post is my safe place for holding onto bits im learning about the bible...


Someone said to see the part sayng, is jesus God?

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