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This post is my safe place for holding onto bits im learning about the bible...

soco wrote:

Lano wrote:

Jetmoo wrote:

Id love to learn greek. Im lucky to have some jewish friends who now herbrew. And i figured i might be able to ask them about some translaions as to their accuracy. Its a thought anyway

I've always thought that if I get a tattoo I will get some phrase or something in Ancient Greek. That'd be neat.

I don't think I want a tattoo though. It's just a fun thought.

I suggest the Greek translation of "This page/space left intentionally blank." right in the center of the back in extremely small letters.

Haha that is so random!๐Ÿ˜

I have a dove tattoo. It means freedom. I am free and no one will hold me down. I am free to be myself. It also me and love sets u free. I was gona get the words aswell but i never did.

Tattoos have stuff in them that are not gud for health so i wouldnt get another.

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Wow the world is so sad and broken.

How do u know atlantas is legit? @BA1


I came across this when asking if atlantis is real. Its interesting. Although the bit about godS doing x y z is rubbish

But u say it is beyond antantic. But it seems others think it is under water


Do u suppose dinosaurs were made from humans mating with fallen angels?

How did u see the demonic realm? what did it look like?
What happened?

What makes u think that god is already dealing with some of the fallen angels?

Why would only deal with some at present and not others?

Would he not deal with them all together when christ comes back?

BA1 wrote:
"Do you think those centaurs and minataurs were a myth?"

I never heard of those words until now.

BA1 wrote:
"Do you think fairies are a fantasy along with mermaids, dragons and Cyclops?"

I did yeah. Are they all a result of fallen angels ********breeding with humans? But fairies are supposed to be small. And the nephelim are supposed to be giants?

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Wow the world is so sad and broken.

What u say is so interesting. Thank u for sharing with me.

Quotes i have read point to the earth being flat. I believe it is flat and the heavens are above the earth


Bible quotes world is flat



1 Chroniclesย 16:30 โ€ the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved. โ€

19:4โ€ฆ. โ€ tabernacle for the sun. โ€œ
19:6โ€ฆ. โ€ goes forth in a circle from one end of heaven to the other. โ€œ
93:1โ€ฆ. โ€ the world also is stablished that it cannot be moved. โ€œ


Heaven above earth. Firmament



And check out the 200 proofs the earth doesnt spin. Only it doesnt come up as a webpage but downloads it instead. I downloaded it tho n my mobile still works ok so i dont think its got any bugs. Its seriously interesting tho!! There are some VERY interesting points on it!

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Wow the world is so sad and broken.

Its disgusting the angels ********breeding with humans. Yuk

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Think people!

"What is this oppression and loss of liberty doing to the mental health of our kids...to us?"

Somme people are commiting suicide. One man already did and i have growing concerns tha a friend of mine might take their life eventually.

My best friend is another i have had concerns about and not being able to go out is not helping his mental health with bipolar. He cant play he drums cos the neighbours upstairs are not at work so his body it in more pain.

H strugglees to cope because they are pretty much his life and help calm him down when he is struggling and he has quite afew mental health problems and his mam died afew months back and he doesnt really have many friends.

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Think people!

"ย Probably some who tested postive ended up dying from an unrelated stroke, or some who died of COVID like symptoms but they didn't get to test before they died...these things aren't perfect and no one is claiming they are."


While people may not directly be claiming the satistics are perfect, behaviour speaks louder than words and pressuring people into lockdon is behaviour suggestive that the statisics are reliable or valid.

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Are you feeling lonely?

Skype is gud for those who can use it. Kept me going for a long time. Me and my partnre would both eat breakfast over skype on.

I have even played connect 4 ver a skype and chess. Its hard playing games oer sype i must say with getting the nagles right but its lots of fun and it can be done

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Are you feeling lonely?

I have been house bound since 2017. I hvae been almost entirely bedbound since 2018. My visitors are my carers. I love my carers. They are my world :) they kee me going. Before i relapsed i was truely lonely i shouldnt go into it too much. All i can say is its not as bad for me now as it used to be.

- written
Wow the world is so sad and broken.

@BA1 how do u know that fallen angels mated with humans to make demons?

And do u believe the earth is flat?

Have u ever seen a bad spirit or demon? Or a bad force if energy.

I have seen a dark figure before and i have seen white orbs before.

And what about when people do ouiji board? Is that fallen angels or demons that come out? I wud never do that myself but i have heard stories.

I also heard that a man was possessed and they had a hard time getting it out of him. That was from a nurse where i used to work. It was his brother who become possessed.

Have u ever known this yourself with anyone?

What do you think God thinks of those who commit suicide?

After the flood killed people and demons, how did that prevent people not mating with angels again?

But dont angels not have a gender? How can they mate?
Especially when in spirit form and we are in human form?

Why does that not happen these days and how would we know if it did?

Do u believe that the southpole is the outside perimeter if the earth?

Why did dinosaurs die out after the iceage but not other creatures?

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This post is my safe place for holding onto bits im learning about the bible...

Thank you @Padre_J_Roulston i think it looks abit complicated for me ๐Ÿ˜… lol

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