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How do I build my self esteem?

I feel worthless.

But, you're not.

I’m overweight (I just joined a gym and am doing a good job going).

Oh.....so....you're a full figured gal.... Something wrong with that? (bites off a sandwich) I can watch people exercise all day. Keep up the good work!

But, I’ve been having rough days and I use food to make me feel better.

(Takes another bite of sandwich) - MMmm, I know what you mean - I'm feelin' better about myself already.
So...you like food. A man likes a lady who can cook....

I know I’m not the prettiest girl and so any time a guy gives me attention I give up my own values. I am a people pleaser and won’t say no to anyone bc I want people to like me.

- now, this is a problem. "Not the prettiest girl." Pretty? By what standard are you measuring beauty? Hollywood and Esquire magazine?

A good guy will enrich and fortify your morals, not tear them down - only users will do that and you ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO PLEASE USERS....

Even the best people can't always please all of the people. Personally, if you haven't made a few enemies in life it's a sign you're not really living to your full potential.

It's nice to have people appreciate you. It's NOT nice to have the wrong people like you.

We understand there are trolls in every social media forum, but the trolls in life are called "Succubusses," and their sole purpose is to drain the life right out of you - you don't need them liking you.

I’m starting to fall back down the slippery slope of depression and I just got out of that hole.

It's okay to experience defeat, but prepare for a day of success - it only takes one time, just one, then it's forever.
Keep trying.
All my best.

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How do I let go

Hang around people that are more uptight and anxious than you....
The rest will fall into place.

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It's finally good to see a Post from you Eddieee - it's been a long time.
Gotta say, buddy, you're getting better as time goes.
Dayum good poem!

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Hello HelpQA family..

DocteurRalph wrote:
When my tests came back my blood alcohol level was below the .08 but I had a small amount of Xanax in my blood too so they didn't let me off. This crap didn't happen 20 years ago.

Holy Schmidt, Doc! Be careful! Most states are zero tolerence!

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When you lose alot of blood why does your temperature go up?

Think of it this way -

The engine of your car will overheat without coolant flowing through it.

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statism, the belief that the state is supreme, is the most dangerous thing.

Governments are carefully composed entities. They are hard-to-kill and sometimes everlasting. Rome never fell, it just got a make-over down through the ages....
It is an illusion to believe that humans created a monster that grew beyond their ability to control. Basic people ARE NOT responsible for their construct. What human in their right mind would do that to themselves (or others for that matter?)
Everything about government is designed to control the human race and it is set up in such a way to blame the human race when things go wrong.
Here's my saying..."There are no humans in power," because there aren't.
Don't get me wrong, the base of government (the working human back) has people in it because it is a transitional point -
- but, the power structure at the top of that construct is not made of humans....
....People don't get it and ignorance brings both bliss and destruction at the same time - blissful destruction.

DocteurRalph wrote:
It seems like the 60's were a big revolution against government telling us what to do but somehow we've gone backwards from there. I don't understand it.

I hate to say it, Doc, but there was never a revolution against the government at any time of the 60's - there were, however, protesters....
And who were the protesters? The young. Graduates of liberal art colleges. The "hippies." The different. The unadjusted. People mean well, but people want to win. When spirit of people are defeated, they cut their hair and put on a business suit.
Many of them run for offices and win. They join themselves to the very thing they protested against, in the begining.
Most of them aren't just "liberal," they're Nihilistic.
We are at the end of the ages and it's going to take the return of Christ to sort this mess out.
We are living in the Biblical times of the end.
Keep the faith, brother.

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Hello HelpQA family..

Mya wrote:

💀B.A.1.💀 wrote:
Other than a sense of Deja Vu, I'm doing okay.
Does this seem familiar? -

Sorry, B.A.1, blond moment, don't get it O:)


Just click the link a dozen more times - you should get the sense of Deja Vu.

[‌quote Mya]

💀B.A.1.💀 wrote:

PS: Are you having some identity crisis?

Not really - just trying on new clothes.😄

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Hello HelpQA family..

Other than a sense of Deja Vu, I'm doing okay.
Does this seem familiar? -

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I have a date this Friday and I just don’t know.

Details, details, details...

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I have a date this Friday and I just don’t know.

music=life wrote:
Date canceled - he just admitted he wanted to only have ***sex with me.

What a crying shame!😦 Well, losers will lose - best to find these things out early😬

soco wrote:
If you still want to go🚶see👀 a movie🌋, I'll pay💵for it.

I'll throw in a few dimes💰 for popcorn🍕, soda🍹🍸 and candy🍬🍭.
Hell....I'll even throw in a box of Kleenx if it's a real tear-jerker💦.

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