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How do I build my self esteem?

I feel worthless. I’m overweight (I just joined a gym and am doing a good job going. But I’ve been having rough days and I use food to make me feel better). I know I’m not the prettiest girl and so any time a guy gives me attention I give up my own values. I am a people pleaser and won’t say no to anyone bc I want people to like me. I’m starting to fall back down the slippery slope of depression and I just got out of that hole

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last online: 08/21, 7:48
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Hi, i'm sorry you are having to deal with all these issues :( But the good thing is you recognize what the problems are and are trying to deal with them.. Well done!

Many say that I have the lowest self esteem they have ever encountered, and overeating is my thing, too. So for this reason and because i'm a 'God person' and my view is that God-esteem is more needed than self-esteem, I will not be giving you any advice on building self esteem.

However, there are so many resources online. Just put it into your search engine.. or here's a link -

I hope you will find something helpful and will feel better about yourself, and will be able to overcome that depression. All the best xx

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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I feel worthless.

But, you're not.

I’m overweight (I just joined a gym and am doing a good job going).'re a full figured gal.... Something wrong with that? (bites off a sandwich) I can watch people exercise all day. Keep up the good work!

But, I’ve been having rough days and I use food to make me feel better.

(Takes another bite of sandwich) - MMmm, I know what you mean - I'm feelin' better about myself already. like food. A man likes a lady who can cook....

I know I’m not the prettiest girl and so any time a guy gives me attention I give up my own values. I am a people pleaser and won’t say no to anyone bc I want people to like me.

- now, this is a problem. "Not the prettiest girl." Pretty? By what standard are you measuring beauty? Hollywood and Esquire magazine?

A good guy will enrich and fortify your morals, not tear them down - only users will do that and you ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO PLEASE USERS....

Even the best people can't always please all of the people. Personally, if you haven't made a few enemies in life it's a sign you're not really living to your full potential.

It's nice to have people appreciate you. It's NOT nice to have the wrong people like you.

We understand there are trolls in every social media forum, but the trolls in life are called "Succubusses," and their sole purpose is to drain the life right out of you - you don't need them liking you.

I’m starting to fall back down the slippery slope of depression and I just got out of that hole.

It's okay to experience defeat, but prepare for a day of success - it only takes one time, just one, then it's forever.
Keep trying.
All my best.

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(9 hours after post)
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Do you like to read?
Find a copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People", by Dale Carnegie. It is a little dated but the lessons contained within are absolutely timeless. I would almost guarantee you if you walked into any CEO's office they would have a copy sitting on the bookshelf.

Help me with:

How do I sell a car?

Original Poster
(10 hours after post)
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soco wrote:
Do you like to read?
Find a copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People", by Dale Carnegie. It is a little dated but the lessons contained within are absolutely timeless. I would almost guarantee you if you walked into any CEO's office they would have a copy sitting on the bookshelf.

Thanks I will try that

Original Poster
(10 hours after post)
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💀B.A.1.💀 wrote:

I feel worthless.

But, you're not.

I’m overweight (I just joined a gym and am doing a good job going).'re a full figured gal.... Something wrong with that? (bites off a sandwich) I can watch people exercise all day. Keep up the good work!

But, I’ve been having rough days and I use food to make me feel better.

(Takes another bite of sandwich) - MMmm, I know what you mean - I'm feelin' better about myself already. like food. A man likes a lady who can cook....

I know I’m not the prettiest girl and so any time a guy gives me attention I give up my own values. I am a people pleaser and won’t say no to anyone bc I want people to like me.

- now, this is a problem. "Not the prettiest girl." Pretty? By what standard are you measuring beauty? Hollywood and Esquire magazine?

A good guy will enrich and fortify your morals, not tear them down - only users will do that and you ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO PLEASE USERS....

Even the best people can't always please all of the people. Personally, if you haven't made a few enemies in life it's a sign you're not really living to your full potential.

It's nice to have people appreciate you. It's NOT nice to have the wrong people like you.

We understand there are trolls in every social media forum, but the trolls in life are called "Succubusses," and their sole purpose is to drain the life right out of you - you don't need them liking you.

I’m starting to fall back down the slippery slope of depression and I just got out of that hole.

It's okay to experience defeat, but prepare for a day of success - it only takes one time, just one, then it's forever.
Keep trying.
All my best.

And I know that I should think all of these things bc that is what I teach my little cousins and my friends. But I can’t get it out of my head, maybe if I weighed less I would feel better about myself. I stepped on the scale today and gained 2 pounds and it just made me want to curl back up into bed and hide from the world. But it feels like life keeps throwing be curve balls and I have to focus on everything but myself just to stay afloat.

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(12 hours after post)
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First, toss out the hurtful belief that what you are is a sum of numbers on a scale.
Just by reading what you have posted, I can tell that you are a woman with so much heart.
And CONGRATS for having the drive to hit the gym.
You are to be commended, lady.
Most people really do not have that drive that it takes to not only to MAKE that decision, but to carry it out.
I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!!! 😊
Keep up the good work! Do not give up for anything or anyone.
Oh, and it is also essential to give yourself little rewards for all of your hard work.
Buy yourself just a little something...not expensive...but cute.
(I myself am a huge Walmart
And when you feel yourself start to slip a little, have a look at that pretty pink beaded bracelet and think...I EARNED THAT...I AM WORTH IT...I AM PROUD OF ME!!
But mostly, please do not cave in to the expectations of others.
Find YOUR comfort zone, hon.
Keep up the great work...
Let us know how you are matter what that might be.
I personally believe that you can kick this thing in the butt...and be everything that you want and need to be.
YOU GO, GIRL!!!!!!!!!! Peace and LOve….always...PamAnn

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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(15 hours after post)
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wow did i sleep write this?

you sound so like me! well done for going to the gym, its one of the hardest steps, but equally hard to keep going. exercise does wonders for confidence and self esteem. do things that matter to you. its ok to help people, but not when it takes a chunk out of you that youre not prepared to give.

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(1 day after post)
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I have had a lot of past success with googling “how to love yourself”. If you you want to, you will get there and be better off forever. Nobody is more in need of your love than yourself, and every time you give yourself compassion you’ll become just a little stronger. I used to be quite overweight and still struggle occasionally with moments of stress eating, but I’ve been fit for years now mostly because I learned how to be kind to myself and give myself what I need. You can do it. You deserve love :)

(5 days after post)
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The first line of defense against depression and anxiety is B vitamins. Get B-50 or B-100 pills. Vitamin B2 is a water soluble dye that turns urine bright yellow. When the color fades, it's time for another dose. Read some books about nutrition so you know how to eat right. Nutrition won't make you feel good, it makes you feel normal.

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