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tried to listen to the current alt.

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
out of curiosity.. wondering why this post is not listed on the homepage? i noticed it was labeled as NSFW.. im confused.

Sometimes...one naughty word...

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raped murderer island

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
rage is a major factor in a lot of murders, just like the guy last week -

I made a very important inclusion -

This is usually not the case - sometimes it is, but not typically.

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
and yeah id say they were innocent and didnt deserve being murdered

By no means would I disagree

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
- this whole, the only people murdering people are mobsters murdering mobsters is some silly made for tv bullshit -

I never said "the only people..."
And....I would encourage you to look into the inmate population of individuals and discover how many of them have associative ties to gangs and other organized groups. (Just a thought)

Jebus-Zeus wrote:
If you've ever read the Old Testament, they didnt have prisons they met out justice swiftly

Sounds good to me - like something we need to get back to.

Keep the home-fires of anarchy burning, Jeb. Without Frontier Justice driven people like us, the planet would derail.


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raped murderer island

I'll risk a chance, here...

Most "murderers" are affiliated with criminal syndicates or deviant organizations. Oftentimes even in politics. Few of those "victims" involved are ever "innocent."
Usually, when we ponder people who are driven to extremes, our thoughts about such matters are also extreme. We imagine a super bad or villainous person who has done something wretched to another person who happens to be as "innocent" as a kitten.
This is usually not the case - sometimes it is, but not typically.
You don't need an island to put these people on....no. Evil in society is always enfolding upon itself already. Sometimes, the best justice one can bring is to do nothing. Who cares if a mobster has killed another mobster - keep it out of the court and by doing so, it keeps it out of my tax-pocket.

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Tic Toc

One small step at a time.
It will begin to feel natural again.
Sometimes though, things need to be done with a special twist that only you can manage.
No sense in being bored about anything you do.

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tried to listen to the current alt.

the art of music is lost to a point where its just a bunch of ****shit





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How do the British people here feel about Prince Harry marrying a divorced half black American?

DocteurRalph wrote:
It looks like the rules of the Church of England were changed around 2002, so royals can marry divorcees. Otherwise Charles wouldn't have been able to wed Camilla..

Here's what I found out....

The Royals always keep it in the family. ALWAYS.

A study into Meghan's lineage shows she descends from the same bloodline of the Royals around 4 - 5 hundred years ago.
The fact of racial mix or divorce is becoming trivial to the effort of keeping it in the family.

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I've convinced myself that I've cheated on my boyfriend while blackout drunk when I KNOW deep down I did not.

Anonymous wrote:
I personally don't understand how people do the whole monogamy thing anyway. Especially for super extended periods of time.

"Every one of us has a thousand different kinds of tiny people inside of us. And some of them want to get out and be wild, some want to be sad, or happy, or inventive or even just go dancing. That's why we all have so many different urges at different times. And all those different little people inside us, we must never be afraid to take them with us wherever we go. I mean, who knows when we may need one of them to pop up and rescue us from ourselves. Variety, the great secret is not the variety of life, it's the variety of us." -Lwaxana Troi

(showing off my geekiness)

Even though this may be true, it doesn't mean we should pimp every last aspect of ourselves out to Hoe-dom...
It's lazy when one does not take the effort to find someone that has (most) of the same things in common with ourselves.

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How do you post videos?

BuckingFastard(JN) wrote:
Thanks all.

Man it takes forever to load a 20 sec vid to YouTube!!

That's because you may not have high-speed service.

Not only that, the file format of the video may not be what You Tube likes the best (so it spends extra time converting it to a different format).

You Tube likes MP4 or MPEG 4 file formats. A good pixel range would be 720 (wide) by 480 (high).

It also helps to have video editing software and conversion-ware to work with your videos.

I'm always excited to hear of our members that have You Tube accounts - would you have a link to yours?

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I need to forget about a guy..

Mya wrote:

BIG-AL-ONE wrote:
#1 He's not going to change.

Thank you, Big-al-one! :) Yes, he couldn't even if he wanted - he's 9 years younger, and for me it is a big problem :/

..But not saying i myself am perfect! I actually got so many issues that i decided 8 years ago it would be better and safer for everyone if i didn't date. And it indeed was.. So regret i let him talk me into going on a date with him. :/

....As I see it, the age difference really isn't the problem.

The problem is finding a person with a kindred spirit at any age.

No one is perfect - I'm certainly not - and as I grow older I find parts of myself becoming less perfect, yet, other parts of me grow into mastery.

Don't dispair over your failures - keep failing until you hit it right.

Meanwhile, take care of yourself.

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