Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
last online: 04/07, 17:14
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How do the British people here feel about Prince Harry marrying a divorced half black American?

It seems extremely strange to me, I could have sworn when Diana married old Prince Charles they said they had doctors inspect her to make sure she was still a virgin... lol. This girl's definitely not all that. Have the rules changed?

But yeah I don't see this working at all. First of all Meghan is going to have change her whole life from what I've read. No selfies, no nail polish??, dress code, etc. It's worse than being 10 years old again.

I hope it works out for them but it just looks like a giant train wreck is about to happen to the royal family to me. Hope I'm wrong.

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hope, family, wrong, prince, royal
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(34 minutes after post)
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I have been watching the whole thing on television and everyone that they interviewed live were extremely happy about Harry's choice.
The only ones that would have a problem with it are racists, such as yourself - - -
Why would you even ask that question?

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(39 minutes after post)
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It's more the divorce thing that I was thinking about, the half black is just an anomaly that isn't a big deal these days. I'm old enough that there were white only restaurants and bathrooms when I was a kid so racism was a very big part of my life. Glad to see that's changed. I really liked the American preacher he was the hit of the show I thought! But yeah she wore a white dress down the aisle her second time, that's just not even normal for average people, I would think British royalty would really stick their noses up at something like that.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(41 minutes after post)
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And her dad wasn't invited, it's just not the picture perfect wedding I envision for the royals who spent like $35,000,000 on the whole ordeal. http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-...

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(1 hour after post)
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I'm not British. I hope hearts don't get broken. I really think MM is going to have problems assimilating and "minding the rules...." since she's been fortunate enough to live her life exactly as she pleases for a long time. It's hard to be confined after tremendous freedom

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 hour after post)
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And she's a yankee too. Everyone I know that has spent much time abroad says there is a tremendous amount of hate or racism against Americans almost worldwide... can't imagine why. lol

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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Her dad was invited, he chose not to come after the paparazzi debacle.

Honestly, I haven't really taken to her yet. I dont think theyre a match, she seems like a loud limelight kinda person and hes much more reserved. I feel like shes on the red carpet everytime I see them on tv. Plus shes kinda old, a divorce and not upper class.

TBH I'm still not a huge fan of Kate either.

I like the Queen, not much of a fan of the rest of them. Apparently the wedding is even bigger stateside than it is here.e he's 6th in line to the throne now so it doesnt really matter.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Anonymous wrote:
I have been watching the whole thing on television and everyone that they interviewed live were extremely happy about Harry's choice.
The only ones that would have a problem with it are racists, such as yourself - - -
Why would you even ask that question?

Please, keep indulging in the liberal news media and enjoy.

I remember the mid-70's press releases of the engagement between Charles and Diana...
The scandal wasn't so much her "virginity" more than what side of the tracks he "picked her up on."

And comparatively, Diana was much less scandalous than Meghan.

With that in mind, you would figure a certain presidents is set.... As a SJW you can go on calling people racist simply because they recognize the obvious, but the reality is, people are calling themselves according to what they ARE...
...Which is a lot different from people who call themselves by what they "feel...."

In general, I could careless about the whole issue between the two. What I dislike, are trigger-happy SJW's who seek an opportunity to call someone "racist" when there was no call for it to begin with....

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(3 hours after post)
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I would not say I’m a anti royalist,but seriously I couldn’t care a less. If it works it works, if not then san fairy Anne.
What does bother me is the fact they have spent 30,000000 on security which could’ve been put to better use.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(5 hours after post)
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Nix wrote:
Her dad was invited, he chose not to come after the paparazzi debacle.

Honestly, I haven't really taken to her yet. I dont think theyre a match, she seems like a loud limelight kinda person and hes much more reserved. I feel like shes on the red carpet everytime I see them on tv. Plus shes kinda old, a divorce and not upper class.

TBH I'm still not a huge fan of Kate either.

I like the Queen, not much of a fan of the rest of them. Apparently the wedding is even bigger stateside than it is here.e he's 6th in line to the throne now so it doesnt really matter.

Glad I got a reaction out of someone from the UK, that's what I was looking for. Thanks Nix. And I can fight my own fights big alone, but yeah I like what you say!

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(6 hours after post)
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Doc wrote:
And I can fight my own fights big alone, but yeah I like what you say!

Sorry Doc, I didn't mean to get in the way....
(eases off the floor)

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(6 hours after post)
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I love you man.

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(1 day after post)
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The last time a royal got with a coloured there was a fatal car crash to stop it....

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(2 days after post)
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Ummm yeah. Hope Harry has a better chauffeur.

(3 days after post)
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to busy worrying about my own life problems tbh. they can do what they want.

Mine.... mine i say!!!
(3 days after post)
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Hmm... I think these breads are funky-fresh and the circuses traditionally intriguing. I would really like to take several hours into looking into the current state of Great Britain to connect with prior knowledge.
Then there is the preparation for Brexit which will be... interesting.

Hopefully, the couple and their future do well. Over the past several years, I just keep seeing the U.K. really showing their inconsistencies when it comes to rulings on things when it comes to charges on hate speech and other negative presences on the Isle, as though they tr to preemptively try to deal with their more liberal citizens. Sorry I've gone off topic, but I hope that there is a more accurate record put forth of what Parliament actually thinks when the consequences and scrutiny of the EU aren't staring them in the face and balls.

DocteurRalph edited this post .

How do the British people here feel about Prince Harry marrying a divorced half black American? It seems extremely strange to me, I could have sworn when Diana married old Prince Charles they said they had doctors inspect her to make sure she was still a virgin... lol. This girlsgirl's definitely not all that. Have the rules changed?¬ ¬ But yeah I don't see this working at all. First of all Meghan is going to have change her whole life from what I've read. No selfies, no nail polish??, dress code, etc. It's worse than being 10 years old again. ¬ ¬ I hope it works out for them but it just looks like a giant train wreck is about to happen to the royal family to me. Hope I'm wrong.

last online: 08/21, 7:48
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(1 week after post)
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I loved the wedding and wished I could have gone.. it was only 20 mins drive from me! But the security!! I wouldn't have coped with all that.. :(

Anyway, I'm not British; just been rotting here for the past 20 years. People didn't like the cost.. I am thrilled for Harry and wish them both that happily ever after.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 week after post)
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It looks like the rules of the Church of England were changed around 2002, so royals can marry divorcees. Otherwise Charles wouldn't have been able to wed Camilla..

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(1 week after post)
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DocteurRalph wrote:
It looks like the rules of the Church of England were changed around 2002, so royals can marry divorcees. Otherwise Charles wouldn't have been able to wed Camilla..

Here's what I found out....

The Royals always keep it in the family. ALWAYS.

A study into Meghan's lineage shows she descends from the same bloodline of the Royals around 4 - 5 hundred years ago.
The fact of racial mix or divorce is becoming trivial to the effort of keeping it in the family.

Dr. ralph club zps9ornptsl
(1 week after post)
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Yeah I saw that, now they're 17th cousins. Whatever... she's also now related to the Queen and Calvin Coolidge, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford. Who knew half our presidents had royal blood in them too? I guess I should have known. The ruling class all seems to be related.

(4 months after post)
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she's pretty sexy and smokin hot. i dont see how harry could resist, maybe he's trying to stir thing up what do i know.. seems to be quite the trend everywhere now a days.

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