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- written
This is a long one, so please bear with me.

Yeah I was not excited when he went to Thailand with his best friend and we had only been married for 4 months. But his best friend who was also married insisted on it being a boy’s trip

- Exactly... But, as things stand, best not dwell on "suspicion."
Don't get hasty. Think things through and take your time. Big decisions require much consideration.

- written
This is a long one, so please bear with me.

I wonder if this means I’m a bad wife.

No. It just means the relationship became a two-way road...for an uncomfortable change under his seat.

so non confrontational. He’s stubborn and I’m nervous about how this conversation will go. He’s been so nice lately, I’m having a hard time “rocking the boat”.

The issue shouldn't be up for conversation or debate. You can inform him that he's willing to stay or go, but unlike every plan that has been decidedly in his favor, this (his plans) shouldn't be one.
Obviously, i'm not a female, but if I were a new bride I would NOT let my husband go to some 3rd world Asian jungle known for its women, girls and $exx - MUCH LESS return to the same place with or without me.
It's your turn. And i'm sure your way is a bit more inclusive for your husband than his plans have, of you.

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This is a long one, so please bear with me.

Araz wrote:
I want to join the Peace Corps. I want to go to Samoa and teach primary school. I want to be a teacher. I want to eventually adopt or foster.

Sounds like it's time to break the news to the hubby...

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Oh, look! It's Help-bot. Illuminati confirmed!

- written

No one will hurt you more than those closest to you.
I never met a stranger that could ever make me feel bad (though not entirely true, but it's so rare and hardly with mentioning in the grand scheme of things).
There are many "rags-to-riches" stories of people who have gone into business, having been raised by parents living on the south side of the tracks (so to speak).
Trust me, they're not asking their family members for advice, pointers or tips because it's not the kind of ship they ever sailed.
I would say get the advice and opinions from those who are already in business - but somehow, I don't think this is the nature of your Post.
People have internal shapes and you have to match the peg that fits - family included. If you keep trying to fit the wrong shape of peg into someone that it doesn't fit, you'll only succeed in hurting yourself.
Once you get your business operational, people such as your brother can be a great resource - he makes apps? Well! That's good for you and him because that will be some of the premise whereby the both of you will share better bonds as brother and sister. Put him to work on an app for you.

- written
This is a long one, so please bear with me.

As it stands now, regardless of all else, what do YOU WANT? No "buts" are allowed.
What do you want?

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My grandfather died last week because he needed a transfusion and no one knew his blood type.

Araz wrote:
On that note, have you ever seen the movie Idiocracy? I feel like it’s playing out

Water? You mean like out of the toilet? Bwhahaha. Brawndo has what plants like. It gots electrolytes!

(Yes, we are living that very movie).

- written
My grandfather died last week because he needed a transfusion and no one knew his blood type.

Actually...that was funny.
On a more serious note, the world is becoming more and more stupider.
To help avoid confusion, I suggest donating blood to yourself at least once a year. You never know when you may need it and if you do at least it will be your own.

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How do you stop a panic attack.

CaraMia wrote:
That was interesting.

I sleep with a sound machine next to my head...I keep it set on white noise...But I like this...I wish that it would go on and on for hours.
Maybe on CD??

Thank you.

Wow, and I thought it was just me. There is something about the harmonics of a deep base constant.
Perhaps I'll cut an 8 hour version and send you a copy.
What is your sound machine called, Cara?

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