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Money / debt help.

I saw the trap of the banking system and credit cards when I was a teenager. I have refused debt and ANY form of credit. Your situation is a testimony as to the reason why.

Sophie wrote:
What you need to do is to consolidate all your debts into one and pay off the lone over time.... without the fines the repayments will be manageable

There are variations of doing this. You cannot look to the same financial institutions that has you enslaved, for the solution.

Find someone or a group of "someones" who would be willing to help you pay off at least one of your credit lines.... To which you will close that line, destroy that card and never return.

For those willing to hear, the Good Word says this when it come to borrowing money:
"The borrower is slave to the lender." That's a fact.

A person can live and survive being broke BUT you can't do that when you're in debt...with intrest-bearing charges.

People complain they don't make enough at their jobs but in reality, if they weren't enslaved to debt, what little they're paid turns out to be an incredible amount.

Fractional reserve lending is evil, but that's what they do.
If I could force every person they ever brainwashed to stop using credit, I would. Every person should look at credit as something beneath them - because it is.

Try like he!! to get your debts paid off.

There is no such thing as "responsible" credit or debt. People who think "they've got this," are kidding themselves and toying with fire - period. If what they claim is true, then they should manage all of their basic costs without debt or credit to begin with.

What would you prefer? To go without certain things for a time while you save your earnings, OR deliver the full sum of your financial life to the corporate banking system?
There's no in between.



- written
@Araz uncle passed away last night.

Agreed. I feel for her. A miserable time of the year to get busy over something miserable like that.
Not to mention the earlier troubles she posted. Makes one wonder the outcome.

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@Araz uncle passed away last night.

Local or abroad?

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Bubble Up and Bubble Down....

Yอคอญอฅฬ‡eti. wrote:
BA1 - Heh, guess I missed a comma in that question. Was pondering whether it's an issue of structure or content.

No fault of yours.

The box says: "Open other side."

So I turn it around -

"edis rehto nepO"

- and open it, which has nothing to do with the proper side.

- written

Post me a link to the image.
I'll try it.

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@Araz uncle passed away last night.

Prayers sent up with more on their way.
Any details as to the cause?

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I suppose we all believe what we're going to believe. It was clear to me that some of the "angels" in heaven didn't like it very much when God made man in His image...
It meant that man would one day rule over the angelic order.
Well, to nutshell thousands of years of history in a single paragraph (or two) -
Lucifer didn't like what God had in mind and set about to destroy the image of God from man by the means of genetic alchemy.
All those mythological creatures? They're not really mythological - they're genetic weapons of war designed to destroy man.
The genetic corruption of the earh and man was so bad, God had to do something about it, hence, the great flood. The ark was the remaining vestige of uncorrupted genetics of the orignal creation.
So....God isn't just some angry homicidal maniac.
Just saying...
Peace out.

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The legend of the sack man.

I think certain bedtime stories for children have made their way around the world, surviving through successive generations.
It helps keep the kids in line - and when it works...you can't help but tell your own.
Some stories are part-in-parcel, racially slanted to maintain a view (be it of blacks or natives or otherwise). In stories where this is not always the case, monsters and goblins become the icon.
Here's the legendary creature that made Satan $#!t his pants -


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To the students .

People's minds are set, Sherlock. You can only defend someone who equally has your back - if not literally, but figuratively as well.
At least you'll know their spirit won't be slacking any vigilance when the heat is on.

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I heard eating 40 grams of poppy seeds gets you an opioid buzz.

Anonymous wrote:
It not a dumb game. Its interesting information.

Interesting as it is, I don't think it's wise to act on everything you may hear.
I hear whiffing gasoline gets you high too, but....I just don't seem to be in a hurry to find out.

Anonymous wrote:
In instances for drug tests you should avoid eating poppy seeds or it would test positive for drugs.

And many people have been put on probation or outright fired for having failed drug tests - poppyseed muffins being a prime candidate of blame.
Parting contestants usually win a trip to the unemployment office - hence, games.

Anonymous wrote:
Are you having a bad day?

Not in particular, no.
Thank you for asking though.

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