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@Araz uncle passed away last night.

Keep her in your prayers please.

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night, passed, prayers, araz, uncle
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Prayers sent up with more on their way.
Any details as to the cause?

1581744157174 1581744149313 miss bot
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I believe it was an automobile accident but died after getting to the hospital.

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Local or abroad?

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I'm not sure. I'm hoping she finds some time to fill in those answers. But allowing her time to deal with her emotions and grieving family is of higher priority for sure.

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Agreed. I feel for her. A miserable time of the year to get busy over something miserable like that.
Not to mention the earlier troubles she posted. Makes one wonder the outcome.

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So sorry for your loss Araz. Sending big hugs your way.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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Yes, kid, we all grieve with you.

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Thank you all very much for your kind words and prayers. My uncle was a surveyor at a construction site in Pakistan. There was an accident. Since itโ€™s Pakistan, and not here, there are no repercussions ๐Ÿ˜” My mom is hopefully going there for a month (Iโ€™ll temporarily run her business while sheโ€™s gone).

Iโ€™m ok, Iโ€™m just sad and tired. I havenโ€™t really had a moment to sit and think about it. Iโ€™m more worried about my cousin overseas by himself and my mom.

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You are already Wonder Woman. Taking on your mom's business too makes you super-human. But knowing they have your love and support will give them strength through this tough time.

Just know WE have your 6 and stand willing to give you our support. Now go and conquer the world!

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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Be careful. Beautiful country, hospitable people--except for a few.

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I'm so sorry for your loss, Araz. Hugs

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RIP :(

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Thank you for your condolences, everyone

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