1,951 replies, Replies 1,371 to 1,380

I heard eating 40 grams of poppy seeds gets you an opioid buzz.

Play dumb games, win stupid prizes.


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Bubble Up and Bubble Down....


Yeti wrote:
Would you prefer to wake up each day a different person or species?

Well, Yeti ....maybe as a different person. I prefer the variety of toilet paper I could buy, as opposed to only the one if I were a different species....?

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Looking for a new laptop.

Me? Simple. I would check out some quality used HP's and use an external, USB powered hard drive for additional storage.
I think Vampy's right on though - I would strive for it. "Over-kill" is decided based on the moment. Times change and things have a way of catching up.

I have an HP Slimline desk system (obviously not a laptop), but many laptops are very compatible when it comes to function.
I run Paint Shop Pro and Animation shop for graphics design. I also use Windows Live Movie Maker for videos I upload to You Tube. Social media would be no problem if I were on-line.
All of this with a standard duel core processor and 10gb of Ram. My C-Drive has a threshold 320GB of storage.

Unless you're into gaming and/or game design, you'll never really need a "quad processor."

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Post closed.

You ....and no one else.


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Bubble Up and Bubble Down....

Bubble up: I woke up and looked out my door.

Bubble down: Just another same-day.

Still waking up trying to find where I'm wearing my humor today - seem to shift when I sleep.

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Sorry that I have been so scarce...

BigWilly! wrote:
I made sure and got vaccinated. They say it's only a 36% it'll protect against the flu, but that's wayyy more than 0%. It also reduces the severity if one DOES contract it.
Only problem is, I might end being born autistic, but I'll take that chance.

- Ha! I caught that! I think side effects for you may include being born naturally salty with a twitchy eye and a tendency to grab every leg stepping in high cotton!๐Ÿ˜‹

Oh yeah - glad you're feeling better Padre. Welcome back to the grid.

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How to stop mass shootings.

Max wrote:
I agree Big Al. I get disappointed when I hear stuff like the gun shop owner telling "me" he knew the guy was weird but took his money anyway.

You really can't base the sale of a gun on the "weirdness" factor, unless it's so blatantly obvious. All people have a quirk. If the seller is irresponsable, he assumes the liability - those are the terms you accept to be an authorized gun dealer.

There's nothing in the legal arena preventing me from buying a gun. I will be sent through "the system" to be "checked out." Everything will fly. I'll buy my gun and some ammo. Legally, that gun is tied to me and because of that, my responsibility is extended to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
Honestly....I would rather buy a black market gun. It's not going to change one iota of my "being," if I did that.
Criminals don't register their weapons anymore than a carpenter registers his hammer - no one stops to ask the carpenter how many old lady heads were beat in, when he sells that hammer....
Gun are tools of adjustment. For the better or worse.

NaCtHoMaN wrote:
provide available access to sexual satisfaction.. thats my solution.. im no pimp but imo sexual frustration cannot be cured with ************masturbation.

I've been thinking about this reply and the more I think about it Nact, I do believe this is a genius statement...

The propaganda of school shootings is not really about the shootings at all - I think it's a tactic to disarm the public at large by means of psychological warfare intended to subconsciously stir up "pedophile hysteria."

Think about it. "A gun, like a fancy car, is an extension of a mans...." So, the unleashing of a gun in a school becomes the equivalent of someone exposing themselves to a concentrated group of kids. Shooting those kids becomes a form of mole*station and grape. What better way to get people on your band wagon for increased gun control (because we already have gun control - it is now about eliminating gun ownership), than to use children for your cause....
This way, non gun owners can look at gun owners like they were pedos and black ops projects get away Scott free with their mission accomplished...
Yeah, Nact, I think we may need federally funded hoar houses after all.

- written
How to stop mass shootings.

Tricky wrote:
That is not related to gun control, you can't take humans worst behavior and consider it the norm. Very disapointed.

- it has everything to do with gun control because we are talking about humans at their worst behavior. I'm disappointed you didn't connect the dots.
The nature of humans don't change - there will always be the barbaric with the civil. Everyone has a right to protect themselves, more so if you have a family it's your duty. How would you suggest protecting them, powers of reasoning and harsh language? Just because advancements in technology increases the capability of a weapon doesn't merit regulating or restricting you from possessing that weapon....

Nix wrote:
well yes - no guns = no death. Thats pretty obvious.

Well, no, it just means the form of killing and agony you suffer will change, if someone really wanted you dead.
Now, I can take a quiver of 25 arrows into a mall, theatre, grocery store and account for 15 to 20 dead on my tyraid. Let's not underestimate the element of....(?surprise?) NO! Complete and utter silence. There's no "boom-boom" to alert you - so your argument that a "lesser weapon" will kill less people is....laying dead right next to you...
Okay, i understand, you would rather be shot with an arrow...well, of course not. Maybe a point blank shot in the head with a sling shot would be better?
Still not getting it?
Okay - lets outlaw guns, bow&arrows and sling shots. That leaves swords and knives as a stock standard of weapons. What about someone's bad behavior then?
The world has always been dangerous place to live in, perhaps you're more comfortable with getting ran through or slashed - but no, that's not a consideration, so....more dots.
The new polymorph, caveman? Because wearing animal furs is not acceptable? There's always someone in the family who gets a form of encephilititus and goes completely of the deep end.
Ever talk to one of those victims? No...because the dead at any point in history still don't talk...but i'm sure as they're being beat to death by clubs and stones, the hope of a clean and quick death from a bullet would be welcome...
I'm sorry, did you say I can't take humans at their worst behavior and consider it the norm? You need to explain to me; what is a "normal standard" for human behavior at it's worst...
The more archaic the weapon the more brutal and agonizing the death will be.

Tricky wrote:
USA has one of the most mass shooting in the world and gun are to blame.

1. You can believe what ever propaganda you want, it doesn't make it any the more true.
2. Guns aren't to blame for anything, people are. To blame the tool and not the person is lazy accounting.
(And you're disappointed?)

- written
How to stop mass shootings.

For those that have the stomach, come see the reality of life without guns...

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Post Closed Post Closed


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