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Since writing this post PepperJ may have helped people, but has not within the last four (4) days.
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feel, job, sick, asked, bugs
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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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(13 minutes after post)
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I would not allow her stuff in the house, they will infect everywhere. And if she can pay for the extermination why hasnt she had it done already?

Hiippie chick beautiful
(58 minutes after post)
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Pepper, I am so sorry that this happened to you!!
The best thing that I have seen someone use is
She, too, invited in a new room mate and wham! They were totally infested.
She used this stuff for a while and now they are totally gone.
Every other pest that finds its way in as is good stuff.
She gave me some of it but I have never opened it.
She got it at WalMart.
Might be a good idea to go ahead and lay some down now before it gets too bad.
It is supposed to be the safest thing around...and it works.
I stayed with my friend for a couple of days,and never saw or felt anything in her home.
I hope you find some peace of mind as well.
And Nix is so right!
Why wait for the tax return and why didn't your new room mate exterminate their own home....

(1 hour after post)
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CaraMia wrote:
Pepper, I am so sorry that this happened to you!!
The best thing that I have seen someone use is
She, too, invited in a new room mate and wham! They were totally infested.
She used this stuff for a while and now they are totally gone.
Every other pest that finds its way in as is good stuff.
She gave me some of it but I have never opened it.
She got it at WalMart.
Might be a good idea to go ahead and lay some down now before it gets too bad.
It is supposed to be the safest thing around...and it works.
I stayed with my friend for a couple of days,and never saw or felt anything in her home.
I hope you find some peace of mind as well.
And Nix is so right!
Why wait for the tax return and why didn't your new room mate exterminate their own home....

Can confirm! Diatomaceous Earth is basically just small-ish powdered dirt. Small insects breathe it in and suffocate on it- but larger creatures (like pets and humans) don't have a problem breathing it in because it's so small.

We used it extensively a few years back when my mom got bed bugs. Had 2 cats and a dog at the time and had no issues with them.

Animation2 2
(3 hours after post)
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last online: 01/25, 20:20
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(6 hours after post)
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You ....and no one else.

Sorry this calamity has befallen your household, miss jelly. A friend of mine once stated he had nearly died of some disease related to bed bugs as a teenager, and it's quite the epidemic over in the usa.

Tread carefully, the cynic in me is warning she's intending to leave you with the bill, mayhap not just one. Sounds like you're in a bit of a tight spot to begin with, due to recent relocation and all.

How much furniture is it anyway? (although seems disposal isn't normally recommended.) Would it be roughly as costly to perform the extermination directly on the belongings? (ie on her own, since she'd neglected to mention.)

On another note, kinda curious what "doing some weird stuff" means...

Help me with:


Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(11 hours after post)
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Get exterminators ASAP. They will heat her room over 135 degrees and that will kill them all--eggs and larvae, too!

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(18 hours after post)
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For an entire house they will drape the house in plastic and heat it up.

Sorry you are having to deal with those things--never experienced them but I hear they will drive people insane. You wake up all bloody in the morning, and itchy from the bites.

They wait until the lights are turned out, and then they seek out their prey.

There's no immunity to that heat treatment, though.

You would have thought she would have known about the bedbugs--and you would think she had been bitten quite a bit, already!

Animation2 2
(21 hours after post)
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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(21 hours after post)
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Well . . . she did you wrong by not telling you, and she could have taken measures to rid her possessions of the bugs.

However, she has already dropped the pesky critters in your home, and if you take her back to her old place, you will still have them to deal with. And you won't be getting any rent money to offset your costs for the pest treatment.

BUT she must fully cooperate and wash all of her bedding in hot water, and even before the exterminators get there, her furniture should be sprayed with insecticide. Anything that cannot be completely ridden of the bugs must be thrown out! Do NOT let her remove anything from your house during the treatment that may contain the bugs--and allow them to reenter your home.

If she is without a job, it's going to take her some time to get a new one.

We must, however, also take into account that bedbugs are very difficult to eradicate, and she probably had no idea what to do about them. They are probably the reason she sought to move. Her landlord should have done something about them. An infestation of bedbugs or roaches is enough to constitute "constructive eviction" if the landlord refuses to do anything about them.

Interestingly enough, Pepper, MOST US homes before WWII had bedbugs from time to time. Everyone knew what was meant by the old admonition, "Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite!"

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(21 hours after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
Well . . . she did you wrong by not telling you, but she was afraid that would get her excluded as a tenant.

However, she has already dropped the pesky critters in your home, and if you take her back to her old place, you will still have them to deal with. And you won't be getting any rent money to offset your costs for the pest treatment.

BUT she must fully cooperate and wash all of her bedding in hot water, and even before the exterminators get there, her furniture should be sprayed with insecticide. Anything that cannot be completely ridden of the bugs must be thrown out! Do NOT let her remove anything from your house during the treatment that may contain the bugs--and allow them to reenter your home.

If she is without a job, it's going to take her some time to get a new one.

We must, however, also take into account that bedbugs are very difficult to eradicate, and she probably had no idea what to do about them. They are probably the reason she sought to move. Her landlord should have done something about them. An infestation of bedbugs or roaches is enough to constitute "constructive eviction" if the landlord refuses to do anything about them.

Interestingly enough, Pepper, MOST US homes before WWII had bedbugs from time to time. Everyone knew what was meant by the old admonition, "Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite!"

Animation2 2
(3 days after post)
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As an update:

Had an exterminator come and it seems as if the problem is taken care of....there is a "wait and see" period. We used heat. House was heated to 177 degrees and it stayed hot all night long. It actually made all of us feel sick, so I'm sure it made bugs sick and die because the 177 degrees was sustained for 6 hours.

We are all sick from the chemicals (family of asthmatics and people with COPD), and so that sucks, as there may be an ER visit, doctor visit, meds, etc...costing more

The cost to have the treatment was $2540.00 Pretty pricey! And then, my family of 6 has been eating out the last couple days because we are all feeling sickly and I haven't really been up to cooking meals. Also, the day of extermination, we had to eat out....

The woman who was living in our house (for 3 days) is now in a hotel. We paid for a 2 weeks for her to stay there. After that, I think she's essentially homeless. So I feel like a real biotch for doing that to her. Husb really wanted her out though. After we dropped her off, that VERY DAY I went all over town looking for her.

However, not only did she bring in bedbugs, but she brought in a SERIOUS infestation. The exterminator couldn't believe how bad it was for just being in the house for 3 days. And we were still thinking of having her stay.

BUT....I saw LICE in her hair. She's very short, and I asked her to stay in the one room to try to contain the bugs, so I would go to the room a few times a day and give her food, water, etc. And I could SEEEEE the lice!!

So, I asked her...."Is there anything else that we need to deal with and get cleaned up so that we can move on?" She gave me a DIRTY look. Acted like she didn't know what I was saying. So I said, "Do you have lice?" She got huffy and gave me a dirty look and pulled herself up in a haughty way and made me feel so bad for asking, that I changed the subject. She never affirmed or denied, but I saw them, so she had them. (They are hard to spot, but I made a point of looking closely with my best spectacles, and sure enough....)

So, based on the fact that she never told us in the first place about the bed bugs....and on the fact that she didn't seem to want to admit to lice, with admission being the first step to getting help, combined with the fact that we were all sick as a result of this fiasco, we decided it was best to send her on her way.

I'm not a jerk. I could have helped her with a step up....could have gotten her and her environment cleaned up and helped her replace all stuff that would have been thrown away if she stayed....and she would have been able to take an exterminator bill with a new address to work and gotten her job back (her job let her go BECAUSE of bedbugs. Apparently, told her 2 weeks ago that until she brings in a bill showing it was cleaned up, she couldn't come back to work)

But I won't go through all of that with someone who hides the truth from me on many occasions. I mean...jeez. We already had a tough convo about bedbugs. Can't get much worse than that. What's she got to lose to admit to lice and agree to do the treatment??

Animation2 2
(3 days after post)
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Yอคอญอฅฬ‡eti. wrote:

On another note, kinda curious what "doing some weird stuff" means...

1. Spending two hours in the bathroom pooping. I guess it's just a bowel issue though. But it was weird to the rest of us.

2. I have a very, very nice dining room set. I purchased it with a small inheritance that I got. It is sort of my pride and joy, in that I always wanted a nice dining room set for people to gather round the table, etc. It cost a lot and it has quite a bit of sentimental value.

Instead of using a BOTTLE OPENER that was just a few feet away, he opened a beer bottle on the edge of my table, gouging it. When I told him we needed to talk about it, via text, he began to avoid us like the the point where he snuck out his bedroom window to come and go.

I talked to him, finally, and he was quite apologetic, and I asked him to NOT use the bedroom window as a doorway. Things were fine after the convo. Never charged him or anything. Didn't yell at him or berate him. IDK why he felt like he needed to avoid us to such an extent.

3. 2 hour long showers....might be related to #1 above. Not that "weird," but definitely annoying when someone else wants hot water

Animation2 2
(3 days after post)
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CaraMia wrote:
Pepper, I am so sorry that this happened to you!!
The best thing that I have seen someone use is
She, too, invited in a new room mate and wham! They were totally infested.
She used this stuff for a while and now they are totally gone.
Every other pest that finds its way in as is good stuff.
She gave me some of it but I have never opened it.
She got it at WalMart.
Might be a good idea to go ahead and lay some down now before it gets too bad.
It is supposed to be the safest thing around...and it works.
I stayed with my friend for a couple of days,and never saw or felt anything in her home.
I hope you find some peace of mind as well.
And Nix is so right!
Why wait for the tax return and why didn't your new room mate exterminate their own home....

We did use the diatomaceous earth stuff. It ended up making all of us and two of my asthmatic kids. My 6 year old got a stuffed nose and cold symptoms. My husb said he kept breathing it in and it was uncomfortable and had a sore throat. My other room mate, who has COPD, had to up her oxygen use and nebulizer use.

It's possible that we all had these symptoms because I went out and bought a 5 gallon can of it and spread ALL of it around.

Probably due to panic.

So with every step, you could see dust in the air.

If I had been more moderate, I'm sure that we would not have had symptoms.

That said, I'm sure use of it contained them mostly to her room before the exterminator came, which is awesome so thank you for your advice :)

Animation2 2
(3 days after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
Well . . . she did you wrong by not telling you, and she could have taken measures to rid her possessions of the bugs.

Yep. And we were thinking of letting her stay, and giving her that security and decent lifestyle and a helping hand up....right up until the time she lied about having lice, too. Of course it's embarrassing, but so are bedbugs. And we could treat the lice/bedbugs all at once and be done with it. But not if someone isn't going to admit to it and/or put in the effort (minimal....because in essence, SOMEONE ELSE is taking care of your problems for you....) to take care of it, then there's nothing to be done.

Sherlock wrote:

We must, however, also take into account that bedbugs are very difficult to eradicate, and she probably had no idea what to do about them. They are probably the reason she sought to move. Her landlord should have done something about them. An infestation of bedbugs or roaches is enough to constitute "constructive eviction" if the landlord refuses to do anything about them.

1. If this treatment we had done works, it doesn't seem as if it was hard at all....just costly. Which worries me that we will be dealing with them a few months down the road
2. She is one of those people who is very prideful about her KNOWLEDGE. She is also constantly on the internet. I'm sure she knew WHAT to do about them, but couldn't afford it. HOly cow....I've been researching them so much now that I know ALL there is to know about them, unfortunately! Also, she lived in an apartment building, all of which was infested. So.....eradicating in her apartment might not have done any good.
She also admitted to me later that she's pretty sure the infestation of the building started in her apartment, and that she knew she had them for 6 months.

Sherlock wrote:
Interestingly enough, Pepper, MOST US homes before WWII had bedbugs from time to time. Everyone knew what was meant by the old admonition, "Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite!"

I know :) Kids and I went to an outdoor museum...replica of the origins of our town...with homes that the rich lived in and homes that the poor lived in and homes of people from different countries, etc. Found out that people would use turpentine on the walls and floors to try to keep the bedbugs at bay. I think houses burned down because of it

last online: 11/28, 9:31
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(3 days after post)
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Please don't feel bad about the situation. It sounds like you did absolutely everything you could to help her, at major financial detriment to yourself. Your an absolute saint pepper.

Hiippie chick beautiful
(3 days after post)
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Rockster?? Have you read Peppers reply to me?
I mean we BOTH offered the same idea.
I have never heard of anyone having a bad reaction to Diatomaceous Earth before this.
Maybe using too much? Like OVERKILL??
I have my own allergies too, especially to exterminating chemicals and such...but had NO problem with it.
BUT...that is me, I guess.
Pepper, by any chance did you ask your exterminator about the D Earth?
I am NOT a professional by any means, and just because of this, my handing out helpful advice are done and over.
Pepper, I wish you all the luck in the world with this horror.
Also, I suppose that you will have a tremendous job of cleaning up the D EArth from your home. You didn't mention that.
I have an unopened can in my basement...I was given "just in case".
But I did spend time with my her home....after she applied it.
I never once saw it hanging in the air.
And she has never seen another insect of any kind in her home.
Good luck.
And I am so sorry.

Miss jelly, your moral standard goes above and beyond the norm. I know no one who would fault you for sending her on her way. If it is to end in homelessness, that is her own undoing - you've had no say in the decision making and would more likely have been dragged down by them as stated than to have induced profound change, in my opinion. There has to be some motivation to pick oneself up, that's what makes the difference betwixt a homeless who becomes a programmer and squandering any loose change.
Such behaviour is quite atypical. My grandmother's obsessed with issues of the facilities, spending half the days in, and it has serious repercussions ( Does he partake in the water bill in any way? It's a precious resource to waste so imprudently. The avoidance you've described, if it were a one time offence, mayhap indicates he is aware of worse transgressions, and believed you'd confront him with those, rather than this which may not have crossed his mind. To be frank, I don't much care for lavish furniture (nor does the cat), just try to mind mother's concern for it.
Get well soon, try not to overdose on poison next time.
By the way, the exterminator may have claimed it was serious to raise the price, if not prematurely negotiated. Around here, we don't take tradesmen at their word.

Help me with:


Animation2 2
(3 days after post)
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CaraMia wrote:
Rockster?? Have you read Peppers reply to me?
I mean we BOTH offered the same idea.
I have never heard of anyone having a bad reaction to Diatomaceous Earth before this.
Maybe using too much? Like OVERKILL??
I have my own allergies too, especially to exterminating chemicals and such...but had NO problem with it.
BUT...that is me, I guess.
Pepper, by any chance did you ask your exterminator about the D Earth?
I am NOT a professional by any means, and just because of this, my handing out helpful advice are done and over.
Pepper, I wish you all the luck in the world with this horror.
Also, I suppose that you will have a tremendous job of cleaning up the D EArth from your home. You didn't mention that.
I have an unopened can in my basement...I was given "just in case".
But I did spend time with my her home....after she applied it.
I never once saw it hanging in the air.
And she has never seen another insect of any kind in her home.
Good luck.
And I am so sorry.

Oh, please don't get sad or anything. I'm sure that because we used it, it kept the bugs contained to one area!! So it was very, very helpful!!!! I'd rather have a bit of a sore throat and have the bugs in one area than to be happy go lucky and have them all over the house!!

And who knows? Maybe it was coincidental that we were coming down with something anyway?

All I know is that I used it so thick that it coated the carpets. Because I do dumb stuff like that. Yes, complete overkill. I should have SPRINKLED lol :) So....completely on ME :)

As far as clean husb has vacuumed twice. We need to vacuum again....not to get rid of the DE stuff, but to vac up dead bodies ugh

Animation2 2
(3 days after post)
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Animation2 2
(3 days after post)
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PepperJ wrote:
Oh...and exterminator said the DE works....but it takes months to get them all. The way it works is by cutting the bugs and causing them to dehydrate. It's basically microscopic crushed seashells. He also said that they know it's in the area and they will not go near it. So it WAS effective containment. And that's awesome...what I was aiming for.

Now...this little girl I babysit a couple days a week has been pretty sick. She has a cough and a cold and is slightly feverish. Her mom hasn't taken her to the doctor, so I'm not sure what it is she has. Also, I have a friend who has a 5 year old daughter who has tested positive for influenza. Before this bed bug in the days IMMEDIATELY before and the day I picked up the lady to live in my house, I was over at my friend's house, helping her care for her daughter. My friend has PTSD and sometimes has problems coping with life. So I was there a couple times....helping with sick child and also with the other kids in the household.

It's entirely possible that my family has gotten sick from regular old germs!!

It's just human nature to blame the visible (as in very, very visible dust clouds that floated around whenever someone walked into the basement) than the invisible germs, but I'm pretty sure we have a germ, based on the fact that some of us are getting mild temperatures now....

My other room mate has been sick for 2 months. She's been back and forth to the doctor's office every week or so to try to figure out why she's been sick. Obviously, it's something that is going on with her that happened before DE

Also, I'm a wuss. So there's that, too. I seem to get sick easier than most.

Animation2 2
(3 days after post)
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Yอคอญอฅฬ‡eti. wrote:
Does he partake in the water bill in any way? It's a precious resource to waste so imprudently. The avoidance you've described, if it were a one time offence, mayhap indicates he is aware of worse transgressions, and believed you'd confront him with those, rather than this which may not have crossed his mind. To be frank, I don't much care for lavish furniture (nor does the cat), just try to mind mother's concern for it.
Get well soon, try not to overdose on poison next time.
By the way, the exterminator may have claimed it was serious to raise the price, if not prematurely negotiated. Around here, we don't take tradesmen at their word.

1. He did not help pay the water bill. If he had continued to live here, that would have changed. And I agree. Water IS a precious resource. I always tell my kids, "Some day you might not have clean water to drink...." and make them turn it off whenever possible. When they wash their hands/brush their teeth, I've taught them to turn it on to "just enough" rather than the gush that most people put the water on for those things...we are pretty careful with water. So it was bothersome to me that he was using it so carelessly.

2. I don't have much really nice/fancy furniture, either. I've tried to get nicer stuff as time goes on. The nicest I have is that dining room set. In fact, for the first 15 years of our marriage, husb and I used the bedroom set I had as a kid. The last house we lived in had no REAL furniture in the living room for 2 years. I finally got a NICE-ISH set after I saved for it and watched and waited until it was discontinued....and then got it on a huge discount.

In fact, most of my furniture for most of my life has been second hand. Which, by the way, is a GREAT way to introduce bed bugs to your home.

3. I called 5 different exterminators and got price quotes from them all, based on the square footage of the house. His was not only a bit less expensive than others, but also offered a 100% guarantee. I'm sure that the price is hiked up simply because of the panic factor. People are willing to pay in order to get rid of the bugs. Yep, I fall into that category.....

6ac6ec97 7651 45c5 b346 63c4b75d6c66
(3 days after post)
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You know how wonderful I think you are Pep,but I don't think I could do what you have done.
Just reading the post made my skin crawl.
If I saw a lodger who was infested with bed bugs omg let's just say it would not go down well.
You are a gem!

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(3 days after post)
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I think that when somebody opened a bottle on my wooden table and gouged it, he would have been gone!

Where do people like that come from?

As for all of the diatomaceous earth--I am like you. If I have bugs to deal with, I unleash Armageddon on them! Just ask the ants in my backyard in the States! I spread and sprayed poisons and put ant killer on top of their mounds. Some got the boiling water treatment, some got the cherry bomb treatment, and the ants who killed our cherry tree were burned alive!

A shame about your erstwhile tenant, but you had few options. Lice on top of bedbugs! You know, if a person gets head lice, they need to do something about it ASAP. You don't want around with them just crawling all over your head, and dropping off onto furniture and bedding. I do feel sorry for her, though. Her dignity must be in the toilet. Instead of handing out money to corrupt foreign governments, we need to be taking care of people at home. We don't do a very good job of that!

And, of course, people need to do all they can to help themselves!

Animation2 2
(4 days after post)
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Sherlock wrote:
I think that when somebody opened a bottle on my wooden table and gouged it, he would have been gone!

Where do people like that come from?

He did come from a very bad place. I felt sort of as if he was my son. I thought at first he was a little older, but when I made a copy of his driver's license, he was just 20. My son is 16. He grew up in a rough place and honestly....probably didn't know better....or isn't in the habit of thinking before he acts....was hoping to "lead by example," and was also constantly thinking of my own kids being out on their own forgiveness came pretty easily.

Sherlock wrote:
I do feel sorry for her, though. Her dignity must be in the toilet. Instead of handing out money to corrupt foreign governments, we need to be taking care of people at home. We don't do a very good job of that!

And, of course, people need to do all they can to help themselves!

110% agree! The USA spends so much money "buying friendships" around the world because of the corruption that we (our government) spews everywhere....buying silence and/or submission. Purchasing a front of "humanitarianism..." while citizens are unable to find decent housing; can't get a decent education; have hungry kids with holes in their shoes and no clothes for winter; can't pay for medicine; and are going broke trying to pay off hospital bills.

Today, on FB, she posted " my tax returns! Now I can have a warm place to lay my head and food to eat!" She got soooo many "likes" for that.

It infuriated me. I'm spending over 2 grand and NOT getting rent (kind of soured at the idea of tenants at this point).

We also HANDED her $100.00 AND paid for a hotel room for her for a week when we dropped her off. The hotel isn't a national well known chain that is "nicer," but it's a decent enough one in a decent part of town (and believe me....I feel very guilty and sorry for the owner to have to deal with the repurcussions of the infestations, but I couldn't just leave her with nowhere to go....); AND I told her that she needed to let me know where she is and that I will help her out. So she HAD some money and she HAD a safe and warm "place to lay her head," courtesy of us.

Futhermore, I can actually feed my family of six for a week on $100.00, and that's what I'm going to be doing for the foreseeable future, until we can get a bill paid off. I do realize it's "harder" to feed yourself economically when you don't have a fully equipped kitchen....but she should be completely able to feed herself for a week or MORE on that...and then we were going to re situate her for another week. Guess I won't do that now that she's "all good..." (sigh)

Also, all those "mutual friends" who "liked" her comment....I just wondered what she has told them. I've been discreet and not mentioned why she doesn't live here, so I'm wondering what she must have told them about me....because she has a BIGGER MOUTH and a BIGGER PERSONALITY; or maybe just a LOUDER (more abrasive, more harsh, more "I'm in the spotlight-ish" personality...or something....than I do. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the one looking bad.

Holy cow. Thought just hit me: what if she told people SHE left because WE had bugs?!?

Ugh. What a mess

Animation2 2
(4 days after post)
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On a positive note: No more signs of bugs. Lots of dead ones. Will get one more treatment tomorrow, to just be sure. I guess it matters (from all I've read, and now from personal experience) to just get a guy who specializes in bed bugs right up front, off the bat.

Scary thing is that you can get bedbugs from movie theaters, restaurants, libraries (ex tenant went to the public library for the day), and other public places and the incidences are increasing exponentially in the United States (scary). Might just save up money and get our house treated every year...benefit is that this heat treatment kills bed bugs, lice, mold, dust mites, termites, spiders, etc etc that might be taking up residence in a home

When you are in a restaurant, library, etc.....ALWAYS place your bag or purse on a solid slick (treated wood/plastic) surface and NOT on the floor or on a padded type of seat. (My PSA for the day) :)

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(4 days after post)
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Pepper, don't even think about staying in the house with all of that heat!

Yes, you are right--when in hotels, I NEVER put my suitcase on the floor while opened, and I keep them closed when I'm not using them. I put shoes on the top shelf of the closet, and hang up all clothes.

I once stayed in an Extended Stay America, and the maid brought in a cart with some bedding in it that had fleas. I had about five or six fleas that had bitten me and were still hanging on when I discovered them. The Extended Stay America was unapologetic and did nothing but move me. I would come in from the airport to find myself locked out of my room because they had misfiled my payment. I'd just as soon stay under a bridge as one of those places ever again. The place was filled with drug addicts, and the police raided the place about once a week. They should change their name to "Extended Ghetto America."

Animation2 2
(6 days after post)
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Snow in AZ. Bet people were crazy๐Ÿ˜

PepperJ edited this post .

WePost had room mates. One moved out because he got another job.ยฌ An older lady I know asked if she could move in. ยฌ As we were moving her stuff in, bugs were dropping offclosed.ยฌ ยฌ ApparentlyThanks she has bed bugs. So badly that her job asked her to not come backยฌ ยฌ She said she will use her tax returns and pay for theyour extermination.ยฌ ยฌ I feel sickhelp

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