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How to stop mass shootings.

tricky wrote:
you do realize that US has crazy amount of shooting compared to the rest of the world right?

The largest exchange of gun fire are from dissidents and factions among disarmed citizens of other countries.

tricky wrote:
One of the best solution is gun ciontrol.

Gun control means having the ability to hit your target.

tricky wrote:
I find it stupid for one to believe that he/she needs a rifle to protect themselves -

- You're right, a rifle isn't always the best tool for the job, somtimes you need the semiautomatic Desert Eagle .45 or the .50 caliber Colt revolver. Personally, my home defense weapon is the pump action 12 gauge Defender that fires on the slide.

tricky wrote:
what are you protecting yourself against, the world army?

Well armed citizens ARE the army and stand ready in the moment when our government ever should become tyranical, which is actually increasing year by year.

Giving somebody weapon to protect themselves is only adding oil to the fire.

"Weapon", as in "gun?"
So, you would simply feed innocent people to an outlaw, because that's how it actually works when you disarm the upright.

The companies that make weapon are the only one that benefit...

To which I gladly support.

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How to stop mass shootings.

"How to stop mass psyops..."
"How to stop false flags that end your rights to bear arms."

1. Turn off your TV and end all cable services.
2. Stop believing the liberal news.
3. Realize Hollywood travels and hires crisis actors in your town.
4. Open neutering and spaying programs to ultra left wing liberals.
5. Video yourself killing puppies and kittens with knives and clubs then upload it to You Tube.

Or, just stop being a gullible, emotionally driven sheepole....

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When will Americans say enough is enough with the lies greed manipulations and intimidations from the DEA FDA and big pharma which are all in bed with one another.

Are you upset because these regulatory agencies are controlling "feel good" substances or because there are countless people suffering without these substances...?
Honestly, I outgrew the hypocracy decades ago. When I smoked weed it pissed me off that it was illegal - who were these posh elites to control what I chose to make me feel good while they have all the money in the world and can have any thing they want at any time - no problem.
I don't masquerade or promenade around medicinal or health issues- usually, if it feels good, it ain't good for you - my attitude, who flipping cares, it's the choice of the individual, and no one has a right to regulate it.
Meanwhile, the regulatory agencies have their own hypocratic doctrine. Sign up for war, but no drinking until you're 21 and other things like that.
See that random plant on the side of the walkway? It's not a legal issue. It is not legal nor illegal. But, if you happen to enjoy it in some unusual way, someone will make an issue of it and it won't be long until it is surrounded by politics. Soon, a decision must be made, and YOU hope like he!! things work to your favor and assuming it does....well....it's never quite the same as it once was.
People don't get it - for years I've heard "pot should be made legal." Only ignorant people think that way. The fact is, weed should be made a nonissue with no legalism involved one way or the other.

Chemestry, natural or otherwise does not cure cancer or most terminal diseases. Cancer is actually a specialized fungus and can only be eradicated by counterviruses called bacteriophages. (Back-tear-io-fa-jas). Bacteriophages are the fastest multiplying lifeforms on earth and their speciality is to destroy bacteria.
What is bacteria? It's a lot simpler than you think. Bacteria is a form of mushroom and its life generating cycle.
Think about all the biomass on earth. What keeps bacteria from over-exploding? Bacteriophages.
The PH of health begins at the 7.0 mark and leans heavily on the Alkiline side.
Most human diets keep mankind's health on the acidic side (not healthy at all). All diseases flourish in acid.
My body has been a cesspool for quite some time - but people who have this religious "vegan" diet, I've got news for you - you're not out of the woods, because there's a lot of non-animal based proteins that keep your body toxic with acidic foods.
The real truth in life when it comes to "healthy" foods....there's far less to eat than you're comfortable with.

There is a monster in you right this very minute. It grows every day. When the natural defenses of your body can no longer manage to keep up....you will die and I promise it will be a mushroom that has killed you.
Mushrooms eat wood, rocks, all forms of metal and can lay waste to entire forest ranges and level whole g-damm mountians!
No one will die of old age.


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A man and his wife were awakened at 3:00 am by a loud pounding on the door.

!FACE PALM!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚SMH๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Jalex, Jalex, Jalex...

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Post Closed Post Closed


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A man and his wife were awakened at 3:00 am by a loud pounding on the door.

Good one Jebus! The additional irony is, the very same swing set probably belongs to the couple's own kids.

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I am curious if any of you guys who aren't American follow USA politics, and if you like our president?

JN Bucking wrote:
He started out in business and is now president of USA without having spent his whole life in politics trying to get there.

I would call that the very definition of success - I just wish I didn't have to work so damn hard to have accomplished so damn little!

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Sherlock wrote:
It is an unfortunate fact that if people did not die, there would be NO social progress. Imagine if the people who promoted slavery were still alive today, still forcefully arguing that it was within God's plan for some people to be owned by others! Imagine if the prudish Victorians were immortal, and women today could still not let their ankles be seen--much less vote! People become so set in their ways, so convinced that they are right, so sure that they are infallible, that they literally do not change--and have to die off so the next generation can fix what they failed to correct.

I find this reply interesting, Sherlock, because I feel the concept of slavery has been been reformatted and re-purposed to serve the lineage of those same Victorians you speak of - the only difference being the orignal persons have died but not their concepts.

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For experienced investors , can you lock up your capital in the market to prevent loss?

As Sherlock mentioned, the best you can do is 'play the market,' which involves strategy.
Most "players" understand the concept of 'buying low and selling high.'
However, there are reverse analysts who, for some reason, are able to profit from market loss. I never could fully understand this myself, but if you're going to protect an investment (or series of investments) it may do you well to look at profit-from-loss, investments.

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Job Fairs.

I was about to say something but you already took the words right out my mouth.
I went to a job fair as a teenager and got nothing from it. My opinion? It was just a giant census and info gathering program - just like the job bank at the unemployment office.

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