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Why is it people feel the need to criticize and judge?

My brother said to me at dinner last night 'I think it was a mistake for you to pursue your cake topper business. you should focus on one thing'

I didnt really react at the time but the more I thought about it the more I got pissed off. This comes from a guy who designs mobile app games, he's made quite a few games, for work and personal, yet he has never independently release a game, had a business, or even made money without being employed by someone. yet hes telling me he knows more about business than i do.

Honestly it hurt that he said that, and i feel like i want to distance myself from him now, and not confide my business plans with him. so that basically leaves 0 support from anyone in my family for my new business venture, which will be a huge step and i know they would talk me out of doing it.

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Ever watched the movie Frozen? Recite the lyrics to yourself, "Let It Go". The direction you need to follow is your heart.

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last online: 12/14, 0:56
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People are always trying to bring others down @Nix . Not because they have bad intentions, but because they don’t want to take chances themselves and have a hard time seeing others doing so. It could be envy of the courage it takes to start a new venture?

I wouldn’t concern myself with what anyone thinks if I were you. Yeah, it’s frustrating to not get support, but it’s your life and if it fails, you grow and learn, and if you succeed, you reap the benefits.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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No one will hurt you more than those closest to you.
I never met a stranger that could ever make me feel bad (though not entirely true, but it's so rare and hardly with mentioning in the grand scheme of things).
There are many "rags-to-riches" stories of people who have gone into business, having been raised by parents living on the south side of the tracks (so to speak).
Trust me, they're not asking their family members for advice, pointers or tips because it's not the kind of ship they ever sailed.
I would say get the advice and opinions from those who are already in business - but somehow, I don't think this is the nature of your Post.
People have internal shapes and you have to match the peg that fits - family included. If you keep trying to fit the wrong shape of peg into someone that it doesn't fit, you'll only succeed in hurting yourself.
Once you get your business operational, people such as your brother can be a great resource - he makes apps? Well! That's good for you and him because that will be some of the premise whereby the both of you will share better bonds as brother and sister. Put him to work on an app for you.

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(9 hours after post)
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From all you have said about your family, they come across as an extremely unsupportive bunch, so you can't be surprised by this.
Maybe you should confide in them less, what's the point?

That way when you make your MILLIONS, they will have no claim over it.

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To be honest I've always been the one thats different, I always want more, I do it my way. I just tend to get so much resistance that it really wears me down.

I remember a few months ago my dad asked me what car i wanted next (i have an old Peugeot 206) and I said a land rover evoque, he told me to be realistic. I'm now hell bent that that will be my next car. (as long as several dogs will fit inside)

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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I agree with big Al. Your Family is venting their fear out loud instead of just thinking it. Criticism of dreams is just speculation. Not real ground to burn the bridge. Work through it with a smile and venture on. Use the phrase "a guy can dream"
But...do it...don't just think it.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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I have found this to be true about family: it is considered better to never try, and thus never fail, than to try and fail magnificently.

Family discourages people from getting higher education (university is hard and 50% of all freshmen fail), from going into business ventures, from marrying, etc., etc.

Family may want you to succeed, but they want you not to fail even more.

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I try not to reject comments outright as in the past. Even coming from those who have not traversed the path, encountered its limitations, some statements or similarities may provide insight, if not motivation. Besides, tolerating naysaying with tenacity is tantamount to training for a vicissitude filled reality.

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Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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It is an unfortunate fact that if people did not die, there would be NO social progress. Imagine if the people who promoted slavery were still alive today, still forcefully arguing that it was within God's plan for some people to be owned by others! Imagine if the prudish Victorians were immortal, and women today could still not let their ankles be seen--much less vote! People become so set in their ways, so convinced that they are right, so sure that they are infallible, that they literally do not change--and have to die off so the next generation can fix what they failed to correct.

last online: 01/25, 20:20
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Sherlock wrote:
It is an unfortunate fact that if people did not die, there would be NO social progress. Imagine if the people who promoted slavery were still alive today, still forcefully arguing that it was within God's plan for some people to be owned by others! Imagine if the prudish Victorians were immortal, and women today could still not let their ankles be seen--much less vote! People become so set in their ways, so convinced that they are right, so sure that they are infallible, that they literally do not change--and have to die off so the next generation can fix what they failed to correct.

I find this reply interesting, Sherlock, because I feel the concept of slavery has been been reformatted and re-purposed to serve the lineage of those same Victorians you speak of - the only difference being the orignal persons have died but not their concepts.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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You are quite right, Big Al1. Debt is the new slavery!

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Family or friends not wanting you to fail is their fear and sometimes their risk!
Most business failures involve a family members backed loan or support without recourse. Their constructive criticism is disregarded even when valid. Example; not doing the math, really not doing required research or lying!
Ideas only make money when followed through.
Dream and do, not dream and whine. (Maxism:)

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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Max wrote:
Family or friends not wanting you to fail is their fear and sometimes their risk!
Most business failures involve a family members backed loan or support without recourse. Their constructive criticism is disregarded even when valid. Example; not doing the math, really not doing required research or lying!
Ideas only make money when followed through.
Dream and do, not dream and whine. (Maxism:)

All very good points!

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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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I feel like I'm nitpicking but slavery was abolished before the Victorians :)

Failure without recourse is a good point. Their money wont be invested, it will be a loan that im completely responsible for.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
(5 days after post)
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You are right. I think the Empire abolished slavery in 1832.

But Charles Dickens might disagree. BTW, Mrs. Sherlock and I just attended a luncheon honouring the occasion of Dickens' birthday.

We also watched a Netflix special about the Unabomber--who was not, by the way, a wrestler for the WWE!

Can you visualize a meeting between Dickens and the Unabomber?

last online: 07/27, 11:05
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Nix wrote:
I feel like I'm nitpicking but slavery was abolished before the Victorians :)

Failure without recourse is a good point. Their money wont be invested, it will be a loan that im completely responsible for.

Slavery has changed along ownership. I understand your passion and am impressed.
Loans are and never were a good thing. Goes right back to William's "great expectations", "Never a borrower or lender be".
Seek investors other then your family preferred. Example; go fund me page. Google it.

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last online: 11/28, 9:31
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Yes I'm looking at a kickstarter, but im not confident I can raise the 100k needed in such a short time.

Sherlock by olga tereshenko d9qdidc
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